Summary of my idea of an ideal morning PD routine:
16 oz coffee
Nicotine gum
exercise: basketball in garage with music, weight lifting
food: blueberries, broccoli, 1/2 to 1 beer, sardines in olive oil
nutrients: green tea extract, black tea extract, zinc, vitamins: B-complex, A, C, D, fish oil
black tea drink to swallow pills (not fun...hopefully nausea does not occur...keep ginger gum on hand)
pyruvate rest of day to reduce hunger
Niacin if the buzzing in my head is still present
Nicotine gum significantly worsens my balance, as it is known to do, but I believe it's a good thing. Nicotine increases dopamine, but not in the PD part of the brain, the SN, and that's also a good thing. I do not really want more dopamine in the SN to improve my symptoms because I want to train the remaining neurons to do their job (exercise) in the hopes of reducing the progression. Exercise and diet can worsen the generalized tremors if not the twitching tremors, but it's possibly a good thing because it shows a reduction in dopamine which may be a way of exercising the SN neurons. So starting the day without breakfast, some nicotine gum, and then exercising, followed by blueberries, broccoli, 1/2 beer, and a can of sardines is my plan. Food after exercise produces the most muscle mass, which is the same as saying reducing fat if calories the rest of the day are restricted. The sardines have fish oil and can be packed in olive oil (omega 3s). The purines and alcohol from beer, lactic acid from exercise, and purines from sardines all increase uric acid which may cause gout but is strongly associated with lower incidence of PD, presumably because it reduces iron. To clarify, I want to take nicotine gum before exercise under the possibility that it is the impaired balance (not just its iron chelation) from nicotine that might cause smokers to build a better SN which might be the reason they normally do not get PD. All these effects are strongest in men, some of them not seen in women. Green tea extract, grape seed extract, and zinc need to be taken with this food since they each easily cause severe nausea, especially at the 2 or 3 pill levels I take of the extracts (but not zinc). Black tea extract does not cause the nausea. I take coffee before exercise (3 tablespoons in 16 oz) and black tea (2 bags Earl Grey in 16 oz) after exercise with the meal.
I wonder if the reason sleep is a problem is because the brain is suffering from lack of oxygen during the night and symptoms force us to wake up. All symptoms seem worse when waking up, but hyperventilating seems to help a little, not to mention water (or rather, the coffee).