Has anyone tried nicotine gum for PD? I was diagnosed earlier this year, have mild symptoms and have heard that nicotine has neuroprotective properties. I am not on any meds. I have never been a smoker but am aware of the addictive potential of nicotine. My neurologist is against it. I am willing to take the risk to see if it could delay progression. I wonder if the nicotine from gum has a quicker route to the brain than patches.
Nicotine gum for Parkinson's: Has anyone... - Cure Parkinson's
Nicotine gum for Parkinson's

I would use the small trans dermal patch before using the gum . There are several ways to become addicted to nicotine with out smoking . Not a good idea. I have now gotten down to one or two cigerettes a day from the pack a day when I was twelve. In the early 1950's every one smoked in the house, car, airline ,library , theater , restaurant and baby's room. I was addicted before I was six years old .
dont do it. We who have PD will most likely die from pneumonia in the lungs. ( if COVID does not get ya, lungs again)
I appreciate the response. The study from the Michael J Fox foundation did not show the patch as working. Thought about trying the gum. I am willing to take the risk of addiction to see if it will slow progression.
If the patch did not work there is no reason to believe the gum will be better. Consider high-dose thiamine instead:
Dosing instructions and other information at the links. Allow four months for full effect:
A good source of thiamine HCl is here:
There was quite a bit of interest many years ago in the use of nicotine for treating PD, mainly due to the surprising finding that cigarette smokers had much lower rates of PD. This led to speculation that nicotine was protective against PD. It turns out that it was more likely that another chemical in cigarette smoke, lithium, was causing this effect, a connection that is just now being rediscovered.
I read years ago about the smoking/PD connection. Then saw on U-tube that patches helped same as smoking. As a life-long hypochondriac I worried about addiction but tried the patches. The video suggested cutting the patches into strips. I got 5 strips from each patch. I used several strips before quitting,; I never felt any effects from the strips.
Hi lovelab, as noted, the Michael J Fox Foundation study found no association between nicotine and slowing PD, despite many studies showing smokers have a reduced risk.
This chap makes a compelling case that it is the 'lithium' in tobacco that is neuro-protective, rather than the nicotine.
The Promise of Lithium: How an Over-the-Counter Supplement May Prevent and Slow Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease
Video here:
Lovelabretrievers here is my original post regarding nicotine regimen;
And here is an update:
Still using 4mg, but does not have as good of an effect currently, hesitant to go to higher dose right now, hope this helps!
Would you say the nicotine is still benefiting you? I am willing to take the risk of addiction for the possible benefit of slowing progression. Nicotine is thought to be neuroprotective. Studies have shown that. What else do we have besides exercise? I want to try the gum but will start with a low dose.
I know we have medications but they are not neuroprotective.
I smoked for 31 years before quitting in 2010. I still got diagnosed with PD last year. Curious if litium orotate might be a good supplement to take. Also I have heard nicotine being recommended for long covid ... not sure if there might be a correlation there too.
I decided to try the nicotine gum and have been using it for almost 3 months. My doctor prescribed it for me. The dose I am taking is 2mg 4x a day. I was diagnosed about a year ago and my main symptom is weakness of my dominant hand. I have not had any bad effects from the nicotine and want to increase the dose. There has been no change in my symptoms. I am a health care worker and find it difficult to take breaks between patients to chew the gum. I am seeing my doctor this week and am thinking about asking for the patch or the nasal spray. I want to increase the dose to see if progression can be delayed. Has anyone tried these with any success?
Husband has been taking gum for three weeks. A miracle to be honest. It feels like a rescue med. It works right away. Cures brain fog, he's alert but calm, stops tremor. He says he can see better? Sense of humor returned. Executive functioning kicking in. More energy than I have seen in years. It doesn't last long. He is taking two...started with one, so not sure how this will go. Hiccups is only adverse reaction so far. He did get light headed for a few minutes but recovered quickly. Mentioned to neurologist and she acknowledged studies. She said a study was cancelled that was a patch. BS answer. She didn't say stop. Carry on, as usual. Oddly, the best neuros do absolutely nothing. He has tried Concerta, Caffeine pills, Modafinil, Anti Depressants, Agonists. They either didn't work or worsen tremor or make you compulsive. The gum really has my attention...calm and alert? Very promising.
I have been using 8mg a day of nicotine gum for 3 months. Little side effects. I am now going to up the dose until I reach 16mg. I am hoping for neuroprotective effects. Has anyone been on nicotine gum for an extended period of time? If it helps delay progression, I would plan on being on it indefinitely. I am willing to take the risk of addiction
Husband has been taking for 6 weeks (approx.) Still blown away by positive effects. Thinking of switching from gum to patch. "Other ingredients" are my concern. Also interested in long term use. Worth the risk for us....Not sure there are any risks to be honest, other than "added ingredients". Keep in touch...we're in this study together. I guess no one else is interested in immediate relief from tremor, improved cognition, improved executive functioning, mood stability and alertness. This stuff should be considered as an after dinner mint at every nursing home on the planet, just my worthless humble opinion, (be sure to consult with your doctor). Pharmacist said that some brands of patch have a patent on slow, steady, release.
Husband has been taking the gum for several weeks, but he is 12 years into PD and was not able to function at work. I was blown away by effects. Improved cognition, eye sight!, executive functioning, calmed tremor, more alert and able to work. He started talking faster and louder and planning for the future. It was like he was 12 years younger. Ran it by neuro who didn't have much to say but mentioned a study that was discontinued with patches...? She didn't say stop taking but explained that there is science to support positive effects. Currently concerned about oral health and addiction. Currently using as a rescue medication to make a living along with Lev/Carb.