Hi all! I’ve had Crohns for 5 years now, and it’s been under control for the last 2 years, with Azathioprine and Adalimumab. About 12 weeks ago I started getting a flair up, with my calprotectin at 300+. I’m awaiting a colonoscopy in the next week or two but have noticed a new symptom. Whenever I have a bowel movement (which involves the usual mucus and blood), I struggle to pass any urine at all for an hour + following. Just feels like my bottom end is swollen, and kind of feels like I have a rugby ball up there and the pressure stops me being able to urinate. I was just wondering if anyone else has had this experience with a Crohns flair? It is new symptom for me and quite uncomfortable. I’m gong to call the IBD nurse on Monday morning and will update when I know more. Thanks for any info you can give 🙂
Bladder problems with Crohns - Crohn's and Colit...
Bladder problems with Crohns

Hi, I have UC and it's a while since I had a flare, but do remember when my rectal area was badly inflamed that passing urine was uncomfortable. I used to go frequently, passing small amounts. Perhaps there's something similar going on for you but actually stopping the flow. Hope you can speak to someone today. Good luck!
I have got proctitus. I find that after a bowel movement and running the tap to wash my hands, I can then pass more urine.
When your intestines or bowel is inflamed or full, or aggravated, your bladder and urinary tract get squished/squashed or otherwise compromised. There is a limited amount of room in that area for urine or BM to move, and, therefore, if one is taking extra room the other can't work properly. I hope you get well soon, take care and stay safe.
I have UC, Slow Bowel Transit and Cystitis. It seems Urinary problems always go hand in hand with bowel problems. I get UTI’s a lot. The Slow Bowel Transit has been a big issue with UTI’s.
I have ulcerative colitis since 2002and I have been on Azathioprine and pentasa oral and rectally as a suppository. The combination has work well so far. I am not cured by any means . I do have problem with urination , it a definite must every 3 -4 hours day or night. I do experience that a full bladder irritate my bowel and vice versa. I was due for a colonoscopy since first lock down. My reply may not be what you are expecting. I find avoiding any food with wheat flour, any food or drink containing preservative of any shape or form. So beer , rum and wine are out. If I do have a drink I suffer for it and it sets me back. Days or weeks.
Hi ya, I’ve been diagnosed with Crohn’s for 22years I’ve been in a flare up for 7 years solid…I get the bulge after going to the toilet that could possibly be a prolapse of the bowel just get it checked out, I also struggle to pee aswell I have also now been diagnosed with vaginal Crohn’s disease aswell…xx