Hi everyone! I’ve just joined this group and I’m in tears writing this!
For years I have been in pain, abdominal pain. I’ve been under gynae for all this time and they could never find anything majorly wrong apart from cysts and a burst cyst years ago.
My mum has crohns and I kind of disregarded it as I don’t have loose stools like runny or blood that often. I have had fresh blood through my poo but not very often so I didn’t think it could be crohns. I had a colonoscopy about 10 years ago and it was fine, another reason why I thought it can’t be that.
Anyway, I’ve since been doing some research and literally every other symptoms matches up! Even read it can cause pain during sex which I get, if can be worse during your period which is always the case!!! Hence why everyone thought it as gyne related.
As much as I don’t want to have anything wrong with me, to have answers to this ongoing struggle would be such a relief! I feel like everyone doesn’t believe in my pain anymore!!!
Anyway, does anyone have any advice on what to do now that I think it could be crohns?
Many thanks and sorry for the long post!!