Hi there, can anyone recommend a probiotic that works please, my tummy has been playing me up for a couple of months now, bloating, painful trapped wind, dizziness, palpitations, nausea and diarrhoea. I've had ulcerative colitis for many years and ibs for almost as long. I thought I may try a probiotic but there are so many out there to choose from, any information would be greatly received, thanks
Probiotic: Hi there, can anyone... - Crohn's and Colit...

Hi, I take these
I have UC, I take a whole load of supplements alongside these, so can't say exactly what works the best, but everyone's gut flora is different.
I drink honey, lemon and ginger every day
I am on no medication and have no symptoms.
Happy to help if you want any more info
One tablespoon kefir every morning. And cold pure strawberry smoothie. At night , half cup of cranberry juice. These can all be bought in stores
Is it kefir yogurt? Or drink?
Kefir yoghurt. And kefir drink have the same effect. There are some supermarkets that sells probiotic drinks which says the word itself, probiotic. Drink it every morning and eat less ripe banana with it. You’ll have the worst diarrhea for about 2 days then it will heal after. Just try. Because it worked for me.
I would recommend Multibionta, it is a complete vitamin and mineral supplement with a good probiotic. Hope you find something that suits you.