I've read a lot online about people who've kicked this Chron's issue naturally. My daughter has been trying but we think there are also some other outlying issues that the docs haven't found. It's tough. It's tough on us, and it's truly tough for her. A teenager with this is not a good thing. The pain in her stomach becomes unbearable. She doesn't want to eat, she is losing sleep due to pain and running to the bathroom...it's non-stop.
She was placed on Amitriptyline today (10mg) dose. She'll start taking it tonight. I hope it helps the pain. In the meantime I'd like feedback from those who have nipped this issue once in for all...the natural way if possible. If you required meds to help you back to normalcy, what are they? Anything you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
I'd love to see my daughter acting like a normal kid again instead of running off in pain to the bathroom for the 5th time in the past couple of hours.