Hi everyone,
I visited my Gp today at the request of my family because of my declining health. My family took notice of my weight loss as well as my poor eating habits.
The reason I'm writing this is because my Gp gave me a rectal examination and I don't know why I reacted this way, so I'm hoping someone can shed some light as to why this may have happened. The doctor asked to examin my abdominal area (I forewarned her I was having reflux) and she noticed my abdominal area was guarded. She then asked if she could examine by backpassage because I had told her that mucus and blood was becoming more prominent when opening my bowels, as she did the procedure it felt like the wind was taken from me.. then this immense pain accompanied that made me cry. I did not clench my sphincter in any way, so I'm really confused as to why this may have happened. I did try to do some research but nothing really came up as to why this may have happened.. the examination has made me really poorly and sore.
I'm 27 I suffer with gastritis, esophagitis, GERD and ongoing investigation for IBD