although I suffer with this and all the symptoms I am not sure I am suppose to be on this support group . this is just for crohns and ulcerative colitis?
microscopic Lymphocytic: although I... - Crohn's and Colit...
microscopic Lymphocytic

No I think it's for all colitis. I suffer microscopic colengenous which is siimilar to what you suffer. Only can be seen under the microscope but with same symptoms .
thank you , its is not fun , are you able to hold a job? what meds do you take?
No never worked because of lupus , kidney transplant & many more things. Been awful with this just no bowel control basically incontinent. I've tried all the meds & nothing stopped it & gave me bad side effects. Tried budenofaulk but it's a steroid & already on prednisone so my heart decided to play up with all the meds they were throwing at me. How have u been & what do you take for it ? X
I am so sorry to here this, I have been on many things that don't work or work for awhile then don't, or they make me sicker. I am no were as sever as you , but it does affect my life, my job, ect... going to see a new gastro on Monday , hoping her can help. thank you for your reply , and I will pray for your health.
Hi there,
I too have microscopic colitis. It is an umbrella term for two types Collangenous and Lymphocytic. They think they are perhaps different stages for the same condition. Mine is lymphocytic. They can only be detected through a biopsy. It is likely that mine was caused by the anti-depressant sertraline. I have had it severely for about 3 years. However the only thing that helps is Budesonide (steroid) targeted for the bowel. It is a horrible condition and certainly limits your lifestyle. I hope you get some help with this once you see the Gastro enterologist. I also have Fibro and angina.
I started out on 9mg and reduced now to 3mg daily. It has taken a long time to get to this and, I also take codeine as a pain killer for the fibro, which helps to block me up a bit and 1-2 anti daiorrhea tablets daily. This seems to work best for me at the moment. Okay I still go to the loo about 3 times in the morning but thereafter it usually settles down. I also have to be careful with some foods as for me something like fish and chips will set me off again badly. I'm much better if I cook my own food and steer clear of bought microwave dinners etc. The thing is it's an inflammatory condition and the steroids are the only thing that can reduce the inflammation. I also have to take Omeprazole alongside the steroid as it protects the stomach. I have been on active monitoring with the gastroenterologist whereby I saw them every 3 months whilst on steroids but now I don't go bacl til next year. I also worked out, when it was really bad that I was getting dehydrated, I was getting severe muscle cramps in my legs. So most mornings after going to the loo a few times I have a rehydration sachet in water. This does help and sometimes I have one at night too. This really helped to keep me hydrated and feel better.
Take care
You can get rehydration sachets in supermarkets and chemists. You only need to buy their own brands. A box of six sachets costs between 3 and 4 pounds. You dissolve the sachet in 200ml of boiled cooled water. But read the label as some might be different amounts of water. They have different flavour's, not great to taste but not terrible either and they help to restore the lost electrolytes that happen with diarrhea. They actually can help reduce the times you go too. They are worth taking regularly and are safe to take. Doctor's usually tell people to take them when you go on holiday as they are the best thing if you get a stomach bug with diarrhea. They advise you to take it after each time you go to the loo. But I usually find it helpful to take morning and night.
Ok great. Hope they help you!