Beautiful day for a 13K run...: Lovely day out... - Couch to 5K

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Beautiful day for a 13K run...

26 Replies

Lovely day out, a tad cold, but the sunshine was a welcome addition to this run.

Ran a new route, still next to the sea, but further north and a part I have never been to before, it was great to look across the sea to the wind farms out at sea and the snow top hills at Barrow-in-Furnish - I assume from the map, but can't be definitely, anyway it was lovely view.

I'm recording the following in hope that I will stick to the changes in my training plan!

I've had a bit of a niggle this week in my Hip Flexor (it's amazing what you learn about you body with this running malarky) I think this niggle has been brought on in my Tempo run where I was trying to get a PB and I feel like I pushed it too much. I felt the niggle before going out and then it started again at 6 or 7K mark, which triggered achey calves, knees and shoulders, nothing serious, will disappear today.

So a change to the training plan (I think) for the next month, I'm going to try and increase the distance of my short runs in the week, rather than increasing my weekend long easy run. In effect increase weekly mileage, but not the distance i can run in one go. Also I think for the next couple of weeks I'm going to keep my pace light and easy and help run out this niggle, before reintroducing tempo and pyramid runs.

Looking forward to a 5K run on Sunday for the start of 5 x 50 challenge and also a few bicycle rides that will invariably be added to the mix to get my 5Ks in on none running days.

Enjoy your Easter runs :D

Garmin stats for those interested.

I can definitely see where my pace increased at the end when i was listening to my music rather than audiofuel.

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26 Replies
greenlegs profile image

Love the images I got of your running views. Hope the change of plan works well. I still haven't really managed to go out and do a properly slow run, for all that I blog about it. :) But I will, soon!

in reply to greenlegs

I really recommend a long easy pace run, they are something special, just you an the open road :-)

gdeann profile image

13k???? I am impressed Phil!!! Your description of the run sounds beautiful! I hope you get all the niggles worked out and non of it becomes serious. Have a great

run on Easter to kick-off 5x50. After 13K, 5K will be easy peasy! :-) Gayle

in reply to gdeann

It really was one of them beautiful days we get every now and again in the UK, I'm hoping for many more this spring and hoping that today's wasn't summer :-(

Landesman profile image

Fantastic - though your pace chart suggests that you might have jumped off the cliff at 53 minutes!

in reply to Landesman

I was tying my shoelace so came to a stop :-) but can see what you mean.

swanscot profile image

Great post. It's a lovely day up here and I've just returned from a great long, slow run, but my slow is about 1:00 min/km slower than yours!

Looking across Morcambe Bay from Blackpool, you're probably seeing the lower Cumbrian hills, like Old Man of Coniston and the fells above Broughton. The land around Barrow in Furness and Ulverston is not particularly hilly.

BTW Do you know there is a Half Marathon run across Morcambe Bay in June? Having spent my first few years near Ulverston I've wanted to do the walk across the bay, but when I heard of the run, I quite fancy that now. Maybe next year...?

in reply to swanscot

Hi, your right it will be them hills.

I have heard about the HM across the bay, but thought it might be better that my first HM be a road one, as the bay maybe a bit more difficult (save that for next time :-) ) so current plan is the Fleetwood HM in August I think.

DeliaItaly profile image

Awesome Phil, aboslutely awesome :-)

in reply to DeliaItaly

Cheers Delia, I sometimes reflect on the last 25 years and think what has happened to me :-) definitely COUCH to ...

SBG356 profile image

Brilliant Phil! It's lovely to try out a new route and yours sounds awesome :) I hope the change of tactic will help your hip......

Not long now for the challenge :O


in reply to SBG356

It's gonna be busy on these here boards, I'm thinking I might post once a week, like a round up, but I'm sure I'll need to post on Sunday morning after my run as it's the first day.

Have a great first run of 5x50

SBG356 profile image

Yeah I was thinking about all the posts too; just hope those not in the team don't get fed up with us all!

I'm all set for Sunday's run! :)

greenlegs profile image
greenlegsGraduate in reply to SBG356

Maybe like last yr, try to keep them all in one blog? It would need to be in the main section, not c25k+ though.

swanscot profile image
swanscotGraduate in reply to SBG356

Last year we had an unwritten rule, where the first person to complete their day's 5K started a blog with the heading 5x50 Day xx and everyone else added their effort in the reply.

I think it's also helpful to give a link to the 5x50 website in each blog too (or every few days), so newcomers can see what we're talking about without having to ask.

in reply to swanscot

That sounds like fantastic way of blogging daily as we shouldn't annoy everyone else and also the Garmin connect team thingy will also show our efforts, as will the 5x50 website. Sorted, see you all Sunday :-) excited?

SBG356 profile image

I was going to suggest swanscots idea too but didn't want to be setting rules :) Great minds........

DeliaItaly profile image

can I jpin too please? I can do long walks plus zumba or someting on the days I don't run. Would that be OK? I'm not as far ahead as you lot so don't worry if you don't want a lagger! Where do I join and when exactly should I begin? Today? Tomorrow?

SBG356 profile image
SBG356Graduate in reply to DeliaItaly

Please join us Delia, we would love to have you on the team and it really wouldnt be the same without you! My non-running days will mostly be walking or exercise DVD for 30 mins + (I dont have a bike and not really into swimming) so that is absolutely fine. It starts tomorrow!


DeliaItaly profile image
DeliaItalyGraduate in reply to SBG356

Super! I'll walk and do stretch and flex on non-running days! And do excuse my spelling - blogging and spelling just don't go together do they hahaha

SBG356 profile image
SBG356Graduate in reply to DeliaItaly

Fantastic! Team member #51!!

Delia sure you can, wouldn't be the same without you (I'd assumed you'd joined) Sue wrote a blog recently about it with all the info, here's the link

DeliaItaly profile image
DeliaItalyGraduate in reply to

I'm with you guys and will start tomorrow with a slow long run!

swanscot profile image
swanscotGraduate in reply to DeliaItaly

Brilliant! Great to see you in the team. As Phil says, it's wouldn't be the same without you!

janda profile image

Great post Phil. Sorry haven't been posting recently though I have been running. Impressed with the distance, the stats and the map view. Will catch up later when I do post an update to my current outings. Just got Garmin and am hugely impressed. Good luck. James

in reply to janda

Cheers James, enjoy your Garmin, I love mine :-)

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