August 2012 I could not run from one lamp post to the next without being out of breath and thinking what am I doing? Today Sunday 10th March 2013 I have run 6 miles in under an hour. Am I boasting? Of course I am because I did not think I could do it, everybody told me I could not do it, enjoy life they said. I was a 16st slob who said execs and beyond, Eat, drink and to people who exercised they are wankers.
When I was told by my GP I might not get to my retirement I thought some changes were needed.
Oh Laura, she saved me. It was a bloody hard slog and I started in 2011 doing the C25K I would do the first week and then go back to old ways, munch, much.
Then in 2012 I got it and ever since I can’t stop the running. Today I am 13st, flat tummy and I have enrolled on a Fitness Instructor Course, to help people like I was.
I am not the fastest in the local Park Run in fact I was 207, (27mins), out of 270, but two years ago I would not have been able to run the first hundred yards.
So where ever you are in theC25K program keep it up. It is not easy but when was anything worth having easy. Start thinking what it will be like when you reach week 9
and if you are near week nine what’s it going to take to run 45mins?
Good luck to you all and good running