Where in programme to restart when had a 12 we... - Couch to 5K

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Where in programme to restart when had a 12 weeks break from any running(after doing whole programme)

motheroffour profile image
10 Replies

Having achieved my goal last year following the programme, I have to confess I relapsed into idleness over the winter and haven't run now for nearly 12 weeks. Any advice on where in the programme to restart as my problem in the past has been the psychological mountain to climb in building up my confidence when my fitness has tailed off? I thought Week 5??

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motheroffour profile image
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10 Replies
katywoo profile image

I'd say week 6 as you do intervals for run one, then 2 x 10 min with a 3 min walk for run 2 then 25 mins run three, then if that's ok yoy might be able to just go to 30?

Good luck

Oldgirl profile image

I had a 3 month break but it was due to sciatica. When I did get back I decided to start at the beginning. I'm not suggesting you do as your not recovery from any injury are you? Why not try 1 run of week 4 then if OK move onto week 5 and work from there. If however you have been exercising in the past 12 weeks at high impact level the chances are you won't have lost any or much of your fitness and could probably go for broke as they say and do week 6 as katy suggested. Listen to your body though and take things steady to start with. Good luck and welcome back.

Mitts profile image

I had a 9 week break recently due to dodgy knees. I started back on a treadmill, doing 4 intervals of two minutes each and the rest of the 30 mins walking. Went on to four intervals of three minutes and am now doing three intervals of four minutes a couple of times and then I plan to rejoin the programme's timing at week 5. I'm doing it like this so that I can use my own music and it's easier to time if you don't use half minutes.

Whatever you do, take it nice and slow. Happy running :-)

Legion profile image

Like Mitts, I had an extended break which started with a knee injury and continued into shortening days and horrid weather. I only ran a handful of times in the last three months, but restarted properly again last week. I decided to see how I got on with W5,R2 (on the treadmill) and found that it was about the right place for me, although I do plan to do intervals for a while yet rather than start on the longer runs. This morning (my third run so far) I did 12 minutes continuous outdoors, as the dry, early morning light drew me out. :)

You could try just going for a run and seeing how far you feel you can manage comfortably, maybe taking a walking break for 3-5 mins and then doing a second run. Or pick a week and give it a go, and adjust your next run accordingly. Really, the only important thing is getting out there and running, even if you feel you've had enough after 5 minutes! Getting yourself back into the routine of running regularly is the most important first step. You certainly aren't alone in lapsing and restarting. ;) You'll probably surprise yourself with how well you do, when you think back to tackling week 1 the first time around. :)

Burstcouch profile image

I would start about week 4 or 5.

Foges profile image

Was the same myself - I started at wk5r1 and now i'm back on track completing wk7r2 at the weekend. Just make sure you are comfortable and actually get that feel good feeling when you here Laura saying that's it you've done it!!!

motheroffour profile image
motheroffourGraduate in reply to Foges

Have managed Wk5 runs 1 and 2 and psyching myself up for run3 in a couple of days. Found the run 1 harder so hopefully it's a confidence thing.....that and my aching legs! Thanks for the advice,feels good being back in the club!

debbzi profile image

I had about three months off. First knee problem then a chest infection. I went back to Week 1 and am now on Week 8. If I had to do it again, though, I would probably start in Week 3. Second time around, weeks one and two were probably a bit too easy.

KateMac profile image

I stopped for about 2 1/2 months (injury, too busy, lost motivation etc). I tried W6 R1 thinking the intervals would be good to judge how I was getting on. it was fine while I was running but quite soon afterwards my legs started aching and carried on aching for 2 days! After that I went back to week 3 and have really enjoyed doing the early runs again. I probably could have done w4 or 5 but starting near the beginning also helped reassure me that my ankle was up to it and I think it's also helped my motivation. If you find an early week too easy you could always move on after one run rather than doing all 3. It initially feels odd & a bit frustrating to go back but the weeks fly by, I've got 1 run of week 7 left and am feeling pretty confident about regraduating by early Feb (then I'll be back to working on speeding up a bit but one thing at a time!). Good luck with whatever you decide to do, starting again, at whatever level, is what counts.

Foges profile image

Hi there, I was in the same boat and have the same manic household with 4 kids under 7. So i started at week 5 and then wk5r3 made me a bit nervous but couldn't believe i got the pace back. Go and make sure to enjoy 'cos it is our free time and we deserve it so don't be worrying nad break free lol :)

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