So, you know when you look at yourself and realise that you have never lost weight, it causes a bit of a panic. Last year I started committing to my new year’s resolutions with 2012 focusing on sorting myself financially which I successfully achieved (woop!). This year (2013) it is all about my health. What is the point of having anything if you are not alive to enjoy it?!
I guess I am starting to realise that people must be serious about their health and this is way of showing the world I want to be committed. This blog (and hopefully the banter / dialogue I have with other members on here) should help.
A little about me, I'm 26 living in Bristol, want to go to gym 3 days a week (starting off with the Couch to 5K program and doing weights) and then seeing where it takes me. Might enlist the help of a personal trainer but need to start this myself first.
Work around the UK in a fairly stressful job but I can't let this hold me back. I have used this as excuses in the past which is unacceptable. I also work from home when I am not working away so I really have no excuse.
If anyone has any tips for me or any messages of motivation, it seriously would be greatly appreciated. Feel like a bit of an idiot writing all this, but as they say, a journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step.
This is mine.