I'm at Wk3R6 so 25 mins running and my calves are really starting to get tight. I'm surprised I've not had problems before this week, even with the 20 mins run in W5 (but that was on a treadmill and the runs now are on hilly terrain). I stretch well when I get in for 10mins or so and then have a nice warm shower or bath. I feel like I'm going to have to have two days off when I normally only have one. Any ideas to help the problem?
Help for tight calves?: I'm at Wk3R6 so 25 mins... - Couch to 5K
Help for tight calves?

I have some calf compression socks which helped me. I also find my calves get tight on hilly terrain, but as I live on a hill there's not much I can do about that!
Thanks Nix1970, maybe as you say it's just something that just comes with the hills. I have airline socks that are quite compressing - maybe I should try those. Do you use them when you run or afterwards?
I'm happy to say that they're feeling a bit better than I thought they would be earlier - I could hardly go up and down stairs!
The compression socks I have aren't normal socks. They're like skins for your calves, like arm warmers for your legs! I also found getting some decent running shoes really helped.
I'm sure others he will have some good advice to help you.

I would suggest good 10-15 mins stretching after the run and you will notice the difference.

Ah, mine were exactly the same after the 20 minute run in week 5 but on completing week 6 they are better, it was almost as if they went into shock and wouldn't relax! I do notice that the muscles in my legs are much harder than they were a couple of weeks ago.
I have the same problem Im on week 7 and my legs have felt tight and weirdly, really heavy for the last few weeks-also I sit down at work all day and on the bus home and it feels like my feet and ankles are all tingly and uncomfortable-my feet recently have kept swelling up-I asked the doctor about it and he just said its from sitting all day-but its only a recent development. The swelling started happening before the running-but this tingling sensation is a new thing since starting the running. I assume its something to do with circulation but surely running should help that..all very strange.