So thanks to all this impromptu heat I've found it difficult to keep up with my runs this week. I attempted to go out on Thursday at about 10 in the morning but only managed 2.5k before I had to back down and admit defeat, I got dizzy and really felt like I was about to faint, so I thought it best to call it a day. So on Saturday I set my alarm for 5 in the morning (I get up that time to get into work on a weekday anyway so it wasn't too evil) and managed to complete my 3rd 30 minute run. I wont pretend it was remotely easy, about half way through the sun started belting down on me, but thankfully I was already in my stride so just trudged on. By the end of it I was about ready to die, but I was SO pleased that I managed to get through it and now I can call myself a graduate!
Sadly I spent the rest of the day trying to dig up bushes from my garden and now have the tightest hamstrings known to man, so a run today is out of the question (I can barely walk!) but hopefully I'll be back on the streets running in a couple of days time working on post graduation success!