Welcome to the Corner. Welcome to February. WHAT!
The white rabbits are curled up cosily in their burrows.
The fire is flickering gently, the cushions are warm and the coffee, the teas and the tasty treats are waiting. Grab your cushion and sit a while !
So.... what have I had rumbling around in my head, over these last few incredibly busy weeks.
My running, has taken a bit of a battering... and I have been struggling a tad at times, especially in my head... and as a result, my thoughts have settle on this.
I would normally post something like this in January... but, since January has whizzed off, in an absolute blur, here I go.
This is all about embracing a new mind set... for our running!
It is, very much, what I am going to be trying to do, from tomorrow onwards.
I am going to be trying hard to focus much less, on the details of the run and more on the whole picture. How to recognise my feelings about the run, how to listen to my body and to hear it.
How to find the positives in my run... the way, some bits feel easier, the parts when I run without thinking, when the legs just take me, and the way I pick myself up, after I have struggled a little.
This will mean a lot of chatting to myself, thinking, without over-thinking and using my three. As. until they are almost worn out! Acknowledge, Accept and Adapt.
There will be many ways of embracing a new mind set, and many reasons for doing just that, and they will be our own, individual ways.
It may be through planning a new route, new location or different running time. It may be by embracing a new challenge into your run, a personal one... running up that incline... running in a more relaxed way...or even running with a smile on your face
Many of us, but not all, when we start to run, know instinctively that this is just the beginning... we will be runners for as long as we are able...we also know that some days will be a struggle, but there will be many others that are absolutely wonderful.
That mindset is a positive one that we should all try to embrace.
So.... Your turn now... what is YOUR mindset... is it one that is always there, is it one that changes? Do you even recognise your mind set.... is it positive... or is it negative.
Did you begin C25K in one mind set... and suddenly discover, as you made progress that it was changing?
I and some others I hope, are eager to hear from you.
Please. Come and sit a while and share.
Oldfloss x