CATCH up CORNER... last days of October.......... - Couch to 5K

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CATCH up CORNER... last days of October....... To Everything there is a Season...

Oldfloss profile image
54 Replies

Sometimes, we find the words we are looking for in the strangest places; this phrase was actually in my head, after reading a post from our good friend over in Fun Beyond...  Beachcomber66

My Nan had so many sayings that she shared with me, through my entire childhood and beyond... and they remain with me to this day.

This phrase sums up the CUC chat today..

The last couple of days of October, and the season of Autumn, well established, in some areas, anyway, is moving on and creeping towards the door, where all too soon, Winter will be waiting. With this comes a change for we runners... and that change is a very basic but very important one...

It is getting colder... and wetter... what on earth shall I wear? Just idle thoughts!

It is a tricky one especially right now, where one day, we are in unseasonably warm conditions,( ask  MissUnderstanding ), and the next day, cold and wet!

But as the weather does settle in.. we need to think a bit about our gear!

Okay... in an ideal world .what basics do we need?

First off... it does not have to be the named, top of the range stuff... BUT it does have to serve the purpose and there are so, so many retailers out there, offering great gear for reasonable prices... okay, so, I 'm the Sale Queen but, the gear is out there, just seek it out!


Trail runners, Road runners, wet or dry running, Muddy puddles, slippery surfaces, pavements or grass !

The surfaces we run on, can dictate our need, There are waterproof ones and there are high-viz ones too.. ( I have little lights that fit on my shoes).

Breathable fabric can be a great idea, with airflow vents and may help with blister risk and soggy feet!

Main point here... they have to FIT...Properly! Gait analysis could eb the way to go for you!


Many of us forget the importance of the correct socks...the correct sock, a technical sock will go a long way to keep our feet cool; sweat-wicking fabrics, great ventilation flat, no rubbing, seams and a fit that is right for you. Loads of brands out there and we all have our favourite ones..

Trainer socks or full ankle... I chose full ankle mainly, as I get cold ankles in colder weather and I get bitten by things in summer!

NOW !!!!



Base layers:

It is suggested that they should be, seamless, no buttons, or zips and a snug fit, close to our body.

Mid layer

Again, it is suggested that they be, lightweight, breathable and moisture-wicking, fabrics which help to prevent, overheating, over -sweating. They could be a lightweight fleece jacket, insulated vest, or even a lightweight thermal tops.


This one is contentious, because some of our forum friends are really not jacket wearers!

I do have them, for inclement weather. I always think if I fall or get injured, I do want a top layer, that I can slip on to stay warm and dry,

So... aim for, a jacket to keep the rain and wind out, look for waterproof and windproof running jackets. Sweat-wicking and breathable, ( ventilation ), and taped seams... Reflectivity too... worth thinking about for the darker mornings and nights



No chafing please...cotton, sweat-wicking and breathable.


Lightweight and of course warm; thermal are always an option when it gets really cold! And yes, I know Some folk wear shorts all year around ! :)

Hats, gloves etc... all personal choices...I wear a cap and in colder weather, a thermal beanie or a cap with warm ear flaps!

So over the next day or two.. maybe you will pop in and tell us if you've started thinking about warmer gear., or not. Favourite items...and essential items ?

Next month, I shall be around, but the Corner is going to be opened by nine other than our own  Annieapple please call in and say hello... I know she has some great recipes!

Looking forward to see anyone, who has time to call in to share their thoughts... and , I will be back to stoke the fire up in December!

Happy running everyone !

Oldfloss x

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Oldfloss profile image
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54 Replies
Wavy-chick28 profile image

Aah yes Oldfloss the changing of the seasons oh what do we put on! Start off chilly then warm up is my plan at the moment and been doing some Road running due to muddy fields, but after a weekend with the little one staying and basically just staying in puddles I’m getting the trail shoes back out as it’s only mud ! Squelch

Child playing in mud
Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toWavy-chick28

Hello and welcome! It is a real dilemma ! I am the same... chilly start then peeling off!

The muddy fields can be great , as that small one shows...but running in them... either soggy squelch, as you say or, when they are baked hard dry, guaranteed to try to upend you!

It is, as you say...only mud.... I hosed my trail shoes off the other morning, then forgot and left them in the rain... very clean now!!!

What a great weekend, small person and puddles... does not get much better!

Thanks you, for popping in today!

Annieapple profile image

🍏 Morning Oldfloss it’s feeling really nippy out this morning but at least we are not in the minus temps like my Canadian family. It’s good to be reminded about running gear & the different layers. My favourite is a soft woollen slouch hat knitted by a friend in my favourite cerise/purple which I wear over a traditional running hat when it’s really cold & frosty. It’s a rite of passage to bring it out after the clock change!

As for favourite sayings “Get on with it please!” chirped my mother whenever we procrastinated …. I find myself saying that when I faff around in the morning trying to get out the door for a run ( or my walk) 🤣

Loving your beautiful Autumnal photos… yes there is a time for every purpose under heaven… Make time for your runs people! 🏃‍♀️

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toAnnieapple

Hello and welcome... Oh that is lovely.. the hat ritual sounds perfect... I love the seasonal putting away and bringing out... When I take my summer curtains down and out up my autumn/winter ones, I love it!

It sounds a lovely snug hat too... Our mums... and their phrases live right for the moment and so lovely to have them still with us x

The trees are truly wonderful... all of a sudden here too... they simply glow against the greyer skies too !

Beautiful time for beautiful runs x

Dexy5 profile image

Hello Oldfloss , shorts and vests now extracted from my running drawer, and warmer layers brought in. I don’t need my running gloves yet but they are ready and waiting. The buff is used throughout the year; in summer it’s on my wrist to mop my face and in winter around my neck to keep me warm.

I hope all goes well for you and Mr OF this month. 😘

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toDexy5

Oh yes... welcome and how right you are... shorts away and the warmer gear... today, I have to say... I did not need the warmer gear but I did need wetness protection, drizzle and damp!

I did have my fingerless gloves on ! Yours are waiting for you... my arthritic thumb dislikes damp!

I only wear my buff in cold weather but I can see how it would be useful all the time... hmmm !

Thank you so much for calling in and sharing with us x Hope you have recovered from the BIRD attack ! x

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate in reply toOldfloss

I have indeed, but I was rather concerned to read that crows remember faces, and often go for the same same person again and again. 😱🦅. I will keep you posted on that one. 😂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toDexy5

Is that true.??? Oh my! I have to say, on my run yesterday morning, as I crossed a huge grassy sward, there was a whole load of crows on the grass...!

Instantly... a MURDER of crows , crossed my mind and I did, think of you and your crow attack! I did at that point, wave my cap around a bit and my arms... they took off !

Phew !!!

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate in reply toOldfloss

Whoops, I hope I haven’t put everyone off crows, I am sure they are quite lovely in the countryside. Something must have triggered that reaction, but I can’t think what, apart from movement of hair or colours I was wearing.

Beachcomber66 profile image

A really beautiful post Floss.

A confession! I use the same shoes all year round, not because it is a sensible thing to do, but out of fear than anything else will bring back my Achilles’ problem. That issue disappeared about three years ago when I switched to my current brand. They are stability road shoes, just one step up from neutral, and they have a 12 mm heel drop. My old, and probably slightly inflexible, Achilles tendons love that heel drop…so I never run my trails in anything else regardless of season or terrain (but I don’t run at all on ice). Probably a bit crazy; I do get wet feet on soggy days with inescapable puddles, but these shoes have certainly cut down my IC time. Like I said, just a tad crazy 🙂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toBeachcomber66

Crazy is great in my book! I think you do right to wear what works and what keeps you injury free too. Trail running sounds great and like you.. I never ice run !

Soggy feet are the price we pay... but so worth it,,, Yesletsgo 's socks sound as if they keep out some of the sogginess?

Thank you for popping in and sharing! x

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66Graduate in reply toOldfloss

This is where we started 🙂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toBeachcomber66

It is indeed... :) Your post got me really thinking... and I hope to use some of the thoughts on Quest on Bridge on Friday... so thanks you,,, you got me motivated ! I had a lovely run this morning mulling over lots of bits of your post:)

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66Graduate in reply toOldfloss

I will look out for your post. I will probably learn something 🙂

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate in reply toBeachcomber66

UpTheStanley had Achilles problems too BC. When he bought trail shoes at our local independent, he also tried different insoles and he has had no problems at all with them. The insoles he bought were designed for people who suffer from PF, which he doesn’t, but they do work a treat.

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66Graduate in reply toDexy5

Thanks Dexy5; really helpful, as always. I am now looking for a new running watch too!

I think that a Forerunner 55 is a near fit. The rest of the range seems to have touch screen controls, which I just don’t like. Showing my age probably, but there you are 🙂

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate in reply toBeachcomber66

I’m with you on not wanting touch controls on a run watch. Thankfully my 35 is still going strong, but UTS had to replace his and got the 55. He really likes it but he finds the display isn’t quite as clear as his old one. (I might delve into the settings when he’s not wearing it). I got a brilliant discount using the GSR Garmin discount code. Worth checking out.

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66Graduate in reply toDexy5

Thanks again🙂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toBeachcomber66

I've got the 45..

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66Graduate in reply toOldfloss

Thanks Floss. I had already pressed the button and ordered a 55. Truth…if I could have bought another 35 I would have done! I like stupid simple when it comes to tec!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toBeachcomber66

I got my 45 after TailChaser said he had one and it seemed right for my needs..there are still things I keep finding on it! X

UpTheStanley profile image
UpTheStanley in reply toBeachcomber66

Basically I asked my running shop for insoles for the (neutral) trails which provided the same pronation support as the road shoes the shop had previously decided my gait analysis required.

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66Graduate in reply toUpTheStanley

Thank you UTS, that makes perfect sense. I would need the pronation support plus the 12 mm heel drop to replicate what I get from my Adrenalines; I have high arches. Maybe a chat with my physio on my next visit.

Yesletsgo profile image

You know it'll soon be Christmas when you pack your running shorts into the cupboard! As my dear departed Mum used to say 'Winter draw(er)s on'.

As to drawers, winter or otherwise, I have to say I'm not a fan of cotton while I run. It absorbs the sweat and gets cold and clammy, while a good technical fabric wicks it away. Much nicer.

I'm glad you mentioned socks too. Until I got a huge blister from wearing a pair of cheapo pair I didn't think they could make such a difference. Paying £13 for a pair of socks seemed so extravagant but I'm wearing them 3 years on and they still work beautifully (Balega Hidden Comfort). Also, a decent pair of socks will absorb the cold water when you run through a puddle and your feet will quickly be warm and toasty not damp and chilly.

Make sure Annieapple knows where the logpile is so we can be cosy while she's in charge :)

Annieapple profile image
AnnieappleGraduate in reply toYesletsgo


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toYesletsgo

My Nan said that too, I used to think it was a bit rude until I realized it was spelled differently! I am not sure what my runder-wear is made of ? I need to look now... I know it is really comfy and I don't sweat in it!

Yes... socks, the forgotten friends... yours sound beautiful! If they do the job and last, it is worth the money... I have ancient gear that is still just doing the job perfectly!

In will make sure Annieapple knows where everything is.. don't worry ! xxx

Yesletsgo profile image
YesletsgoAdministrator in reply toOldfloss

Love my socks! I have two pairs. The original ones are black but they are forever hiding from me. Somehow they have an affinity for black surfaces where I can't see them, or one sock will hide while the other one is washed. Honestly, I spend more time looking for my running socks than the rest of my gear put together.

I bought the second pair when I thought I'd really lost the first. They are bright pink and stay put when I take them off or wash them :)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toYesletsgo

My socks hide too! My pink ones though!

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate in reply toYesletsgo

I’m with you on balega socks Yesletsgo ; love the extra padding. However, I found in my 10 mile training, my feet got too hot in them with long distance in warm weather, and I reverted to thinner socks for those runs. I have never had cold feet with running gear as when socks are wet they seem to act like a wetsuit, keeping a moist warm layer next to the skin.

Microfibre pants for me too, cotton was horrible.

Yesletsgo profile image
YesletsgoAdministrator in reply toDexy5

You're right, the Balegas do get a bit too warm in the summertime so like you I often find something more seasonal, then I feel disloyal to my socks so go back to hot feet 😂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toYesletsgo

Those socks sound lovely for winter...I think I'll try them! Cheap sport this running! 😆

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toDexy5

Mine are microfiber recycled stuff too...!

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66Graduate in reply toYesletsgo

😂 my dad used to say the same!

misswobble profile image

I completed the end of the sentence there, taking me back to the song version 🎵🎶 😀

I look forward to digging out the winter running gear, although I’m trying to keep wearing shorts throughout because of my psoriasis 🥶🏃‍♀️ I have favourite hats and some gorgeous Merino under kecks 🥰

I always have a pair of winterised/weatherised shoes to make the going less slippery - Puma and Nike 🙂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply tomisswobble

Brilliant... Shorts... in winter... brrrr... you are really tough!!!!

I like getting y winter stuff out too... Your gear sounds so snug and warm... what are winterised shoes???? Please?

misswobble profile image
misswobbleGraduate in reply toOldfloss

i love my merino long sleeve tops 🥰 OH bought me a short sleeve last winter too 🙂

I think Nike says “weatherised”and Puma says “winterised” - or the other way about 🤔 Anyway they’re weather-resistant road shoes. They use water-repellant fabric to keep one’s feet dry. The soles are extra grippy too. They’re I always have a pair on the go and tend to use them most of the time as I go off-road such a lot They’re not a trail shoe though, but rather a tough road shoe I always manage to get a pair in the sales 🙂

See Nike Pegasus Shield or Puma Velocity or indeed other models with the “WTR” features They’re not too dear either

I always get a fresh pair for my winter marathon 👟

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply tomisswobble

They sound really good! I need to explore! x

nowster profile image

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, as sung by The Byrds.

Annieapple profile image
AnnieappleGraduate in reply tonowster

🍏👍 🎶 been in my head all morning 😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toAnnieapple

Ear worms are such fun !

Cmoi profile image
CmoiGraduate in reply tonowster

And also Judy Collins. 😉😊

nowster profile image
nowsterGraduate in reply toCmoi

And it appears that many others have also had their Turn Turn Turn.!...!

misswobble profile image
misswobbleGraduate in reply tonowster


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toCmoi

Oh yes... !

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply tonowster

I knew it :) x

drl212 profile image

Terrific, timely advice...

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply todrl212

It is coming... how are you recovering ?

drl212 profile image
drl212Graduate in reply toOldfloss

I am seeing the orthopaedist hope to have an update for everyone over the weekend...

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply todrl212

That sounds positive...hope it goes well!

Elfe5 profile image

I love this quote thanks - I like to remember that there is a timeliness beyond my own personal timings.

Time for me to play “hunt the buff” & ask for running socks for Christmas!!😄

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toElfe5

Love it... Hunt the buff!!! Yes.... there is a purpose... although we sometimes do forget it... you are so right :)

TailChaser profile image

Hiya Floss, great post!

This time of year is so tricky, and with climate change there doesn’t seem to be any consistency of temperature. I am still wearing shorts as the legs tend to be the warmer bit, as long as I can keep the upper body warm the rest is ok. I could do with another long sleeved top as the three I have are getting a bit 👃whiffy. I’ll try soaking them for 24 hours in Dettol sanitiser one more time, if often does the trick but if it doesn’t they will have to go. I have so much kit though, now I’ve got the winter stuff out again I can’t shut my drawer properly 😩. Probably need to cull all the shorts I didn’t wear over the summer. My club have been doing a really good pair (Flanci) that has pockets on each side, so the others have been sidelined. Now none of my leggings have side pockets so it’s back to the Flipbelt with them.

Oops, just spotted this post is 5 days old, sorry, very late to the party…for a change! 😅

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply toTailChaser

Hello...still welcome...however late xxx Shorts! Eeek..that's brave..but your legs move like small plstons...I'm not surprised they stay warm..

You have plenty of gear...thank you for sharing here...especially the whiff tops!!! Xxx

TailChaser profile image
TailChaserGraduate in reply toOldfloss

Thanks Floss, I suspect the shorts may be packed away by the end of the month but we’ll see xxx

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