Young 63 year old... Week 8 C25k. Really sore feet. Hot heels tingling and really sore , as if you've stood in heels and shopped all day. Tried soaking feet, moisturising feet, ice pack after running. Eases after rest days but happens again as soon as I do a run... Any advice. I really don't want to give up!
Sore feet: Young 63 year old... Week 8 C25k... - Couch to 5K
Sore feet

Hello and welcome... Well done to you.
Are you landing lightly, or are you landing heavily... If you feel it is the latter...try to kiss the ground...with your feet
First off, are you happy with your running shoes and your running socks? if so... maybe try some of these ideas

Like Oldfloss , my first thought was your shoes. Are they too tight? Are your socks too tight? Have you laced them too tightly? (see how my mind's working? ) The consensus is that running shoes should be half to one size bigger than normal shoes. Now that you're doing the longer runs at the end of C25K you're more likely to have issues than in the earlier weeks when you still do a fair bit of walking.
How old are your shoes? Even if they are properly fitted running shoes they do wear out and it makes a difference to how you feel, they can even cause injury if the support is in the wrong place.
If your shoes are showing their age it's a good excuse to go to a proper running shop, have a gait analysis and get some shoes that will really help you. After all, if you're on Week 8 you're presumably going to carry on running after this so you deserve the right equipment.
If you already have good shoes the best bet is to go to your GP or physio. There may be an underlying issue which we, as non medical people, aren't able to advise on. In fact, seeing a GP or physio isn't a bad idea even if it seems to be as straightforward as getting new shoes.
Good luck!
I am about your age, into week 6 of C25K, so I may not be the one to give advice. BUT what I've learnt is to be very careful with my body, which is especially careful at our age where we are not a quick to heal as the youngsters. So when I overdid it in week 3 and my ankles got really sore, I took all of my patience and waited it out. After a week and a half, when there was no trace of pain left, I just took it back up where I had left off. Have not had a (physical) worry over the past weeks. I am very proud of myself. I guess I'm trying to say: please be careful with your body, in a sense, it is all we've got. Best of luck!

Sorry to hear about your problems. I have some altered sensation in my feet secondary to diabetes: diabetic neuropathy.
In longer runs, the sensations change/worsen a bit but that goes away afterwards.
As above, do take care of yourself and if you think this might be pertinent to you, I would say see your healthcare professional!