Hello folks...here I am.. a tad late, this week, but. I love balance so I thought the later post would head us towards the end of May, very neatly!
The snacks are out,,, fresh tasty treats some wonderful teas and coffee and a few healthy smoothies too! The cushions are waiting... and the corner is welcoming... the windows wide open to welcome the day!
Time to relax and time to chill out and chat.
The fact that it is rained really heavily yesterday, though, was quite opportune, because I was thinking... if you have a run that is programmed and the weather suddenly changes, sometimes the temptation not to run may sneak in … do we go or not!
What do we do, on those days when we really, really don't want to run!
We all have excuses too... as I have said in previous posts... too tired, too busy later, slept badly, slept too heavily.... the dog ate my running shoes Or, even.... gasp ...I can't be bothered!!!!
Well... the first thought... it is you doing the running and if you don't want to...you don't have to
But maybe, just take stock, sit back and think... what would get you out there ?
* How many times if any, have you come back from a run and wished you hadn't run, with the exception of course, of feeling ill or having injured yourself ?
There are of course several options... just putting your shoes on... donning your gear and getting out there... once you are out, you are out , may as well carry on?
A few folk have deeper thoughts that get them out...thinking about the reasons that they started running... and determined to stick with those reasons... even on the days when it all seems a little more of a struggle!
Many too, and I am included here, do, sometimes, think about the folk who would love to run, but cannot; folk with illness, injury or other issues, which prevent them. I and all of us are lucky... and give thanks for the fact that we are able to do what we enjoy so much!
If we are able to, we can, perhaps, get these thoughts into order.
We can look back and see how far we have come... we can think how the running is impacting us, mentally and physically, we can think of how it feels and how amazingly lucky we are !
I know that I am totally amazed when i read my running logs over the years and see how far this old snail has come !
But if it really is feeling too much? We can simply, be kind to ourselves... take it easy, have an extra day's rest, take the run slower than usual...and perhaps... just take a break from the C25K programme or our running plan, and just do a run... as short and sweet as we like... just run because we can.... then get back on track with a lighter heart and lighter steps?
For me, I do it for my husband, my family, but most of all, for me. It keeps me healthy and happy, mentally and physically. My running is a good friend, and on the days when I may be feeling slightly less enthusiastic... I do think... my run is waiting... I'm showing up... and I do
On mornings like this morning... where the early mist has given way to blue sky and sunshine... there is no reluctance... at all
So... your turn now... what gets you out there?
Looking forward to seeing who pops in and looking forward to hearing your experiences too.
Come on in and sit awhile.
Oldfloss x