CATCH-UP CORNER...MAY...WEEK 3...Slip off the ... - Couch to 5K

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CATCH-UP CORNER...MAY...WEEK 3...Slip off the running shoes and come on in.

Oldfloss profile image
31 Replies

Hello fellow runners,

I am so, so late getting to the corner., and I am sorry for being so late, opening up.

On the positive side the sun is shining and I have got some really tasty snacks here this morning...some super smoothies, some really great breakfast muffins and a few tasty breakfast pastries !

So, grab a cushion and take a breather. Welcome to the Corner.

I have had a bit of a rough week.., I think I did something odd to my back whilst cycling in Wales. I have not been on my bike for a while and a rough terrain ride and my bike not properly adjusted, ( that will teach me), has meant a really painful week. I have not run since last Friday!

I have though, kept up with appropriate, gentle exercises...mainly yoga, focussing on my back and leg strengthening !

But for you people... my goodness. Another week and another set of runs.

Lots of folk moving forward and many folk reappearing and repeating bits of the C25K programme or all of the programme. It is a great programme, so why not?

So, there are many posts to read, with new folk beginning this great programme, folk reappearing after starting it, but not finishing it, folk repeating it after illness or injury or just life happenings! I am, as ever in awe of your achievements.

I have repeated bits of, and indeed all of C25K, at different time,as it is one of the very best ways to come back safely from a set- back, as well as being a great start to a running journey. Having fought back, in the gentlest way, I have reached a point where, in spite of little knocks like this back! I am where I wish to be. I focus on listening to my body always, enjoying the short , sweet runs and some longer relaxed runs too. But, whatever the distance, my runs are always , always done at my own comfortable pace.

So why, in my ramble am I going on about pace again ? My mantra is and always has been, slow and steady. It works for me. Now, I am going to just repeat here some thoughts I have shared in earlier posts:

My 'slow' pace, has, of course, quite naturally, increased over the nearly 8 years since I began running, but it still is, my, slow and steady. My slow is not your slow, my slow is not the slow of some of our forum friends who move much faster then I, it is my happy pace, and wonderfully, we all have our own ! My speed is mine and mine alone.

Yet again, after spending time reading the posts here, I have picked up on a recurring theme; speed, speed and distance and speed and struggles.

Posts which have, somewhere in the title; “...going too slowly”, or “ nowhere near 5K “, or,”... not fast enough”.

The question asked in the self-doubting, anxious and sometimes distressing posts, is often the same one. “ Am I too slow...”?

No. You are not. In this instance... too slow, does not enter the equation.

You are running through the C25K programme. It is structured, well-planned, and designed to get you to 30 minutes continuous running, steadily, safely, injury free and enjoyably.

For some it may enable them to reach 5K in 30 minutes. For some, not all, and in fact, the polls we have run on the forums over the years, indicate that the Majority do not reach 5K. It is not a requirement to Graduate from the programme.

So. Having set that all out here... now you know. You have not got to reach 5K..and you have certainly not to try to push yourselves so hard that the whole programme becomes a worrisome thing. That really is not what it is all about. A phrase I read years ago, in a reply to one of the anxious post stated, “...the programme is for enjoyment, not endurance”. How true.

Read other folk's posts, read the posts of more experienced runners, pop in here and read what other folk are feeling or doing.

But, be confident in the knowledge that if you trust in and follow the plan, week by week, ( even if it takes you longer than nine weeks), then you will, find, by realising and settling into YOUR own happy pace, you will reach the Graduation Podium, able to run confidently for 30 minutes; an injury free, relaxed and happy runner!

If you are repeating all or parts of the programme, the same advice applies. is your turn, grab a snack and a drink and let us all know how it is going with you.

If you are struggling for any reason, ( and the first post I read this morning said this), then share that too. I share my problems all the time. Someone here will have felt the same, is feeling the same, or maybe. is going to feel the same, and we can help each other by giving our support and our advice too

We are here, come on in:)

Oldfloss x

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Oldfloss profile image
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31 Replies
Annieapple profile image

Good Morning old Floss I am definitely flopping down on one of your cushions with my coffee and one of your pastries.. ..Sorry to hear about your back but pleased to know you are keeping moving…the only way to go with back pain.. Hope it recovers quickly… talking of pace….

I am usually an early morning coastal runner but yesterday after a very bad night I couldn’t get out the door & thought Mondays another day!

In the afternoon I was visiting a friend & hubby dropped me off. I put my trainers on as I was planning on walking home in the sunshine. However I decided on the spur of the moment to run home.. I was not in running gear & had a shopper crammed full of bits and bobs😂 I really had some funny stares & comments from those out and about! It’s not every day you see a fully dressed old granny running in suburbia. It was hot & uncomfortable so I was forced into a slower pace even for me!! Perversely I actually enjoyed it and surprised myself that I didn’t care about comments. I was doing this for me…my body wanted it’s run.. my mind overcame the obstacles.. so Friday Run done!! ✔️ 🍏

Instructor57 profile image
Instructor57Graduate in reply to Annieapple

I love this 😁Absolutely brilliant 👏👏👏 🤣

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Annieapple


How good it is to see you here and what a super tale you have to share!

I have, and I am sure we all have the most amazing image of you, running through the streets with your shopper!! OH MY!

But what a super example you are setting here... running for YOU, running in YOUR way and be blowed to those onlookers who stared or commented...!

I wonder how many of them were, inside, wishing they had the confidence to do exactly what you did! You did the run, and you enjoyed it... that is a successful outing... and your shopping was done too!

I hope you have cooled down now...sit a while longer and have another cool drink! Good to see you here... this will keep me smiling for quite a while!

Go ,go go, all we funny crazy grannies.... long may it continue! x

Folkylass profile image
FolkylassAdministratorGraduate in reply to Annieapple

Hi Annieapple I have just read your post and I have to say it did make me chuckle!😂😂.Thank you so much for sharing such a great post👍🥰

BarbieW profile image

Glad to see you Oldfloss- I was beginning to get worried! Hope the back is “back” to normal soon.

I’m not doing too well at the moment, as I have now realised just how much my various medical problems have set me back. I am now on Week 6 but am repeating run 2 a few more times until I feel confident enough to move on any further. At least I know that it is perfectly ok to repeat runs, or even weeks until you are ready to move on, which is exactly what I need to do right now.

I’ll have a flat white and a chocolate muffin on my cushion in the corner please this morning.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to BarbieW

Hello !

Yes, I do apologise , I am bit of a crocked old snail right now, but, I have a tough shell!

Oh goodness... you are having a time of it too aren't you...? But, you are doing exactly the right thing... listening to your body and taking notice of what it is telling you. Easing back and repeating, or taking more rest days.

Yes, it is perfectly okay. This is your running and you do it for your enjoyment... I am just really pleased to see you here, moving forward and taking care of yourself...

The runs are patient and forgiving if we don't make it up to the starting line each time. :)

Settle back... take another muffin and just relax. Thank you for popping in today x

backintime profile image

Hi everyone

I'll flop down and rest - allergies are here in force, I had someone come and cut some of my grass which had gone to flower/seed and the strimmer he was using forced so much grass pollen into the air I've had a few sucky days.

It's a shame as the weather is perfect for running outdoors at the moment, warm but not too warm, good for working up a good sweat but not overheating.

Running-wise had a good run and an ugh run. Ugh was probably down to the pollen / allergies / head cold and I also realised I was sub-consciously drinking less as all the coughing made me want to pee too much :D

I will run tonight or tomorrow - onward & upward

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to backintime

Hello !

Good to see to see you, allergies and all!

Oh heck ! Each season brings its own pleasures and pains... bless you!

The weather is glorious, although we have had rain here over the last couple of dyas, but today, as you say, perfect for running, at whatever pace:)

You ran and a good one and a not so good one... and maybe tonight will be a better feeling one. It is important that we all remember as the weather does warm up to make sure we hydrate well... but I can see your dilemma... !

Hopefully you will get that run in, as ever, slow and steady. Rest a while longer... it is a tad cooler andit will do you good!

bradders0807 profile image

Hey Old Floss, thought I’d pop in again this week.

On the question of pace, it’s something that I’m struggling with a bit to be honest.

Each time I’ve run since week 7’s 25 minute runs, I’ve started too fast. It doesn’t feel like I am, but I am all the same.

Through the 9 runs of weeks 7-9, plus two post-grad runs and my first Parkrun today, despite my best efforts I can’t get into the comfortable 7min/km pace that I want to run at from the start and stay there.

My first km in each of these runs has varied from 6.45/km to 6.15/km, so not exactly lightning speed, but still quick enough to make the last km unnecessarily uncomfortable. I then end up struggling for the last 2 km and slowing more than I’d like.

All I’m looking to do is run a stable, even-paced 5km in 35 minutes.

First Parkrun today was 35min 19 seconds. Not a million miles away from my target, but my pacing was all over the shop.

I must concentrate on feeling like I’m crawling at the start, Answers on a postcard…..

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to bradders0807

Hello again.. and well done on your first Park Run... ! You clearly enjoyed it!

Pace is a really tricky thing to handle... for some the happy pace is found very quickly. Thinking back, I feel maybe I had used to set off a tad too fast at times, so I started using the hills near me to slow me down...but as the time went on.. the hills became a favourite and I ran up them easily and comfortably. They probably have played a huge part in my having the happy pace I run now,

there is a wealth of advice out there on pacing yourself, to see if you are doing it right, but you already know that you are beginning the run too quickly and using up, all you need for the rest of the run, too soon.

There are things you can try, and just focusing on these, may stop you moving too fast.

Conversational pace:

During your run, find a stride to hold while you are talking. If you start gasping for air, whilst chatting, then you’re going too fast. Try to find a consistent pace that you can hold while chatting, ( You may find you get strange looks from passers by, unless you are with a friend)!.

Nose test:

Yup, this a a valid one apparently...( may stop the strange looks if you are chatting to yourself).

At the start of your run, try to inhale (and exhale, if possible) only through your nose. If you can manage this, you are running at the right pace. If not, ease back until you can do that.


You can try this if you think it will help...If you can hold your breath for five steps, mid run, without changing pace...then you are doing okay...if not... you are going too fast.

Take a photo:

Not on every run... but at the start. Keep it gently and slow down enough to take a recognisable photo shot on your phone.

Okay... some ideas there... and maybe holding the idea in your head, that your targets for eventual running speed, will be met more easily, IF you do find that slower pace.

The old adage, run slower to run faster applies, or as the song goes...

" Snails see the benefits, the beauty in every inch ".

Meantime... sit back, take a breather and have another snack. Thanks for popping in x

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate in reply to bradders0807

Hi bradders, I found using the stepping stones podcast really helpful in setting a nice slow pace at the start of a run. Laura counts your footfall 1-2-3-4.

I began doing this for myself and find it helps with the toxic ten too.

It can be so hard to reign yourself in at the start!

The podcasts can be found in the Pinned Posts section under FAQ C25k+ podcasts.


SueAppleRun profile image

So sorry you've hurt yourself Oldfloss not nice at all for you, here's hoping for a speedy recovery. I'm here snuggled on a cushion but not for very long this week, there are runs to run, gardening and decorating to do and a new jumper to knit.

I feel at my best at my happy pace which is way slower than yours. I could run for hours and not get very far hence following a sensible plan to gain a little more stamina and strength so I can keep going with my plan.

Thank you for being here in the catch up corner and providing such a lovely place for us all to take a break and a rest.

Sending healing thoughts your way xx

Oldfloss profile image

Hey, SueAppleRun I am so glad you found time to pop in!

You are so busy with your runs and moving on a' pace.

You are doing it in the way that is right for you...your happy pace, is yours and yours alone and will take you... (with some guidance :) to where you are heading next!

What an adventure it will be!

Your cushion is here, any time you need a rest and a breather... thank you my friend x

Plum65 profile image

thank you - always helpful to be reminded that slow and steady is ok!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Plum65

Hello and welcome. fresh coffee on the hob... carrot muffins this morning and an almond croissant if you enjoy them, as does our friend MissUnderstanding !

Slow and steady is not just okay; for many of us, it is perfect...Our individual slow and steady will, of course be different from other runners, but it is our slow and steady.

Finding that happy pace, which keeps us running and enjoying is key.

Thank you for popping in this morning... sit back on your cushion and rest awhile!

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Absolutely love an almond croissant! They were sold out in our little shop yesterday so I had to make do with a regular croissant. If they’d had carrot muffins, I’d have definitely gone for one of those! I do have a rather large bag of carrots in the fridge at the moment so maybe it’s baking time…

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to MissUnderstanding

Most definitely! Carrot muffins and a spot of cream cheese on the top ?

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Always! That’s my favourite!

Moosefacedgoose profile image

hello - I hope your back feels better soon! Have you tried yoga with Adrienne? I love her.

I’ve had a busy week working (and job hunting - stressful in this climate) but sneaking my last run of the week in on a Sunday - which still feels like I’m getting it done.

Can I do my slow plod run for 25 mins? We shall find out! I set myself a treat of proper running socks for making it this far so perhaps I’ll buy those today as the little motivation to keep the running bug 🐜 alive.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Moosefacedgoose

Hello and welcome to you...a slow plod sound to be just the ticket!I do YWA most days..including the May ongoing one...with tweaks!

A busy week indeed... and a lovely relaxed run is the antidote..

New running socks as a treat. are worth it.

Sit back, enjoy the breather and recharge for your next run...

Pop in and let us know how the run went if you get chance xxx

Moosefacedgoose profile image
MoosefacedgooseGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

made it! Did my run in a different park as I’m so bored of going round and round the same track - and have been rewarded with flowers and ducklings and general outdoor goodness! Can’t believe I’ve made it to week 7… 🤯

Ah great you have Adrienne and benji to get you through some recovery time 🐕

Park flowers
Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Moosefacedgoose

That is simply beautiful!!! Well done you!Yes, Benjy's downward dog is enviable! But I can do it now!!! X

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Hi Floss, Popping in to wish you well with your back pain, I hope rest and gentle exercise eases it soon.

Back from a week away I need to decide what to do about my knee, which became painful after a run about three weeks ago. I still cannot kneel on it without discomfort. I feel it is a pulled tendon.

Just spotted some information and exercises in the FAQ section on knee pain that I had forgotten about, so will take a look there when it becomes more comfortable.


Oldfloss profile image

Hello Bluebirdrunner , my friend...Always a cushion for you here...My back is still an issue, but is, I think improving. I've done some gentle exercise this morning and the stretched from YWA Lower Back session.

They help. X x

Poor you...that knee is a niggle...I had that as I mentioned to you...but I did get it checked out..XRay first..then an MRI..

With me..the niggle had healed by the time i was seen..and the MRI was because they spotted those old fractures, if you remember?

What the MRI did show up though was a slight meniscus tear...apparently common in most folk over 50...and no problem ..

So....just thinking, maybe time to get seen by an expert??

An X-ray could help??? At least then you'll have a starting point to help you back on track?

Please keep us all posted...your posts are missed x

Until then.. snack and rest time..feet up and just breathe...So good to see you here xx

Hedgehogs123 profile image

I just love this post, suffering from post event blues after the Yorkshire 3 peaks challenge on Sat, and I feel like Ive had a massive virtual hug, thank you! 💝

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Hedgehogs123


I hope you've had a rest here in the corner. A safe place where you can just relax, take stock and settle the busy mind...

You had a fantastic run...and when I think how far you have come since you started this.. wow.

The blues will pass, the aches and pains will ease...and you will be thinking of your next adventure

We will be here supporting you, all the way.

Very well done rest a tad've deserved it ...

Floss x

Hedgehogs123 profile image
Hedgehogs123Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

thank you such lovely words. 🤗 That's what I love about this forum, so much support, kindness and encouragement. I hope I sometimes help and encourage other 'newbies' as I was helped 3 years ago.. I love reading all the stories and run reports, it's great being part of people's journeys. Thank you again for making this such a brilliant place to be . x

WhaleSongC profile image

morning! I’m back on attempt 3 of couch to 5k and really embracing the slow running now :). I finished week 6 run 3 yesterday and I can’t believe I’m back to where I was a year ago before covid, chicken pox, flu, and life got in the way :p.

That slow 25 minutes felt like such an accomplishment! (And it wasn’t actually slower than last year, but it was certainly more intentional, shown by the #’s as my heart rate was lower too!)

I’m still doing most of my runs in the gym, with AC, which is such a luxury, but allowed me to squeeze in a run at times that would be too hot otherwise.

Your mention of yoga really reminds me that I need to practice it more. I’ve been building a small utility shed which has taken up most of my free time. It is hurricane resistant, so I supposed working with the heavy timber is a workout in itself :p but there is no substitute for a gooooooood mindful stretch.

Hope your back issues resolve!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to WhaleSongC

Welcome back here.. hope you have had a bit of a rest now...!

Embracing the slow , is the way to go, for many of us, it seems right now...and the best bit is, we are all appearing to see the benefits it brings!

The yoga is something that many friends here really do embrace... I started in earnest with YWA and the January challenge and have kept on with it...with tweaks at times... if things like a problem back have meant certain moves are not possible.

Your workout with your shed sounds to have been really good one!! A few good stretches most definitely needed after that...

My back is much, much easier today... thank you. I am hoping to get a little some kind of run in at some point in the coming week!

Relax a while longer and do keep us posted on how the runs are going... take it gently. Thank you for popping in too!

Gthants profile image

I did run 3 of week 5 this morning. My 17yo son did a PB lifting in the gym yesterday, so when he got up I told him I had my own PB: 3k in 20 minutes. I am not remotely interested in the time, but am focussed on the 20 minutes. The hardest run I have done was that first one minute. And so far the thing that has surprised me is that only one other run (the first of week 4) has been hard. Without Laura's voice in my ear I don't know if I could do it, but she thinks I can and I really don't want to disappoint her! and I've actually enjoyed almost every run.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Gthants

Hello... afternoon tea is on the table! A tad late but some tasty treats.

I think not disappointing Laura is very important... she has got so, so many of us where we want to be! I do still use her when I need a familiar friend to run with :)

Very , very well done to you... just sit back and rest up... Week 6 is to follow... slow and steady and just trust the plan... and yourself ! x

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