Welcome to the latest chat thread for graduates!
If you’ve finished Couch to 5k, come and say hi! This is the place for you to share how your runs are going and to get inspiration and encouragement from others.
⭐️First and foremost: How’s it going?⭐️
How has your running been this week? What sorts of runs have you been doing? Have you had any triumphs or challenges? What are your plans for next week?
I’ve had a great week. I’m aiming to be running three times a week consistently and I’ve hit that with three very different runs. One poorly timed super sweaty 5k when I thought the weather has cooled down but hadn’t. One slow and ploddy chilled one with a podcast. One misty morning hilly run with a few sprinty bits just because! This week I’m mixing things up with a shorter, faster run (maybe with intervals), another chilled 5k and a longer run. The challenge for me will be to be wearing the right kit! I’m constantly too hot at the moment…
What are you all up to?
⭐️ This week’s challenge: run wearing your favourite piece of kit!⭐️
Have you got one yet? I’ve got some new leggings with little stars on them. I’m sure they made me run better yesterday on their first outing!
Have you thought about whether you’ll need any new kit for the autumn/winter season? I live in hi vis and long sleeved tops. My cheapo fluro jacket was one of the best investments and a head torch is brilliant on dark mornings/evenings.
So come and chat! I love talking about all things running and can’t wait to hear from you all…
MissU and the Couch Team xx
A bit about consolidation and running as a new Graduate…
As we’re still new, I’ll post this again and at some point it’ll migrate into a pinned post and a summary! You’ll almost certainly have heard people talking about taking some time to “consolidate” after graduation. This isn’t compulsory but it’s a really good idea. When you have increased your running distance or duration over a few weeks, it is good to pause and consolidate for a short period, bedding in all that effort and getting ready for whatever comes next. That just means not continuing to build the distance or setting out to get faster for a little while.
It’s a brilliant time to just enjoy your running. Without having to increase duration week on week, you can take the pressure off and have some fun! You can run somewhere beautiful and new. Forget about pace! Mix up your run times. Go up a hill! While you are consolidating you are also helping to establish the habit of running in your life. It is said to take twelve weeks of changed behaviour to create a new habit, so a three-week consolidation will get you there!
Running as a graduate will look different for everyone which is why we really hope people will share what they’ve been doing. We can pinch ideas and take inspiration from each other. The key thing is to keep it steady and remember you’ve got a whole lifetime of running ahead of you. Keeping to 30 minutes max as a rough rule of thumb is a generally good idea and we’d encourage you to be really sensible about running for longer. It’s widely recommended not to increase the length of any of your runs by more than 10% each week because of the risk of injury. Think about how Couch to 5k gradually builds up. The last thing anyone wants is to spend time on the injury couch just after finishing!