Chihuahuas...and other dogs: So I am on week... - Couch to 5K

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Chihuahuas...and other dogs

SquarahD profile image
10 Replies

So I am on week 9. I'm 54 and not really a runner, but determined to get to graduation. Just been out for an evening run and got frightened by a chihuahua who lunged at me and tried to bite my ankle, barking aggressively! Then the owner started shouting at me, saying it was my fault for passing too close and shouted ' ooh look at me, I'm a runner, make way for me, you people think you own the road!!' He was quite unpleasant although I admit I did tell him to grow up. Anyway after that I was pretty stressed and it ruined my run completely. How does everyone else cope with dogs when out on runs? I'd have given these 3 (there were 3 of them with 2 owners) a wider berth but they were taking up the entire track.

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SquarahD profile image
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10 Replies
Cmoi profile image

Sorry to hear about what's happened SquarahD .

Tbh, as a dog owner myself, I don't blame the dog so much as the owner. His response was totally out of order. And if the owner reacts like that, how is the dog supposed to know that barking, lunging and snapping are unacceptable?

Personally I'll do my best to be aware of a dog's body language and if I'm concerned I'll do some or all of giving it a wide berth, slowing down or stopping. I also won't hesitate to tell it to stop, or go home. The one time I continued running, past a dog that I knew was prone to chasing and whose job it is to guard farm animals, it nipped me. My own fault.

However, I've also met plenty of lovely dogs, with and without their owners, while out running.

I hope your experience won't put you off continuing to run. After all, if you've made it to week 9 or C25K and are keeping going, you most certainly are a runner!

backintime profile image

I'm nearly incapable of going past a dog without stopping for a chat :D but if a dog isn't giving off "friendly" vibes then I don't stop, but I do give a "morning" to the owners and most of them will move their dogs. Or, as you approach, you can ask "Are they friendly?" which at least tends to put the owner's focus on their dog(s).

I agree with cmoi, it is absolutely the owner's fault - the dog needs to be taught good behaviour and if that doesn't happen it doesn't know the difference.

I nearly always slow down, just as I would if I were running past a horse. Any dog that is a bit insecure can be triggered by what they perceive as someone running at them. If I'm running up behind I always say something or make noise as I approach so the dog isn't taken by surprise.

The owner did call you a runner though, so there's your compliment for the day :D

Hedgehogs123 profile image
Hedgehogs123Graduate in reply to backintime

Completely agree with your and Cmoi answer. I'm a dog owner and love most dogs, but I do usually slow down or try and go round if the dog doesn't look friendly and the owner isn't looking like they are going to put them on a lead.I'm quite lucky I live rural, so when I run on my own I don't bump into many dogs or people. Those that I do, are quite polite and always call their dog over. Unfortunately you will get some rude owners 🥺 but hopefully they're the minority.

Beachcomber66 profile image

I agree that the dog handler is the problem here; a bully plain and simple. Unbelievable response! I think that the only strategy you need here is one of giving this man and his dogs the widest possible berth in future, even if that means slowing off or stopping ; shouldn’t have to be that way but you don’t want a confrontation with this person. If a dog is snappy towards people it has to be on a short lead, and in some cases muzzled, but any reasonable dog owner would know that.

I come across lots of dogs on my runs, every time I go out. Because I have owned large dogs for over 20 years, I guess I know what look for and what to expect. The owners’ behaviour is critical; a snappy dog should be on a short lead, if a dog is on an extending lead it should be a sign that the dog is ok, but there is a tripping hazard…again the owner should manage that, but I slow off until I am sure that the situation is under control. Loose dogs should mean that they are ok, but again there is a tripping risk so I slow off. Most handlers bring their dogs under control as I approach anyway; if they don’t I slow off until I have passed them (self preservation). Most dog owners/ handlers are really considerate; I try to be the same with them. The guy you met….enough said!

SquarahD profile image

Thank you, good advice...I have not had a problem with any dogs since beginning couch 25k so this came as a bit of a shock, but it's the owner I really objected to. He would never have yelled at me that way if I was a bloke and the sense that he enjoyed the power to upset a small female runner was what really got to me. Some blokes would have confronted him I am sure. I just told him to grow up and keep his dog under control. And then I ran much faster than normal away from him, no wonder I am sore tonight!! From now on I'll be much much more cautious around dogs and will not dash past (well, plod past) and will take a few steps to walk past if I need to. I am a dog owner myself and would have been mortified if mine had tried to slice into a runners ankles!!

Hillrunner2201 profile image

I’ve often felt like giving irresponsible dog owners a piece of my mind but I’ve had to hold back because I don’t want to incite the dog.

Once I came across a man with two particularly large dogs off lead and bounding towards me so slowed to a walk and their owners says ‘oh, you’re not scared of dogs are you?’ I’m sure the dogs were friendly and harmless but I don’t know that and personally I’d rather be safe than sorry. Then there was the woman who actually just stood smirking while her small dog ran around my ankles. Or the time I was playing tennis in a park and an off lead dog was hellbent on getting my bag, it eventually got into the courts, got the bag, ripped it and slobbered on it and the owner didn’t even apologise, he just got dog and walked off looking embarrassed. Unfortunately there are are some terrible, irresponsible dogs owners around and for that reason I tend to avoid parks.

Roxdog profile image

Well, firstly, of course you're a runner! I'm a dog owner and have always had quite large dogs. This dog which lunged at you is clearly scared and stressed and the owner has not helped it to relax. This will continue if he shouts at people as it will just add to the dog's stress levels 'I see someone, am scared and my owner is also stressed so I had better carry on with this behaviour'. I'm sorry this happened to you and as someone who has suffered from unpleasant comments from men when I've been running a few times, I do understand that it's intimidating.

I hope you don't meet him again and enjoy your next run.

MrBassmanjazz profile image

I generally say that there are no such thing as bad dogs. Just bad owners. Chihuahuas are we Bu????s, though. (Target Achilles Tendon).

Sounds like the Owner in this case.

I generally give a wide berth and or slow to a walk.

SueAppleRun profile image

If course you are a runner, I've had a few small dogs leap at me snarling and yapping and politely suggest if they annoy people they should be on a lead, generally having music in ear buds I don't hear the answer and just keep going,

SquarahD profile image

Thanks for all the responses. I may be on week 9 but I have an up and down relationship with running and don't feel I am getting any better with my aerobic capabilities. my old joints do ache sometimes. However it's been great for general fitness and toning and has solved bizarrely and unexpectedly , my problematic acid indigestion by taking just a little bit of weight off. After this week I will be doing consolidation runs of around 3k twice a week to keep fit and keep my weight at a happy level. We will see where we go from there. Thanks for all the advice on the dog issue!!!

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