Encouragement needed!: I've just joined this... - Couch to 5K

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Encouragement needed!

Pegix profile image
13 Replies

I've just joined this forum, and am after some help please. About 10yrs ago I was running x3/week and completed a half marathon. Now I can't run 100yds, have lost all my fitness, and am overweight. My trouble was that I hated running, all I can think of when I'm running is getting to the end, and I just gave up really. I want to get back into it, but since I hate it so much, I need some tips!!!

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Pegix profile image
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13 Replies
MissUnderstanding profile image

A very warm welcome to the forum! It’s a really supportive place with many members with similar stories to yours. You’ve made a great decision to start running again. Doing the c25k programme from the start is a good plan. That will get you back out there and you’ll feel so proud of yourself. Try not to fall into the trap of thinking about what you did before. Think about the changes you’re making for the better compared with where you are right now.

I’m interested that you say you “hate running” but you want to get back into it. Why is that? Could it be that you’re unhappy with your performance now? You must have liked it once to get to those half marathon distances. Can you remember what you used to enjoy?

Having been a regular runner before, you’ll have all sorts of skills that will stand you in good stead as you start your new journey. Think of ways you can celebrate every run.

Keep posting and we’ll keep cheering you on.

Here’s a really great guide to the c25k programme with loads of helpful hints and tips. Well worth a read. The most important thing? Keep to a conversational pace. You won’t go far wrong if you don’t go too fast.


Good luck! 🏃‍♀️ 💪 ❤️

Pegix profile image
PegixGraduate in reply to MissUnderstanding

Thank you ever so much. The only reason I think I want to get back into running is to lose weight again! I walk my dogs every day, so am not entirely unfit, but it doesn't seem to be sufficient to keep the weight off. Running did. If I can get to running 5Kx3/week, I shall be well chuffed. I think your advice, and the next reply down's advice, to not make it a chore, but to run slower, is probably good. I was always trying to run faster, as I knew I was really barely jogging. The half marathon took me 2.5hrs, and I never managed to do 5K in 30mins, I think 34 was the fastest I ever achieved.

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate in reply to Pegix

2.5 hours for a half marathon???? Crikey!!! I'd barely make a cut off time of 3.5 hours on a good day, but I'd enjoy every step of the way

BrokeyNotSoBusted profile image

Hi Pegix and welcome. As it's been a while since your previous running experiences, if you've been inactive, I'd suggest starting with walking up to 4 or 5k then start the C25K programme as a new adventure and see how you feel this time around just taking it one run at a time.

You may feel differently this time around and if not then you can post back with more specifics on what you dislike in particular… Boredom? Any pain or issues while running? It might be a case of trying something different, so if you were a road runner before then perhaps some trail running might liven things up a bit. Maybe you were putting too much effort into each run making them more difficult and almost a chore. Try taking the runs at a slower pace and you might find you enjoy them more.

Below is a link to a guide for C25K which is worth taking the time to read.


Good luck and I look forward to hearing how you get on.

Pegix profile image
PegixGraduate in reply to BrokeyNotSoBusted

Thank you very much for your reply. My legs ached, I couldn't breathe sufficiently deeply, it just was a real chore! Only twice in all my months of running did I ever think that I could keep running for ever. I think it's probably a good idea to try to run slower, though I was never ever fast! My times you can see in my reply above! But I will have a go, I promise.

Cmoi profile image

Hi Pegix , good to have you on the forum!

Well, if your legs ached and you couldn't breathe sufficiently deeply during your previous experience of running, it makes perfect sense that you didn't have much fun! You've already been pointed in the direction of the How to run C25K FAQ, where you'll find lots of crucial information, not least go at a slow, conversational pace, drink plenty of water to stay well-hydrated, and take at least one rest day in between run days.

Please don't get hung up on pace; you don't have to do 5k in 30 minutes to graduate from C25K. In any case, running fast isn't everything. Some of us (= me) prefer messing about in forests and going up and down hills just for the fun of it. I'm currently coming back after a messy faceplant - ironically on a really simple path - and my interest is in building up distance again.

Enjoy C25K!

Pegix profile image
PegixGraduate in reply to Cmoi

Thank you so much for your reply. Everyone is being very encouraging. I am busy this week, but next week I shall start in earnest..... must download the app though first!

Chinkoflight profile image

Hi Pegix, you're not the first person recently to make this heartfelt post. I took a reply seriously and gave a thoughtful response which had zero response!!!!! If its weight loss you're after running is not the starting point. If enjoyment is your goal, then a half marathon target is not your starting point. BUT C25K as a programme will unlock your running potential again and perhaps that should be your motivation as a starter. Having more control over your life can be achieved through running too. You start by making time. .......

Pegix profile image
PegixGraduate in reply to Chinkoflight

Thank you so much for your reply. It's all very encouraging. Yes, making time is the big thing.... by the time I've been out with my dogs across the fields for over an hour, and then gone for a run, I shall be having my breakfast at lunchtime! I have been thinking about combining the dog walk with a run, but I'm not sure how I could make it work. I will ponder more.... Thank you!

SueAppleRun profile image

Welcome from me, I wonder if 10 years ago you had earbuds and your favourite music playing? Or an interesting podcast or book? Or even a coach in your ears to encourage you, I've been running some years now so I sometimes run longer than planned just because I'm enjoying the music I listen to

Pegix profile image
PegixGraduate in reply to SueAppleRun

Hi - yes I did use to listen to music/books, but it didn't makeany difference really. However, today, I made the effort and went out for Day 1. It does help knowing what to do when, and being encouraged along the way. I'm going to try again on Weds, and maybe listen to something as well at the same time. It's just getting into the routine isn't it!!! Thank you ever so much for your reply and help.

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate in reply to Pegix

Good to hear you went out today, I think most people get into the habit by end of week 9 and either carry on or not, I'm a lazy runner but will run until my legs won't carry me any further, good luck Wednesday I have a few days leave from work so will be out myself Wednesday, just one more work day then off ,😀I'm getting excited to have morning runs

Yesletsgo profile image

If you've done the first runthat's a huge step along the way. If you used to run half marathons there must have been something you liked about it?

Personally, I found the first 3 weeks of C25K absolute hell. I'd never run before, have an arthritic knee, and am a slightly overweight 60 something woman. I decided that I simply couldn't carry on doing something I hated and if so many people liked running there probably was a reason. My challenge was to find it.

I started with small things I liked, starting with being outside in the fresh air, and carried on from there. At some point the C25K app told me to smile. That was an enormous help, that and saying positive stuff like 'you've got this', working all the way up to 'I'm really enjoying this!' By that time it was actually true :) (by the way I very rarely see people on my route which is probably just as well).

What I've learned in the 18+ months since I started C25K is that so much of what happens as a result is mental not physical. Tell yourself that you will complete the course, it'll be true. Tell yourself you won't, that'll also be true.

Enjoying the process is a choice. If you looked at me you probably wouldn't think 'runner' but on a good day my head is telling me that I'm that nasty Terminator from the second film in the series, a top of the range cyborg running gracefully after a car at huge speed with my arms about to transform into silver metal hooks. The outside world sees something entirely different but does it bother me? No, because I feel absolutely fantastic!!

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