Catch-Up Corner...Week 2... Please, slip off t... - Couch to 5K

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Catch-Up Corner...Week 2... Please, slip off those running shoes and take a little time for yourself:)

Oldfloss profile image
39 Replies

So... Come on inside and give it a rest.... !

Which, I have to say, was not what I did yesterday... all things that could go pear- shaped did...but by bedtime... it was all sorted and I did sleep like the proverbial log!

So... everyone... here we are again with yet another week gone by. How has it all been for you!

I have had a not too shabby week and have managed the first week of my next goal with the first run of the second week completed today :)

Today, after a heck of a week last week, I thought I would share some thoughts with you , all about rest .

It is something that we all know about, something that we are advised to do, not only when we begin running, but all through our running adventures. It may be something, also, that we never give ourselves the chance to do.

Anyone on here who is just beginning C25K, will have,( I hope), read the useful information and great advice given on the pinned post on How to run C25K...

... and anyone who has completed C25K, is still aware of how important our rest days are.

But why?


*Running causes microscopic tears in our muscles and if this issue is ignored , may cause severe problems.

*A rest day allows our body to recover from this breakdown.

*Rest days prevent injury and help us improve as a runner.

*Recovery reduces our risk of overuse injuries, and allows our body to adapt to the training load.

*Rest days are essential to becoming a stronger runner.

But we do know, also. that on some of our rest days, other forms of exercise are really useful. Core strength and stamina work especially.

We can walk, or cycle, do yoga or swim. All manner of exercise that we may choose, which uses different muscles and makes us stronger. Even a day's gardening or a housework blitz, counts as great exercise:)

But a rest day with no exercise at all, may in turn, be really useful to you.

We get the most benefits from a rest day, if we truly rest from all workouts – no running, no strength training, no spin class or other cross-training.

We are talking a complete rest day.. no workout, no strength and stamina , no anything:)

Allowing the mind as well as the body to rest too; over exercise can tire the mind as well as the body.( I learned this to my cost In October 2020 )! I am still recovering from that set back.

So choosing something that gives us time to rest and recover may be just what we all need sometimes.

It could be;

*Spending time on a hobby/activity

*Enjoying time with family or friends

*Reading a book, listening to music or watching TV.

*Cuddles with the cat, dog, rabbit or the children x

Basically whatever feels good to you :)

You are all doing incredibly well and as I am so aware of how many new runners we are getting each day, I just thought I would share these ideas?

So... having rambled on as ever, I would and we would really, really like to know how it is all going for you. Just a quick reply so we can all share and support each other:)

Take care and, please, be kind to yourselves.

Oldfloss xxx

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Oldfloss profile image
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39 Replies
Mormor1 profile image

Oh dear oh dear, I should have rested today. Was taking advantage of the weather yesterday and worked in the large, unruly garden all day. Sooo stiff today, but still thought I should start week 2 of The Plan. After all it was only 3k.. Nuff said... I ended up walking most of it, couldn't call it will be enforced rest tomorrow as I'm off to the west country.. So sitting in a car for much of it. Mind you, that brings its own stiffness.....can't win!

Hey Oldfloss- a lovely post as always! Being 'in the business' I am very keen on taking care of our emotional well-being and taking time out for ourselves. I would recommend mindfulness and meditation as a means of finding inner peace (as well as running of course). There are loads of resources and Apps online for anyone who is interested. Like anything else, it takes time and practice to become skilled. When I learned meditation, we started with a minute and eventually built up to an hour. It was scary! Now what does that remind you of?


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to

Thanks..just thoughts...I am still struggling a tad with just, being.

Running again, albeit gently, has helped and I am paint again now and writing.

There are do many resources out there, but finding the right one..? Tricky.

For me, outdoors and the power of nature is a massive support.

Thanks for this advice for us all..


I didn't realise you were in the business ?


dreamrun profile image

Hello again Oldfloss 😊 thank you for the advice - I don’t think I’ve got it in me to run consecutively, but it’s always a good to have some science to back it up with too.Great news about your run - are you hoping for a 10K in the future?

I have some fab news! I finished the last run of Week 8 today - and managed a 5K! Well, I did go 37 seconds over. 😇 I posted on mummycav’s graduate post as I’m not sure if I qualify having not yet finished the programme. I will still do the three thirty minute runs of week 9.

I hope you have a lovely week 🌸

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to dreamrun

That is amazing...huge well done you....I know you can finish those three runs in real style ...I did 5K on my graduation run...because I thought I had to!

We don't advise running consecutively until after a really good while!

Have a super last C25K week too!

Yes. Repeating Bridge again ...and doing Magic is great....gets your back on track gently and with no pressure.

I had a lovely gentle Week 2 Run 1 yesterday..x

Carsington Water...the dam is always breezey!!
dreamrun profile image
dreamrunGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

What a lovely photo! I am looking forward to following in your footsteps and redoing the magic plan too. All the best 🏃‍♀️

Indielass00 profile image

No running for me this week. I got hip pain last Thursday near the end of my run. So I’m doing the sensible thing and not running until it feels better. In the mean time I’m continuing to stretch and do strengthening exercises and walking.Was fed up at the weekend about stopping running again!

But have picked myself back up and will just focus on looking after myself and hopefully my return to running will be in the near future.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Indielass00

You will be back and we say it, so many times...runs wait...The hip sounds painful and you are right to rest up.

Isn't it horrid when you get a twinge on a run...I dread it...!

Well done you..keep on with those exercises!!

Indielass00 profile image
Indielass00Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks Oldfloss. Hip is gradually feeling better but still need more time of no running. Exercises are going well. Had a lovely 5k walk the other day so definitely not stuck on the couch ☺️ xx

Over60sRunner profile image
Over60sRunnerGraduate in reply to Indielass00


nowster profile image

After a month of running every day, it felt odd to be taking rest days again.

I even took two together! Sunday and Monday. No exercise at all, unless you count walking down to the chemist's and back to pick up a repeat prescription as exercise.

Suitably rejuvenated, I only go and knock out some PBs yesterday and today. Oops! That's not very restful, is it?

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to nowster

I know. Unexpected,unintended PBs!I certainly think we all benefit from complete rest...but the amount is tailored to individual need.

I come from a family of, never be still, women...and for me, rest is still , paint, read, write, cook.

Wrll done you on those 2 days..and I think the stroll to a chemist...just right! X

LiisaM profile image

Dear Old Floss, you really should write a book because you have a good way with words. You make me laugh! ("all things that could go pear- shaped did," and "having rambled on as ever.") This is not to mention the importance of the content you write! So: muscle tears--does straining facial muscles while yelling at a deaf spouse who doesn't wear his hearing aid count? Okay, I know, I'm continuing my strength training 3 days a week as always; I'm keeping up with it so I have nothing astounding to report--same ol', same ol', as they say. Now about writing--how about a humorous British cozy? That would be just my cup of tea.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to LiisaM

Oh I know that feeling...!Strength training going well, and that can only be good. You need all the strength and stamina you can get!

I know your rest time us virtually non existent...but maybe, as the days lengthen , there will be chance to get out for a short jogette?

Well done you...and yes...I am still intending getting a book published!

LiisaM profile image
LiisaMGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

OF! Jogette? In ice and snow?!? Too hazardous yet, but I believe I've heard some of the birds that are the harbingers of spring. Yay! You may be right: spring might come! :D

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to LiisaM

I meant in the better weather of course... you get plenty of work in the snow... shovelling! xxx

And of course to quote Shelley... " If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind" . xxx

SueAppleRun profile image

Rest and recover, we really have been doing that, I still do squats every day but not much else lately, work is taking it’s toll lately but I’ve never liked winter and we are heading to spring already 😂Thank you Floss for the reminder of the importance of rest days

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to SueAppleRun

That sounds fine to me... Spring is on its way, but you work so very hard, that you do need that R and R time.I love squats... I try to do at least 50 every morning whilst cleaning my teeth... but Sumo squats are my favourites!

Well done both!

A little bit of Spring growth here x

A touch of green on yesterday's run!
SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

That’s a beautiful photo, I do 10 squats but I do them several times a day, 10 while brushing my teeth 10 while the kettle is on, 10 while waiting for the bath to fill….. and so on 😀

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to SueAppleRun

Yes... we squat , whenever and wherever we can? Wonderful!

Irish-John profile image

Nicely put Floss :) 👍🏻There can be a fine line between a good habit and a not so good compulsion. I do believe in the old Irish saying "Everything in moderation - including moderation" :)

There are days to strive for "above and beyond" and days to simply relax and take a break from the Universe :)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Irish-John

So true my friend...but finding that balance..!!!!Xxx

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Finding Balance and Pace - the unending twin challenge lol

Over60sRunner profile image

Well, I'm having another pants week on the running front with only one run in the past seven days, but that's better than none! 🙄

I've got gym session booked tomorrow and will give it my best on the treadmill. I managed 2.58k in 26 minutes last week, so I'm aiming for a wee bit more this week....maybe try for 3k in 30 minutes. I know this progress is painfully slow, but I don't want to overdo it like I did before Christmas and end up in total burnout again!

I have been trying to run on my home treadmill, but for some strange reason I start getting IT band pain in my right leg very quickly and have to stop - something that never happens in the gym, so it must be something to do with the treadmill but goodness only knows what. Sadly it has now been relegated to a walking pad that I use if I don't reach my 10k steps a day goal by mid-evening and that's about it which is really disappointing as I was hoping it would be a stepping stone to get me back to 3 days a week running without the 10 minute drive to the gym each time which is very onorous at the best of times and impossible just now as I have to run at 7.30am to fit in with work and that is just not on with this post-viral fatigue still dragging me down (when will it ever end!) 😒

However, on a more positive note, I'm walking the dogs a good mile and a half daily, up and down the Welsh hills, and at as brisk a pace I can manage with breaking out into a trot, so I'm pleased with that 😀👍😀

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Over60sRunner

Go you on those Welsh Hills... real strength and stamina work there, especially with the dogs!Not sure what your pain can be ... ? How odd that it is only on the TM?

You are doing so well, my heart goes out to you... Just keep taking it steady.

It really is best not to push as you well know. The runs wait, the year is moving on and we will see the longer lighter days coming.

And you are so right... one run is better than no run. Take care of yourself and take time to heal fully, from this dreadful post viral left over xxx

Jackapoodle profile image

Well, had rubbish week last week. One of my dogs chased a pigeon (he's old enough to know better) into a bush and managed to tear his leg open. One operation, enforced rest (try stopping two dogs play fighting and chasing round the house 🙈 ) and an issue with the stitches (they're now out thankfully) and now just awaiting the bill lol. Sigh.Anyway managed to fit some running in and about to finish week 2 of the Magic Plan. It's funny you should mention rest days as I've started using the rowing machine at home in between run days and maybe that's what did it, but I've started to want a day where I do nothing exercise related. Which surprised me a bit as I'm loving running. Perhaps it's my mind and body's way of saying ease off, give yourself a bit of breathing space?

So today I've been watching episodes of Frasier, bit of housework, will take the dogs out later and then I intend to eat that Creme Egg I have skilfully hidden from the view of others in this house. Having a lovely time!

😆 The rowing machine will wait until tomorrow!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Jackapoodle

Thank your for this and letting us see, the perfect example of being kind to ourselves and listening to our bodies!Your body and had were letting you know what they wanted and you did it! Well done!

Your poor dog... what a kerfuffle!!! Do sit down when you open the bill!

You got some runs in and you are on Week 3 , wonderful! I am on Week 2 Run 2... tomorrow maybe unless the frost comes again!

Have a good row tomorrow and enjoy ! xxx

Jackapoodle profile image
JackapoodleGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

It was quite a shock when I heard a yelp and then saw this gaping wound 😱 but nothing to the shock of the cost of sorting it out 😳 I've told him it's coming out of his gravy bone account 😂 Ooo week 2, that's brilliant. I'll see you in week 3 (you'll definitely hear me, I should extra as the living dead in Zombies, Run!!! X

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Jackapoodle

Poor thing. Him and you! yes..on the way... slow and steady!

Gottostartsomewhere profile image

Hello :)

Well I graduated last Saturday as planned, so that’s definitely a positive for the week! Settling into consolidation is providing a bit more challenging, I’ve managed 2 runs but both with buggy and only 20mins or 3kish each. So pleased to be keeping the routine but a bit disappointed in myself to be giving up earlier than when I had the c25k motivation. I’ll aim for a buggy free 30minutes at the weekend and see how that feels, it might be that our new pattern could be 2 shorter runs midweek and a longer one at the weekend. Then again next week is half term so all 4 little people at home should throw out any plans I can make ;)

I definitely need the rest days, my legs and arms both tell me loudly I need a rest so I’m happy to go with that pattern. Havnt yet incorporated any strength or anything into my in between days, but I’ll keep it in mind and look into it when I can.

And I am consciously noticing all the little blessings we tend to rush past in the day and thanking God for them, like the light through the trees, the joy on a little one’s face, an unexpected quiet cup of tea, being forced to walk at toddler speed and appreciate the details of the moss and leaves she’s so intrigued by… it’s mentally fantastic medicine :)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Gottostartsomewhere

Rest? It is a wonder that you get any :)

The blessings from those small ones are priceless, and yes... absorbing every second of the joy that emulates from them, and the joy in our surroundings can be a soul soother.

You are doing wonderfully, and as so many of our awesome parents are, you are an inspiration.

I feel that 2 shorter run and then the longer weekend one may work. I have nearly always had my longer run on a Sunday. More relaxed for me and few folk around when I head out.

Your consolidation plans are, and should be flexible; it does not have to be about 30 minutes or long runs or 5Ks... I used my consolidation way back in 2015 to just run. I ran at least three or four weeks just for pure joy. Because I could!

You do it your way.

With 4 small ones home for half-term, I would not even think about strength or stamina... you have plenty of bucket loads!

But, you are doing so much and somehow, finding the rest time in those special moments you mention, a feast for the eyes and rest for the mind.

HUGE congratulations on your Graduation. You should feel very, very proud of yourself.

We are proud of you x

Birdlady64 profile image

I love that sentiment Floss.I do like to take a proper aka literal "rest" day in the week ie no exercise apart from maybe a nice relaxing stroll out with Mr B at the weekend

So good for mental wellbeing and being kind to myself

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Birdlady64

... and that is the key. Being kind to yourself. I was heading out today before small one and Mama arrive. I cover an extra afternoon, so Mama can log on at work earlier than 4 p.m. but I had a hectic day yesterday, so am taking this a rest day. It will be a full on with small one, but it works for me :)

A lovely stroll with Mr B... perfect :)

Over60sRunner profile image

This morning I managed a full 30 minute run, which I haven't been able to to for a couple of months and covered 3.06k. I maxed at 155bpm and averaged 145bpm (JUST below peak 🙄).

Now to many that's a pretty poor performance, but to me I felt like Rocky having just run up the steps........ rock and roll 🏃‍♀️💪🏃‍♀️ 😁😁😁 Oh, and I wasn't even that pink!!!

Pink person
Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Over60sRunner

Awesome!!! Pink maybe, poor performance...never... but perfectly placed for paced progression????

Huge well done you !!! X

Frenc profile image

Love the socks 🧦 Oldfloss! Oooh yes, rest. So very true 😊. Tomorrow, apart from getting my hair done, is a proper rest day. Which means lots of lovely me time and the sofa, some good telly, and maybe a bit of cooking. In all honesty, I could really do with it. My legs are generally fairly tired, so it will be a definite no action day. Well done on hitting those goals! 😊😊😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Frenc

I love my snuggly slipper socks...your day of rest sounds wonderful...just perfect!!!

I'll join you! Just got a run first thing...only 5K though x


Bluebirdrunner profile image

Hi Floss,

sitting half watching the rugby with a big smile on my face.

Another run tucked safely under my belt this lunchtime. The sun came out for me too. It was really exhilarating. I ran slowly sometimes looking at little details in the hedgerows, then more freely once I was warmed up. I took a rest at the top of the hill for a photo then was able to pick up speed on the downhill stretch on the way back and loved that feeling.

I have had a long rest from running as you know...and it's all the more sweet to be able to pick it up again.

There was a chilly breeze but I remembered to moisturize my face and hands (gloved, but maybe removed at some point) an essential protection against those uv rays and wind. A top tip that I always remember from forum pals years ago.

I thought today too, what a difference a pair of wireless earphones and a flip belt for my phone has made from when I started c25k with an armband and wired ones.

An old favourite route covered today, and a run to feel pleased with.

Have a good week every one 😊xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Hello...I just watched my team lose to France...but, a good game:)

What a lovely positive post and how good to know that you are finding some time to lace up those running shoes, and re-find and old friend of a route:)

Good to have some time for yourself and to seek out the lovely hidden pleasures of the season.

Haven't we all come on, with our tech' gear and everything!!!

It was a chilly wind...I slapped Nivea all over my face!

I am so pleased for you and how things are settling into [place to allow you some running time. Well done you xxx

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