This is my first post and I started the program in August. We I've been running 5k, 3 times a week for the last month. But I just can't beat 38 minutes. Whether i think I'm having a good or bad day - the result is always the same. I had an injury to my left foot 20 years ago, which means that all the bones in it are fused and i have very little movement. There is no spring in it at all. Could this be stopping me running faster or am i just a one speed jane? How do you get faster?
Will I ever get faster?: This is my first post... - Couch to 5K
Will I ever get faster?

Add a speed run and try a longer run now and again, lots of people here can point you in the right direction but try doing week 1 of C25K but run fast in the 60 seconds and walk or jog slowly through the 90 seconds. (or walk for the 60 and run fast for the 90 just dont let laura confuse you) As for the longer run don't worry about distance, just go slowly but for a little bit longer.
Jamsamwich has suggested what I was going to suggest.
To get faster, you need to improve your aerobic capacity (and other things).
So as she suggested, start from week 1 again, running your normal pace, and when Laura tells you to run, you sprint...
Alternatively, on some days depending where you live and run, do a series of interval sprints. What I am doing after my c25k run, my local park has two trees approx 90 meters apart on a incline. I sprint up to the top tree, and then walk down to the bottom tree before repeating it 5 times.
It is a good way of improving your speed on a normal run.

I graduated with a 43 minute 5k. Managed to get faster up to 34 mins at my peak but I've dropped speed again to my original pace, I find 8 mins per I'm enjoyable and I can run further too. I did 10k today, 5k run, 4K run-walk, 1k sprint. How fast do we need to go, I am fit and active and enjoy running? 😉

I have been running since January 2015, am no spring chicken, am short and a bit inflexible in my right hip which gives me a short stride. My fastest 5K was probably 4 or 5 months ago at just under 38 minutes. I had a period of trying all sorts of things to speed up - longer runs to build more stamina, speed intervals, 30/20/10, to little avail. Net net, I now just run how I feel is right for me and it's a while since I managed a 5k under 39 minutes. My message is don't worry about it, just appreciate what you can do, where you have come from it and enjoy it.
yes i think i really just have one speed!
Faster than being on the sofa x sounds like you are doing brilliantly!

Have you tried a parkrun? Most people find the challenge of running with others boosts their performance. Certainly all my 5k PBs have come from parkrun. I am also a great believer in running further if you want to run faster. If you do a weekly 10k for a few months you will almost certainly see an impact on your 5k times.

You need to mix it up a bit! A short run, an interval run, a longer run, a maintenance 5K, but doing the same thing every time will lead to the same result in my book. Have you tried the + podcasts? They have a bit of everything..