Now that the shops are open I went to the sports superstore and got myself a new running top, trousers and even pants! I’m now worried the curse of buying the right equipment will cause me to stop running. It seems whenever I splash out on equipment I lose interest. My current trainers were bought 10 years ago and were hardly worn until I started C25K.
It feels really weird to wear skintight Lycra as I’m no spring chicken. Asked my husband how I looked, his expression gave him away and he asked what I was wearing. I explained that loads of runners wear these leggings and they are surprisingly comfortable. To which he replied ‘well go for it then, just don’t wear them to the shops!’ As I actually don’t care what strangers think of my clothing choices I’m happy with his verdict.
So, tomorrow I’ll be doing Wk5R1 along the riverbank (knee permitting) hopefully without scaring the horses, dogs and other wildlife!