Have to peel me off the couch to do 5k - Couch to 5K

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Have to peel me off the couch to do 5k

SamanthaBa profile image
29 Replies

So this is going to be a progress diary I suppose. For myself more than anything.

I'm 41, mum of 2 and I weighed in at 15st.

No point hiding it. That's what the scales said. Time to stop skirting around it and admit, I'm obese, unhealthy and unhappy.

I found a profile on Instagram a few weeks ago, I won't name it unless anyone specifically wants to find her. But, she has inspired me so much and she doesn't even know.

Shes a young girl who gets up at the crack of dawn every day and goes for a 5k with her little dog. More than likely half my age.

So with her and her dog as inspiration, I bough some trainers and the biggest sports bra I have ever seen and decided today was the day. Tomorrow never comes. Just do it.

I was not looking forward to it in the slightest. I dont run well, I havent run In years. Not even for the bus, I'd rather let it go and wait for the next one. I have just woke up after my night shift and that was that.

Found a Spotify playlist, got my trainers on, got the dog and off we went.

Now admittedly I did most of week 1, day 1 carrying a poo bag, breathing like I was taking my last breaths, pinker than I had ever been even with sunburn, the dog didn't even break into a fast walk and my fit bit didn't even recognise that I was running but, I did it.

My legs hurt, I'm sweaty, I'm going to be aching tomorrow but for right now. I just did a thing 😊

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SamanthaBa profile image
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29 Replies
IannodaTruffe profile image

Welcome to the forum and well done on getting started.

This guide to the plan is essential reading healthunlocked.com/couchto5...

and includes advice on minimising impact, stretching after every run, hydration and strengthening exercises, all of which will help.

Enjoy your journey.

John_W profile image

Well done, brilliant effort ... but ... methinks you were doing the 'running' bits a little too fast. Try and focus more on jogging, not 'running'.

Why? This >>> "breathing like I was taking my last breaths, pinker than I had ever been" .

Too many of us have images and memories that associate 'running' with something from school or playing with friends. Forget all that!

Take this nice and easy - relax, and go really slowly. Really really slowly. Your pace during the running (jogging!) bits should be barely quicker or the same speed as your brisk walk pace - if you can't talk easily (Google the 'Talk Test') then you're going too quickly. If your breathing is too laboured, you're going too quickly.

Slow down - nice and easy!

Watch this carefully and use it as a reference for your C25K journey:


and watch this lovely interview with Josh Clark, C25K inventor:


Stonemanuk profile image

Well done Sam.

And next time, you will do another "thing". And then another, and all of a sudden, you will realise that actually, you CAN do that thing, and you might even start to like it. Maybe.

But it does get easier. Honest!

Keep going, and remember, the faster you go, the fewer poo-bags you need to take, because less the dog can stop and poo!!


SamanthaBa profile image
SamanthaBa in reply to Stonemanuk

Thank you

SamanthaBa profile image

Thank you for your support.

Just to clarify John, I was jogging, im just that unfit 🤣

Day 2 soon. When my legs recover. I have a night shift in A&E coming up 😊

Rennur profile image

Just think, in a year or two you might be setting a new record in the Marathon - fastest time carrying a dog poo bag!

RainbowC profile image

Well done! That’s a great start - and the start is so important because without it you can’t have the rest!

Keep going, do the three runs a week and you’ll very soon notice your progress and how much fitter you’re getting.

Sarahlou43 profile image

Hi there, I'm in the same shoes as you. I'm 43,I'm of 2 teens, and yes I weighed in at 15st 5lbs. Years of trying to loose weight and I was at my absolute heaviest. It got to Xmas this year and my physical and mental health was at an all time low. So spurred on by my brothers massive weight loss I said enough of the excuses I'm doing this. I started keto on 4th jan (I don't call it a diet, it's my way of life eating) and I started walking everyday. 2 weeks in a friend suggested this programme and I laughed saying I couldn't run and never would....... but I did and I am!!! I bought myself the whole kit - decent running trainers, running clothing and headphones etc and I went out that first run and almost died but I loved the feeling I had done it. I'm now on week 5. I'm a stone lighter and I can actually run 5 mins at a time, admittedly I'm the slowest runner you've ever seen but really I don't care. I love it and I really love coming home with the sense of accomplishment. I record my runs using strava app and my fitness mad friends give me the most amazing support. I'm now doing 5k on the cross trainer when I'm not running as I feel the need for that exercise buzz. You can do this!! Keep going and use whatever inspiration you need to get those trainers on. We'll done hunny

SamanthaBa profile image
SamanthaBa in reply to Sarahlou43

Yes! This is it exactly. Thank you so much for this comment.

Bassmamma15 profile image
Bassmamma15Graduate in reply to SamanthaBa

Both of you @Saralou43 as well - amazing. I started c25k last year in lockdown and made a determined effort every two to three days to run in my lunch hour. But I live Ip a big hill and have an even bigger one to get up before I can run down so I treat it as a walk till I get to the top (that’s my warm up) then I run home. I got to week 9 run 2 and never completed due to winter so I’m going out today to finish as you have inspired me again I got to 11 stone and next I’m getting to 10. Well done girls x

Sarahlou43 profile image
Sarahlou43Graduate in reply to Bassmamma15

Well done to you aswell. Massive achievement.

DizzeeB profile image

Good for you . First step done, that’s the important thing. You may even find you like it. I like the headspace it gives me away from kids, work, home. Enjoy. X.

Peter44 profile image

Congratulations, you've done the hard part, slowly, slowly it will get easier, keep posting on here, you'll get loads of help, and positive advise, we all started, and probably felt the same, after that first run 🥵 keep going, you'll be so glad you did, it's really a life changer! 👏👏👏

aberlady profile image

Love it SamanthaBa. You really made me laugh! Thank you for that🤣. Keep going!

Runninggirl59 profile image

His ia s really motivating posts ladies. As a lockdown graduated, I can't tell you how good it feels when you complete this programme. I do think most of us start off thinking we will never be able to run for 30 mins but at some point you realise you can do it and you guys will too. Good luck and we'll done for taking the first step, literally 👍🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

CatTheSecond profile image

You will be amazed at what you can achieve. I struggled to run for 90 seconds at the start of the programme, and I couldn't believe that I would ever be able to run (jog) for longer. I now run for 30 minutes every other day, you can do it - stick with the programme, don't try and run too fast, and repeat a week or two if you need to . By the time lockdown ends, you'll be a runner!

joeyg76 profile image

Well done getting out there and getting started, I think that’s the hardest bit.

I found the first few weeks tough as a 45 year old newbie to running, I redid week 5 a few times before I tackled W5R3, but that’s when it clicked for me and I’m now on week 7 and loving it.

I read ‘Running like a girl’ by Alexandra Heminsley as it was only 99p on kindle. She went from a complete non runner who struggled to run to the end of her street to running 5 marathons. Recommend it as an inspiring read 😊

Sarahlou43 profile image
Sarahlou43Graduate in reply to joeyg76

I've just bought the book. Looking forward to reading it as a post run treat with a cuppa

SamanthaBa profile image

Thank you to everyone for all the positive replies.

I have just finished my night shift and I'm going to bed for a few hours

I dont feel too bad. A bit sore, like I could just do a big stretch but nothing I can't cope with.

I have a feeling it may be difficult when I get up later. So I'm throwing my walking boots on tonight and going for a hike just to keep moving 🙃

Slimgymer profile image

Well done Samantha 🤗🤗 ...you too are an inspiration to others ...as people have said the first part is the hardest !!

newbie-nick profile image

I am SO proud of you. The first step is by far the hardest, and at times it will feel like hell, but it DOES get easier. Grin inanely, smile broadly, or sing or skip along and no one [apart form you] will ever know. For inspiration, also watch this Youtube video. It sums up just what any of us can do. Do have tissues ready.


SamanthaBa profile image
SamanthaBa in reply to newbie-nick

Wow. Thank you for this. What an inspiration

Scruff55 profile image

Really really Well Done. That’s the biggest and most difficult run you will do on this programme. SLOW is the mantra. Together with YOU CAN DO THIS. It’s a magic plan is C25k. If you keep at it you don’t really notice how good you are getting. And it really is mind over matter. Your motivation is awesome so keep at it and I look forward to following your logs. Happy running 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️😆😆😆😆

feeling-good profile image

Absolutely brilliant!

NewRunner-52 profile image

Well done SamanthaBa! You are amazing to have taken this huge step and you have lots of positives to look forward to. Go girl!!

Jacsbpl profile image

I've just done my 4th session, im 51, I dont weigh myself but am a size 18/20 and your story sounds like mine. I'm so bloody proud of myself because I'm repeating week 1 and in just 4 sessions I've gone nearly 1/2 mile more than my 1st session. I love this group as everyone is just so helpful, and you can do this. Wgi cares how long it takes us, the fact is we are off the couch and thats how it starts. Keep going and keep posting xx

SamanthaBa profile image
SamanthaBa in reply to Jacsbpl

Thank you for this. Keep going - smash it.

I'm about the same myself. 5ft2 and size 18-20. I've had enough, my 7 year old is running circles round me, literally. I'm sick of paying more for clothes because they are bigger, I'm sick of being out of breath running to an emergency call in work, CPR is a workout in itself. This is it.

Mikew84 profile image

Well done Sam, and thanks for making me laugh out loud! The first week is definitely the hardest in my opinion - I didn't think I'd be able to get beyond it but I graduated in just under 9 weeks. The programme really does work and you'll be amazed at the progress you will make if you stick to it. Good luck!

SamanthaBa profile image
SamanthaBa in reply to Mikew84

Thank you Mike.

Have to have a sense of humour here right? I'd cry if I didn't laugh 😊

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