New and a bit nervous... okay, very nervous. - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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New and a bit nervous... okay, very nervous.

Wonderland1 profile image
50 Replies


Just started doing C25K - I have completed week one but did four of the three runs as really did not feel confident.

I am still struggling a bit although I admit it is getting slightly easier. I am 55 and a stone and a bit over weight and although I used to walk a great deal I haven’t done any real exercise for years.

I suppose I am looking for a bit of support from those who have been down this road (literally) before.

I really have to force myself to go out the door... I am hoping there are others who have felt this way and yet are now very confident!

Many thanks

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Wonderland1 profile image
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50 Replies
FreedomToRun profile image

Think we’ve all been there! You’ll be fine. Take it really slow. Stretch after each run. Few simple exercises on non run days can help. But main thing is trust you can do this. Difficult bit is starting. I found by week 4 that I was into the flow and it became easier. Still keeping it slow.

Weight wise it tends not to make a huge difference but you can certainly tone up and reduce inches/cms.

Enjoy it, difficult bit getting out, go slow and use this forum. I found it really helpful

Wonderland1 profile image
Wonderland1 in reply to FreedomToRun

Thank you! That is just what I needed... walking tomorrow and then another session on Sunday. Will try to keep going. Thank you

Wonderland1 profile image
Wonderland1 in reply to FreedomToRun

Thank you so much!

Windoze profile image

Hey Wonderland. Welcome to the club 😎 On the subject of confidence...I only know this too well.

First time I ever pulled on my manly running lycra's a little bit of me died 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I'm over that. I don't care now. It may be confidence or it may be I just now don't care what others think when they see me in my meggins 😃

Enjoy your running 🏃‍♂️ journey. You got this. Your over the start line!

in reply to Windoze

Oh the Word " meggins" is born classy 👍

Wonderland1 profile image
Wonderland1 in reply to Windoze

Thank you! Really appreciate the reply. Runners pass me by but they are always friendly - I guess everyone had to start somewhere. Will keep going and checking in.

Windoze profile image
WindozeGraduate in reply to Wonderland1

No problem!

Dexy5 profile image

You can do this wonderland. Many of us started in our 60s and 70s and have gone on to run 10 miles, HM and marathon from C25k.

Just take your time and run slowly .

Wonderland1 profile image
Wonderland1 in reply to Dexy5

Thank you - I note that you are all saying, go slowly, I think I am going too fast (for me) so will try and pace it out more

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate in reply to Wonderland1

Yes, think 🐌🐌🐌🐌

IannodaTruffe profile image

Welcome to the forum and well done on getting started.

This guide to the plan is essential reading

and includes advice on minimising impact, stretching after every run, hydration and strengthening exercises, all of which will help.

Take the pressure of yourself, relax and enjoy your journey.

Wonderland1 profile image
Wonderland1 in reply to IannodaTruffe

Thank you! This is useful - will read it properly

Rennur profile image

One stone overweight? Lightweight! I'm probably 2 stone plus overweight and I'm 57. You will be the one overtaking me soon. Seriously you can do this. I did 5 runs for Week 1 and my mistake was going too fast.

Week 1 and Week 4 were the hardest. I started in September and graduated at the end of November. I managed t run around 3.5km at my graduation. The aim of the programme is to get you running 30 minutes. My first 5K took 44 minutes 7 weeks after graduation. I am doing my 6th 5k on Sunday. Giving up smoking 7 years ago, was the best thing I have ever done for my health. Doing C25K was the second best, but much much more enjoyable and actually a lot easier!

Enjoy your journey.

Wonderland1 profile image
Wonderland1 in reply to Rennur

That made me smile 😊 thank you

kev9154 profile image

I’ve posted a few times to trust the plan. I started last May and over the piece lost 4 stone through changed diet and running. I’ve now finished the C210K and now comfortably run 5K a few time a week. Trust the plan, take your time and be sensible with pace and you will get there. Good luck, it’s a great feeling when you nail the first 5K, regardless of time.

Wonderland1 profile image
Wonderland1 in reply to kev9154

Wow that is incredible!

JetsNanna profile image

I am a bit older than you and am carrying about the same amount of ‘baggage’. I was full of trepidation when I started the program but I was also determined to graduate so I just gave it a go and kept going. At around Week 3 or 4 I posted something on social media in the self-knowledge that if I gave up after that everyone would know. It worked for me. Of course there were times when I thought “What the living hell have I got myself into?” but those times were always followed by a sense of immense achievement after I’d been out and completed another run/week.

You’ve come to the right place for encouragement and support. Trust me, if I can do this - you can. It just takes grit and the guts to try. I’m sure that you have both in abundance 😊

Wonderland1 profile image
Wonderland1 in reply to JetsNanna

Bless you. I hope so. Actually, I know so!

Sweetdreamer5790 profile image

Hi Wonderland1

After starting C25k as a newbie last month and struggling to complete WK1, I felt just like you, not confident at all.....😥 however, after reading all the helpful advice on this forum and learning from other people’s experiences, I am pleased to report I have made it to WK5!

I didn’t like running to begin with but now I love it…wow can’t believe I just said that, especially running in this awful weather and sub- zero temperatures, 🤨🥶

If I can do it, you can too, the best advice I can give you is just pace yourself, it’s not a race, go at what you feel comfortable with even it if means only jogging a tiny bit more than your brisk walk, you will soon build stamina and find it easier as you progress.

Also…rest in between runs and rest even more if feeling injured in any way. Good luck and keep us posted on how you get on.

Wonderland1 profile image
Wonderland1 in reply to Sweetdreamer5790

That is exactly how I feel, so reassuring. Thank you so much

Jonno34 profile image

You have made a start, a great one!

My story is probably similar. I do project work, a lot of it is working away, live on site, work at a desk eat, drink, sleep, eat work repeat sort if thing. Quite sedentary and getting thicker round the middle. Abt 2 years ago I walked 50 metres to the camp clinic as was not feeling great, when I arrived I was tachycardic and my bp was high. Sent to a cardiologist and given 3 different tablets.

I had always promised myself I would never be one of those who took several daily tablets, so I started at the gym. I used to start with 20 mins cardio do a set of work on a muscle group then another 20 mins cardio. This was OK for a bit but I got bored with it. I needed a goal, C25K became that goal. I started on the treadmill, largely because it us very hot here in summer, I had some sort of injury around week 7, took some time off, restarting in week 5. I finished it a few weeks later. It was cooling a bit so I took to the pavement which was very different but more enjoyable. I pushed on to get my first ever 5k. I then ran in a few races and stretched my distance andd am now looking toward a half marathon.

I am a similar age at 57, I had and still have excess weight, probably about 12lbs. I would never have thought I would come this far. The health benefits alone are immense, I take no tablets my BP is good, my cholesterol is manageable without statins, I feel fitter, more energetic mentally in a better place, more confident ,better about life and a bit proud if myself.

You have got this, stick with it and you will be glad you did.

Wonderland1 profile image
Wonderland1 in reply to Jonno34

Thus is amazing! Will post a proper reply but this is exactly me - GP mentioned statins but said exercise could do same job...

Silverstar44 profile image

Hi, well done on completing your first week, I was 3 stone overweight when I started really nervous, im on week 4 now I'm not very confident yet but but just getting confident I had to force myself out the door the first week too, dont make the mistake I did and look what's coming on the weeks ahead, an u will be fine, slow and steady an we will get there.

Wonderland1 profile image
Wonderland1 in reply to Silverstar44

Will take your advice! Will take each day as it comes and no looking ahead.

jmozz profile image

Oh I know that feeling. I had no confidence id be able week one let alone any others!! I go very slowly (someone on for put me onto Japanese slow running on YouTube) and I have had to repeat runs many times but I've just done first run week 4 and I'm pretty shocked at myself. Still don't think I'll ever finish program but then I never thought I'd get this far.

Wonderland1 profile image
Wonderland1 in reply to jmozz

Got a feeling you will do this! Thank you for letting me know

Pip50 profile image

I was absolutely like that in January 2020 and now am enjoying running. When I first started, I never could believe I would ever be able to say I enjoy running. And now I’m doing 10k or more. And loving it. So good for me, especially my mind. So do keep going, it’s worth it. I had set times when I had to do it so that made me do it. If I waited until I wanted to do it, I would never have done it! I also did it with a friend which certainly helped. So keep going. make yourself do it, and if you need to repeat, do so. Good luck xx

Wonderland1 profile image
Wonderland1 in reply to Pip50

Hi Pip50, amazing that you are doing 10 k!!! Set times will help me focus

Frenc profile image

Hello Wonderland1! Well done on completing week 1 😀👍. Especially as I read your post wrong and thought you were 55 stone, not 55 years old 🤣. I’m 52 and absolutely love it, and still get nervous before I run. But I always manage it and always feel amazing afterwards. You’ll steam through week 2. 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️

Wonderland1 profile image
Wonderland1 in reply to Frenc

Made me laugh 😆 thank you!

coggerjogger profile image

Starting is the hardest thing and you have done that so well done! The next hardest thing is getting out of the door each time (especially in this weather). You are also doing that ! Hang in there. It does feel good afterwards.

Wonderland1 profile image
Wonderland1 in reply to coggerjogger

It does... as I get to my door again I do feel proud if not exhausted!

ReesSteve profile image

I’m on W3 and like you found the first run hard. Self conscious in the main. I’m 60 and was 7kg over weight....dropped 4 kg since starting C25K and watching the intake. Feeling fitter than I have in a long while. Just stick to the programme and don’t over for it 👍🏻

Wonderland1 profile image
Wonderland1 in reply to ReesSteve

Think it was the starting that was so difficult but going to stick with it. Thank you.

Maisiecat1 profile image

Congratulations for starting c25k.I think that most of us can honestly say that we never thought it possible after trying to run for 3 mins and constantly hoping we would be told we can walk now.

But.... I'm seeing all those people that graduated last year during 1st lockdown graduating 10k and working towards half marathon.

Yes it's possible even for our age and carrying a little excess weight (mine was 1 stone and I've lost 9lbs through just running)

If your finding a run a real struggle then go slower, it's surprising how much slower than slow you can go.

Also don't think you've got to get to 5k in 30mins by the end of graduating. My fastest 5k is 30.07 and I graduated last May. Speed doesn't bother me, its enjoying those runs and the immense powerful feeling you experience as you finish.

Stay posting and the forum will support you all the way. 😅😀

Wonderland1 profile image
Wonderland1 in reply to Maisiecat1

I will Maisiecat, thank you! Overwhelmed by the support.

Golf2106 profile image

I think hardest part is going out the door ! But it becomes addictive and you can’t beat the feeling when you have finished. I’m on week 5 now and I never thought I’d get this far! Don’t put yourself down and try and enjoy it being out in fresh air for half an hour is going to lift you even if you fast walk or don’t make the runs. But I promise you will feel proud of yourself xx

Wonderland1 profile image
Wonderland1 in reply to Golf2106

Good advice, yesterday was pouring with rain but I forced myself to go out and actually... in a weird way enjoyed it! Certainly made the warm house all the more welcoming.

urfriendcathie profile image

Wonderland1, you can do it! I struggled with week 1 last fall as well, but since I graduated (!) last month, I will give you the tips that helped me:

• go slow ... or slower

• trust the program... if you finished one week, your body is ready for the next (even if your mind isn’t sure)

• stay on the forum! It really helps to see the chit chat and find the support you need

All the best, Wonderland1 (and to all the rest too!)

Wonderland1 profile image
Wonderland1 in reply to urfriendcathie

Thank you Cathie!

Raisemeup profile image

Well done for your achievements so far, ie, you knew you needed to bring exercise into your life and you have. Then, having found C25k, you've equipped yourself to try it and you have started and completed w1. You have also done this in the midst of a Pandemic and while carrying extra weight! You have the right mindset for sure, just carry on as you are take it as it comes, I have often heard people say 'there are no bad runs, only test runs', so just try again until it comes right and it will.I started in my 60's and didn't think I'd do much, but am almost at 7k, now!

Best wishes and I look forward to hearing more about your runs as you progress. ☺️

Wonderland1 profile image
Wonderland1 in reply to Raisemeup

Well done and thank you

John_W profile image

Hey Wonderland1

Yes, go slowly - really really slowly. You won't yourself any favours going quickly. The whole point is to be gentle on yourself. And 5k is NOT the goal, but simply 30 mins, 3 times, in Week 9 - nothing more or less.

Two things to watch.

1. this:


2. this

Wonderland1 profile image
Wonderland1 in reply to John_W

Really interesting video John. I am going to explore more.

John_W profile image
John_WGraduateAmbassador in reply to Wonderland1

you're welcome - have a look at the BBC video in the other link I sent :-)

Nannyshirl profile image

You can do it you just need to be determined. The breathing gets easier, the distances come and the length of running will drop into place. Any exercise is good exercise just take it slow and it will come.

Wonderland1 profile image
Wonderland1 in reply to Nannyshirl

Thank you

Runningbird56 profile image

Hi, I have been in your running shoes, except only 53, lol and I am stone and a bit over what I’d like to be. Trust me when I say those first weeks are so hard and seem impossible, but keep pushing that little extra, some weeks I would repeat a run if the next week seemed impossible. Believe in your self and the plan will carry you through. I started last April and graduated 9 weeks later, amazingly. I kept up running 5k 2-3 times a week until getting covid in Dec. I am planning to start again when the weather improves a little as my asthma has been triggered again. I will start at the beginning knowing the plan works and the motivation and support of everyone on here will guide you. You have done the hardest part by getting out there. Well done you 👏 stay positive

Wonderland1 profile image
Wonderland1 in reply to Runningbird56

Thank you. Yep, I actually did five of the week one ‘runs’ just so I could feel more confident.

Runningbird56 profile image
Runningbird56Graduate in reply to Wonderland1

Well done, keep going 😀

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