Run-o-lution 2021: So quickly catching up with... - Couch to 5K

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Run-o-lution 2021

β€’11 Replies

So quickly catching up with you brilliant people, yes you lot lacing up your trainers!

Did your year start as you hoped? Are you running, how is it going? easier or harder than you expected... Those goals you perhaps set yourself, are you still maintaining that weekly run target?

Perhaps you're only just arriving here on couch to five k, after a longer Christmas-New Year break, it doesn't matter the doors open 24 hours a day so there's no excuses for not wanting to πŸ™‚

So if you're out of reasons why you can't, find that reason you can.....


11 Replies
Dutch-Fraggle profile image

Not been able to get out as much due to ice in a morning, frightens life out of falling out there in dark on my own..Tried a treadmill for first time it was ok.. bit odd felt rather dizzy afterwards...

But gyms closed again now so will try some lunch break runs...

Good luck to everyone with their runs..πŸƒπŸƒβ€β™€οΈ

in reply to Dutch-Fraggle

Well done Dutch-Fraggle, that treadmill must feel weird after outdoor freedom, I've used a treadmill I'm the past I wouldn't say I liked it or didn't, but I do know it's just not like outdoors 🧐, that dizzyness was the room hot maybe, window open that may help πŸ‘.

Any opportunity to run on grass perhaps to feel safer

Dutch-Fraggle profile image
Dutch-FraggleGraduate in reply to

Thanks I may give that a whirl on grass if continues by driving to the park..


nowster profile image

My new year runsolution was to run every other day, gradually increasing distance.

Of course, once again my body has other ideas. I may have overdone things in the final week of 2020, and my right knee is not comfortable enough to run on it yet. (It's getting better, but will be a few more days. Short walks only at the moment.)

in reply to nowster

Perhaps try some hill walks to aid that strengthening nowster?

nowster profile image
nowsterGraduate in reply to

Given my usual warm up 5 minute walk is 10 Garmin storeys, I get plenty of hills.

Given it's persisting down again outside today, a walk's not going to be happening. Tomorrow is forecast fair. I will run in the rain, but I'm not a fan of walking in it.

I'm not Johnnie Ray. (There's a 1950s reference for you.)

in reply to nowster

Ahhhhh I'm a sixties child πŸ₯³

nowster profile image
nowsterGraduate in reply to

I was born at the tail end of the 60s. However my musical tastes are broad.

itselenax profile image

I've been slowly building back up to running since having Covid-19 during the Christmas period. I was basically bed-bound for 2 weeks and extremely fatigued, and so when I was able to leave my house I just did walking with my mum so we could build our fitness back. My mum decided to start C25K last week and she's on Week 2 now so we've been jogging together, I've been doing 20 minute runs which I'm thrilled with. My 2021 resolutions are: to be able to run a 5k, THEN to be able to run a 5k in 30 mins (unless I manage that first try!), and be able to run 10k. At the moment I am just really pleased I can run at all! :)

in reply to itselenax

Well done itselenax πŸ™‚, luckily I've dodged the covid-19 so far 🀞, but I've known people struck down with it, so go easy on yourself and those runs, brilliant plan to drag your mum out πŸ‘πŸ‘ applause where it's due there, even better than a vrb πŸ‘. I'm pretty sure you'll be getting those 5k runs this year, and positive train of thought there, definitely aim for that 10k goals are brilliant to aspire to πŸ‘πŸ₯³ keep us updated πŸ‘πŸ™‚

itselenax profile image
itselenaxGraduate in reply to

Thanks for the encouragement! :) I work at a hospital and mum works at a school so it was only a matter of time until we caught it really. I'm shocked she started the programme as she had been putting it off for months last year! Fingers crossed lol!

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