Honesty: I’m thinking of starting my jogging... - Couch to 5K

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LarryOlsen123 profile image
17 Replies

I’m thinking of starting my jogging journey and if I’m being honest I can’t think of anything worse!!

But both my mental and physical health is bad so I need a change.

I just want to know if anyone else despises jogging but is doing it anyways for a better quality of life?

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LarryOlsen123 profile image
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17 Replies
AlMorr profile image

Congratulations on starting C25K, no point in dispising jogging, you should enjoy your runs, it also should help your mental and physical health.Take all your runs slow and steady, no running on consecutive days as that could cause a injury, drink plenty of water to keep hydrated.

I took up running, more for exercise rather than to see how fast or far I could go, now I would say I like running, not love it as I only run twice a week, those runners who would use the word love for running, run 4 or more times a week and run faster and longer distances than I do, on my non running days I sometimes bike ride or go long walks, especially in the winter months.

I hope you at least like running, not dispise it when you are doing the C25K course.

Madge50 profile image

I don’t know anyone who despises an activity, but still does it, why would you? Why on earth do something you don’t like?

I started C25K for something to do for 30 minutes, being a ‘runner’ was not part of the plan.

However, some time later- it took me ages to finish the plan,I now run 2 or 3 times a week, and love it. I’m not fast, it’s not about speed for me, but I love being outside and feeling healthy, and that I can actually do it - I’m am so grateful for that, so many people can’t.

Why not walk the programme to begin with and see how you feel? Having the distraction of the podcast might help, and remember it’s just a guide.


Snowdrop63 profile image

During lockdown in the summer I decided to have a go at Couch to 5K. I’d never seen myself as a runner and years ago at school I would take short cuts or nip into my house for a cup if tea. I have mild asthma and cold air is a trigger for it.

I decided to give it a try because of covid and so strengthening my lungs and heart. Plus for my health, wellbeing and to loose about a stone that had gradually crept on as I entered my 50s.

I took it really slowly and couldn’t even run 90 seconds without being out if breath. I would often redo a week. I started in July and in October I ran my first 5K. Initially I was embarrassed as I didn’t want to be seen attempting to jog.

I now run 5K , 2 to 3 times a week . I run early morning before work and feel energised for the day. I have discovered a whole new world. I hear bird song ; I see sun rises and I watch people swimming in the sea. I’ve lost nearly a stone. It is still difficult at times to motivate myself especially on a rainy & cold morning like today but once you are out it’s fine.

Good luck, take it slowly and embrace your new challenge.

Roxdog profile image

You're making a good decision!I always hated running, couldn't run, it just felt wrong.Then just before my 60th birthday I started cto5k and surprised myself that I started to liked, and then love, running. A year on and I'm still at it.

I would say that a lot of people who do cto5k start off with the aim being exercise and fitness and then discover all the other hidden benefits, particularly for mental health and for me, just the sheer adventure of exploring new areas on my runs, the freedom and just being 'me'.

So approach it with an open mind and very good luck!

When I first started, I despised the very thought it, esp. if my mental health was poor. But nine weeks later I’m running 5ks.It is not always easy. But it is always worth it.

I do think even if you start week 1, and in your entire life get no further than week 1, it’s better than not doing anything! Repeat it until it becomes less hateful and then progress!

Best of luck. Lockdown has taken its toll on many, know that you are not alone in this journey.

Magellan profile image

Hi Larry and welcome.

If you’ve set your mind on doing this thing that you dislike, do what you can to make it less tedious. Get some good audiobooks or albums or podcasts downloaded and listen to them while you run. Choose the most beautiful scenery near you to run in. Reward yourself, not with food, put a pound or two in a jar for a nice treat like a massage or a new gadget or clothes or something.

Some of us get endorphins from running. If you do, and are a bit ‘pumped’ at the end of a good run, take the time to enjoy the feeling, it’ll make it easier to motivate yourself for the next run.

Jericho2332 profile image

I didn't despise jogging but I couldn't do it. Literally struggled to slowly run for a solid minute. Decided on c25k a few months ago and haven't looked back! Completed my first 10k/60 Min run this week 😁 and my mental health is probably the best it's ever been. I'm 42 now and struggled a lot of my life but doing this has helped so much! You can click on my name and read through my old posts to see how far you can come in a short time, I'd 100% recommend doing this course, it doesn't matter how slow you run or if you have to repeat the odd run. Just don't give up! Keep putting one foot in front of the other and I promise you will feel like a superstar when you achieve your graduate badge 😁 and yes I've even started to enjoy some of the runs 🤣🤣🤣

GoGo_JoJo profile image

I didn't despise it, but it seemed pretty pointless, not comfortable or very appealing.

People both professionals and non had said "exercise is great for mental health" but I never believed them, thinking they were fobbing me off.

I soon realised it was very true, started to enjoy what I was doing (incredibly) and got hooked. I ran 20 miles yesterday for fun... yes, I still question that myself at times, but I won't get another chance to get out until Wednesday so that has to keep my scales in balance until then. It works for me and I'm very glad I gave it a go, committed to the original 9 week plan and kept it up after that.

Run-rabbit-run profile image
Run-rabbit-runGraduate in reply to GoGo_JoJo

20 miles! My goodness, what an inspiration! I’m just starting week 9 and feel totally transformed both mentally and physically...can’t wait to continue my journey post C25K...not sure I’ll reach those heights though! 😊 x

GoGo_JoJo profile image
GoGo_JoJoGraduate in reply to Run-rabbit-run

I used to think that too! I used to think I'd never have time for a 10k and that people who ran marathons were either special or crazy and whilst you need some crazy, it really is all the mind. Once your stamina and endurance training is done, you can do absolutely anything you set your mind to. 👍🏻😁

GoGo_JoJo profile image

Have a good look at this first, it might answer some questions you may already have in your mind. It has all the info you need to complete C25K successfully


Speedydonzalez profile image

I have never been a runner more yoga and Pilates so the thought of running really scared me as I suffered so badly with shin splints at school. Get a good pair of trainers put the pod cast on , I couldn't of done it without Laura, and go for it slow and steady, don't think of it as a run just a slow jog, remember it's not about the speed! I had quite achy painful legs for the first few weeks but kept going and now on w8 and loving it! You can do it 👍

IannodaTruffe profile image

I started running believing it was going to be an necessary evil to try to maintain my fitness.........how naive......You hear people say that exercise will make you look better and feel happier.........how cheesy......

The point is, it is all true and if you are like most who contribute to this forum you will be amazed at both the physical and mental positivity that goes alongside regular exercise..........it becomes totally addictive to most.

If you actually despise the idea of exercising then you are unlikely to stick with it, but I would suggest that your attitude possibly comes from some time in your past when you were forced to exercise........school maybe..........give it a bit of time and you may discover that the hormones that rule our lives are pushing you out of the door, just to get another fix.

Please read the guide to the plan if you are serious about starting to jog healthunlocked.com/couchto5... It is full of tips to help you succeed in totally changing your life.

waterabbit profile image

Hi Larry, I always told myself and others that I didn't like jogging, only because I always panted and struggled even for the shortest time. But I wanted to make a change for myself. I'm 57, and I could feel my body feeling sore, tight and lethargic because of my inactivity. My friend, quite a number of years younger than me said he would help me become fit again, and recommended that I start jogging and intermittent fasting to lose the fat off my body. I too, didn't like the idea of jogging (not quite 'despised' it, as it is too strong a word).

To ease myself before the C25k program, I started out by walking. I could easily do 5km and not feel tired. I then started to alter the route to included areas where I was going on an incline. This helped to increase my heartbeat, and in a way, helped me feel a bit of confidence to start on the C25k plan. Then the day came for me begin the program...

So much of what we say or do it part of our previous experiences and conditioning. I have in my other endeavors to literally ignore the limiting ideas. Take each day out with only that day in mind, and nothing else. Without much 'thinking' now, I just put on my running shorts, running shoes, fitbelt and off I go. When you are jogging, just focus on the moment and nothing else. There is no one competing against you, not even yourself.

For the record, I have not posted anything on my profile, but I have just completed Week 6, Day 3, a full 25 minutes of jogging with no stops.

Helm108 profile image

If you think you're going to despise it, you will.

However I say give it a try before you write it off. Some of the 'high' that people love about running will come naturally, but a lot of it has to be brought to the activity by yourself.

Find something to enjoy while you're out doing each run - the fresh air, the sunlight, the sound of birds, something like that. Or just enjoy the kudos of ticking off every session of Couch to 5K, it's addictive!

It took time for me to love it, but now after two months I can't imagine not doing it as part of my weekly routine.

I'm the same as you. Loathe running. So I walk. I quite enjoy walking. I can do it with a friend and we can chat. Try walking first. Build up to running if you fancy it, but the important think is to get out and about. I've never bothered to move on to the running bit, but I personally feel better just for being out and about.

I started running a few years ago and absolutely hated it. I succeeded in getting to 7 km runnng in 1 go, but winter came and I stopped and never restarted. Did I mention I hated running?

I just recently restarted with C25K and I run different now. Much much slower. I come close to slow jogging (look up slow jogging). And I actually like it now! The cold does not bother me now and I look forward to go for a run. Just this ridiculous slow pace makes me like running now 😁

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