Very first run: Well I finally took the plunge... - Couch to 5K

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Very first run

Dancingqueen70 profile image
52 Replies

Well I finally took the plunge and completed my first session! I was so nervous all day, I am so unfit and self conscious I wanted to wait until it was dark. I took all the advice on this very helpful forum on board and did very slow runs but they were runs and managed them all which I didnt think I would. Since turning 50 I have had some health anxirty around potential hear disease ( my own mum had major surgery on her heart at 52 and died at 64).Gp says all is good with my heart so I thought I can sit on the couch and worry myself silly and def end up with a problem from lack of exercise, or I can make a start. I know I will take longer than 9 weeks but that doesn't matter to me maybe I wont get past the early weeks but what matters is keep moving. Sorry for the long post but feel.on a bit of a high.

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Dancingqueen70 profile image
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52 Replies
nowster profile image

Well done in leaving the couch behind. 👍🛋

AlMorr profile image

Congratulations on starting C25K with run 1 of week 1, you are now off the couch and welcome to the forum, just take all the runs slowly, you can repeat any runs or week's if you wish to, drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration, no running on consecutive days as that could cause a injury, good luck for your running journey with C25K, keep posting on your progress on this forum, we are always here to help and encourage other runners.

SueAppleRun profile image

Hey you’ve done the hardest part, getting out there and running, keep posting and we will all cheer you on

AutumnWolf profile image

Well done you! I felt exactly the same 6 weeks ago, serious its is an amazing program the way it pushes you a little bit further each week until your doing longer & longer runs, your on your way now!

Peter44 profile image

Welcome dancingqueen, you'll be so glad you started this journey, both physicaly, and mentally. You'll get loads of helpfull, and positive advise on this forum, from a bunch of friendly folk, who probably, all struggled with the early weeks! 😀

CouchPotat2k profile image

Well done. I had to wait a week to do run 2 because my body didn't enjoy run 1 😀 Once over that blip I've continued with the progress. Good luck.

Bambi2020 profile image

Well done on your first run! 🏃‍♀️👍🏻

Pete9122 profile image

Well done you!!! 👏👏👏 That first run is sooooooooo hard....... I was blowing for tugs!!! Just follow the program at your own pace & be prepared to amaze yourself at what you can do!!!👍👍 Most of all, enjoy it!!

Dancingqueen70 profile image

Thanks everyone for the encouragement! Will definitely keep going, 2nd run on Saturday. You are all truly inspiring!😀

Green_Days profile image
Green_Days in reply to Dancingqueen70

Well done dancing queen. You’ve done the hardest bit !!!!

You comment that you know it’ll take longer than 9 weeks ....but HOW do you know? Have faith in the plan really is fantastic someone else said don’t run on consecutive days ...that is a must ....just be proud of how your stamina improves. Your confidence will rocket I promise you.

How do I know? I was in your position end of July. Completed C25K within the 9 weeks ....hadn’t actually run 5K at this point but was running for a solid 30 minutes. I’ve surpassed this now and am working towards 10K ....had a bit of a blip a few weeks ago the name of COVID ...and truly thought I was back to square 1. I can confidently say now ....I’m not.

This is your journey. Enjoy ...and Good Luck x

scattie profile image

Well done. I only started on Sunday and cant run and am approaching 50 and unfit! But....we started and I am enjoying it even after a days work. Keep up the good work :0)

Dancingqueen70 profile image
Dancingqueen70 in reply to scattie

I was dreading it to be honest, but agree I was on a bit of a high afterwards and cant believe that I am actually looking forward to the next one!. Good for you for starting too, the 50 birthday landmark that makes you focus more on your health I think.

Hatman profile image
HatmanGraduate in reply to scattie

Well done for starting C25K scattie. No more saying you "Can't" run! You don't run very well YET, is a better thought.

Just remember that going fast is not important." Going" is the important part.

Rennur profile image

You will be amazed at what your body can do.

Yes you may have to repeat individual runs or whole weeks. I was just about to do Week 1 all over again, I repeated Runs 1 and 2 again then told myself I was ready for Week 2. I did repeat Week 4. A lot of it is in the mind. Also you can take 2 days off. Any week can then take 8 days. It doesn't have to be in a 7 day week. But you will soon be desperate for your rest day to be over so you can get out and run again, believe me, it's addictive.

Have fun.

nowster profile image
nowsterGraduate in reply to Rennur

A "week" doesn't have to be a week. You can run every other day if you're feeling up to it. You can have two rest days after every run. However, you should never run two days in a row as a beginner.

(A beginner is anyone who hasn't run regularly for at least six to twelve months.)

Dashing for a bus doesn't count as a run.

Slothgoesrunning profile image

Well done dancingqueen50, C25K is a brilliant program- you are about to have a ball (well a lot of runs actually but you get my drift!) 🏃‍♀️

Fazwaz profile image

It’s amazing what turning 50 (which is the new 30 I’ve been told by a very reliable source 😉) does to your mind and body. Go for it! you will be great!!!!

JetsNanna profile image

Well done on making the decision to get fitter and even more well done for actually starting. Keep posting so we know how you’re getting on 😊

shammy49 profile image

Well done dancingqueen50 for taking the plunge. I felt exactly the same as you and when I got out there and done it I was buzzing. You’ll be amazed what you can achieve and it doesn’t matter at all how long it takes. Enjoy your journey and welcome to C25K club. 😁

Anniejam profile image

Well done for making the plunge, you’ve started and that’s the main thing. I’m just starting week 3. I know I don’t have the best form or grace when running. But when I feel people watching me I tell myself...they are probably thinking I wish i could find the motivation to do something like that because that’s what I used to think when I would see people working out. So hold your head high...and keep going! All the best, you’ve got this!

Reggit profile image

Well done on that first run. It really is the hardest one of the entire program as your body wonders what you’re doing to it!

I was very self conscious and was an overweight bordering on obese 51 year old when I started back in May.

After a few weeks you’ll get over that self consciousness and not care what anyone thinks.

Actually most people won’t notice you and those that do are runners and respect you for getting off the couch. It won’t be long before you notice little nods or waves from far more seasoned runners which really lift your spirits especially in the early weeks.

Oh and a word of warning, it gets addictive!

Good luck in your journey although I’m sure you won’t need it.

RamblingMe profile image

Well done for tackling your first run. I found week 1 was the hardest, 8 runs seemed an even lot and week 2 was more manageable. Taking longer than 9 weeks is absolutely fine, you'll be surprised at the progress you will make. The programme is great and leads you on gently with gradual and wonderful improvements in fitness and stamina. Enjoy your journey!

Killerblue profile image

Hi Dancing Queen70, it was a great post and I feel I understood exactly where you are coming from. I still prefer to run in the dark or early in the morning when there aren’t many people around. I choose side roads so there aren’t many cars or bus stops meaning again less people. I started doing this as I have to exercise due to CAD and Osteoporosis so I need cardio and Impact exercise and running gives me both.

I’m also not a big fan of exercise but know it’s good for me. I’m am only saying this to make you aware you really aren’t on your own with all if these thoughts. There are a lot of us that feel like this 🤗.

I started just like you and am still running now, 7 months later and have managed 6K and ran for 60 mins.

You have done the best thing by getting out of your front door and doing that first run 👍👍.

I am so pleased for you and just do what you seem to be doing already eg keep it really, really slow. That was the best advice I was ever given !

I bet you can’t wait for your next run now I’ve started 👍😂

Looking forward to your next post

Scw787 profile image

Don’t worry about his long it takes.... just follow it. Repeat weeks if you need to. I’m 55... took me 14 weeks... I’m overweight too. But I’ve done it & run almost every other day. Well jog. But I get out there. So well done for starting which is the hardest. You’re focused ... this is a great group for support. Don’t be afraid to ask!! Keep going. Remember... the tortoise won the race xx

Mam66 profile image

Well done

I’m 54 l have just completed week 9 it took me longer than 9 weeks but I got there in the end. I was totally unfit never ever ran if I can do it anyone can , I’m still self conscious but I think no one takes any notice keep it up. 👍

Cudrik profile image

Well done and getting out there and doing it, it is a real achievement and does leave you feeling really good about yourself 😃. You may well finish in 9 weeks, but don't think about that now, just take 1 session at a time. I love it and never thought I would say that about running! Good luck.x

afjoyce profile image

Well done in fearing the fear and doing it anyway! I can remember my first run in early August and I didn't know how anyone could run longer than a minute. It took me 12 weeks to finish the programme and I am still not a "runner2 but I can run (very slowly) for 30 minutes... a miracle caused by sticking to it and taking care to build up stamina.. Follow all the advice and see what works for you... You no doubt will do it if you take it slowly.

Meanmommab profile image


You'll be surprised how well you will do. The program is really good as it builds your stamina gradually so that you can succeed. I always said I hated running but have enjoyed running and should hopefully graduate next week so feel that if I can do it, anyone can.

Ladydubai profile image

Well done for taking the plunge . I’m on wk 9 and took a 3 wk break due to an injury . It gets easier and you will surprise yourself how determined you get and you push a little harder all the time. I am loving it . You can do it . You can do it 🤩

Sparkey5000 profile image

Welcome to the crazy running world. It’s an awesome place without judgement and where there is space for everyone and a challenge for each of us. Well done on completing the hardest run you’ll ever do. 🙂

Grannie49 profile image

Go well young nearly runner. It’s weird how doing something as simple as running can make us nervous but it does.

I am 71 and have never run. And yet I’ve just graduated. Very good luck with your running. Sometimes it’s hard sometimes easier. Just one foot in front of the other is all it is. Enjoy

Sabby2021 profile image

Well done for getting started! I’m only on WK3 so not far ahead of you. I can’t believe how much I love it. Just focus on the run in front of you - don’t worry about how you’ll do next weeks or how long it will take. You may surprise yourself - the course is very well designed

Good luck!! 🏃‍♀️

Elfrun profile image

Well done you it's not a race it's a programme so enjoy the progress, i graduated in June and didn't get to 5k until August but I did get to 30 minutes within the allocated 9 weeks and I'm sure you will too it's a great programme,

I'd never run before and I'm about to leave my 60's,

Good luck and if you haven't done it yet invest in a pair of good running shoes you will be amazed how they help 😀

Flaggingrunner profile image

Well done Dancingqueen I can certainly empathise with your pre first run ankst and sounds like you did awesome. It took me over 3 months to get through the programme, just go at you own pace in your own time and enjoy the fact your off the couch. Good luck for R2 tomorrow xx

Gastry profile image

Well done, keep going you’ll love running. I was in the same boat, in my 60s, never exercised but I’m a C25K graduate and feeling fantastic.

Roxdog profile image

Good for you! Health anxiety is horrible, but running helps you to trust your body. Please don't be self conscious, no one cares. I saw a woman out running today, she was overweight and running very slowly, but she was really focussed, I could see it in her eyes and I thought how fabulous is that! Be proud of what you're doing!

Kernyk123 profile image

Hi I am 62 and now just going to begin week 5 - all’s well so keep going you can do it!

Blondefordy profile image

Hey Dancing Queen - you've got this!!

My friend and I are both menopausal, in our mid-50s and carrying the excess weight of a small toddler around with us, and it took us over 4 months to complete this programme!

Our very first session was appalling - we only managed to complete 4 of the 8 x 1 minute runs, but then I read several articles on this forum about Japanese Slow Running and we didn't look back.

We both cried when we completed week 9 run 3 and although we've never managed to completed 5k in 30 minutes - we can now run for 30 minutes without stopping. Trust the programm and stick to it - it DOES work.

Good Luck!! ❤❤❤

Mill1962 profile image

Well done for taking the plunge. Take each run as it comes and enjoy it.

IannodaTruffe profile image

Welcome to the forum and well done on getting started.

This guide to the plan is essential reading

and includes advice on minimising impact, stretching after every run, hydration and strengthening exercises, all of which will help.

Enjoy your journey.

Newbirunner profile image

Hi Dancingqueen you have done the most difficult part of C25K ,making that break through to your first 1 min run/jog. At my age my first objective was to run 30mins non stop, the actual 5K is an objective many of us are still working on even after 12 weeks and beyond. The 5K will always be my aspiration no matter how long it takes. The sheer pleasure of running is a feeling only runners (at what ever level) can enjoy and hard to explain. I run on "Freemans Land" in Beverley East Yorkshire known as Beverly Westwood and I am a slow runner, but what a pleasure to feel the fresh air and enjoy the low rolling hills around me and yes some people walk faster than I run. What fun, 'Dancingqueen' suggests your a dancer, Salsa and/or Ceroc? Dance halls are closed so I run. Good Luck. You CAN do it

Legsache profile image

Hi Dancing queen, Scabby and everyone starting out.

Yep complete get the embarrassment starting out. But to be honest give yourself a huge pat on the back, hardest part over.

Yes indeedy trust the programme.

Yes indeedy run slow.

Yes indeedy take all the encouragement and advice.

You Can do this.

I started 8 weeks ago....very overweight and haven’t done exercise for 45yrs (school)

Breathe, breathe, breathe and breathe!

Listen to the experts!

You are awesome!

Well done x

RUNDMC1 profile image

Well done dancing queen! This forum is super friendly and great for advice and encouragement.. Keep at it, we’re all cheering you on. 👏👏

Mikew84 profile image

Well done for starting! I'll be finishing week 3 later today and can tell you, as others have above, that it definitely gets easier after week 1! I found those first few runs quite hard - never had a minute seemed such a long time. But now I'm finishing the runs feeling able to carry on. The biggest surprise for me is that I am really enjoying it!!

Jen76 profile image

Hey! I'm exactly where you are, doing my second run on Saturday! Thanks for posting, reading all of the replies has really encouraged me. I used to enjoy running long distances in my teens but life/partying/too many takeaways then too much procrastination has led to weak knees and lower back. It's time to hopefully rewind the clock again! Just 60 seconds was hard yesterday but looking forward to running for 30 minutes again and maybe even enjoying it!! Let's do this!

BirdersMum profile image

Really well done. I'm 70 next year and started the program in the first lockdown. Took me longer to complete it [about 12 weeks] but now run for 30 minutes three times a week. I've amazed myself [and the grandchildren] and you will amaze yourself too. Good luck!

PandaCory profile image

Congratulations on getting started on your journey off the couch! You've done a brilliant thing, and now you're becoming a runner. Just keep going, don't rush, and you'll get there. This is a great forum & everyone is really supportive, and whatever you experience as you work through the programme, someone else has too, and can offer advice & encouragement - and we're always here to celebrate your achievements. Good luck & welcome!

Buddhagal profile image

Well done.... congratulations on deciding to do something wonderful for your body...and mind. Yep..take all the advice and help you can. A great forum with really encouraging and supportive people. 👏👏👏👍🙋

coggerjogger profile image

I am so impressed. What an excellent start.

Pushingit profile image

Well done to you. I felt exactly the same and repeated weeks so I felt better before starting the next week. I believe that gave me the confidence to continue. I couldn’t run a minute and so struggled with 90 seconds. But hey I did it and running 5k in 33 mins now. You can do it.

Maz1103 profile image

Well done and keep going. I am 56 and on my first run 5 months ago I got such a massive cramp in my calf that I could hardly walk. Last Sunday, only 5 months later I ran 7k with my daughter without feeling like I was going to collapse. I had never run in my life before. If I can do it anyone can. Don't be self conscious. You are way better than people who are still sat on the couch x

Dancingqueen70 profile image

Gosh thanks so much for all tbe positive comments everyone, made me feel quite emotional! Glad to report completed second run of week one!! I googled the Japanese slow jog tutorial and what a difference it made, I think I might tackle week 2 after my 3rd week 1 run on Monday. Never ever thought I would do it and so grateful for the support on this super helpful forum. Your stories are all so inspiring!!

Another positive this week my weight has finally crept in to the healthy BMI range ( just mind you😂). Thanks again everyone.

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