9 stone off & 1st time running! Yikes 😬 - Couch to 5K

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9 stone off & 1st time running! Yikes 😬

Sabby2021 profile image
67 Replies

Hello lovelies!

Support and encouragement needed please! After a lifetime of being obese (except for the few times I lost weight and yo-yo’d back!) I joined a food addiction programme and am now settling into maintenance after losing 9stone 3lb.

Running has always been a distant dream. Something I’ve wanted to do but NEVER thought I could. Well here I am about to head out for W2R3 (and 7.30 on a Sunday morning too!)

I’m still not sure I can do this as my knees are starting to hurt and my legs feel like lead weight after 90 seconds!! How will I be about to run for 5 minutes let alone 30?

Any advice on protecting knees? Where do you run? How do you stay motivated?

Any help and support is massively appreciated!


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Sabby2021 profile image
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67 Replies
Mands50 profile image

Firstly well done, amazing achievement on your weight loss. When your running make sure you take it slow & steady. You are trying to build stamina at this stage so don’t worry about speed at the moment. Do some strength & stretch exercises- there are blogs about that on this group, just search for strength exercises. Good luck you can do this and it’s a great way to help get through lockdown. Remember some days you’ll have great runs and others not so good, on those days be kind to yourself, at least you got out there. Let us know how it’s going x

Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to Mands50

Thanks! Great point about some days being better then others. I’ll search for the exercises

IannodaTruffe profile image

Welcome to the forum and well done on getting started.

This guide to the plan is essential reading healthunlocked.com/couchto5...

and includes advice on minimising impact, stretching after every run, hydration and strengthening exercises, all of which will help.

Enjoy your journey.

Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

Thank you! I’ll read this now

Blossom- profile image

Hello Sabby! Firstly what an amazing achievement! Secondly, read the pinned post on here about how to do c25k. Heavy legs sounds like you need hydration. Follow the advice about pre and post stretching. Go SLOW. It's not a race. Lots of us think, thought, we cant, couldn't do this, but trust the programme, trust your body. You can do this. The motivation will come the more you work through the magic of the programme and surprise yourself. You'll soon be itching for the next run and then graduating as a RUNNER! Oh and lastly, enjoy it! 🏃‍♀️🎉🤸💥

Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to Blossom-

Thanks! I’ll read that now. Good point about the hydration. 😊

Peter5001 profile image


Ant50 profile image

Well done on getting off the couch and getting out there. For motivation just stay on this forum and read all the amazing stories of everyone’s journey through C25K. You really can do this plan, just remember it’s not a race and it’s not about distance it’s just about getting out there and running (eventually) for 30mins to improve your fitness levels. Believe me you can do this. If you ever struggle and doubt yourself, just remember what made you start the plan in the first place. Good luck.

Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to Ant50

Thank you! Great advice

Whydothis profile image


I started running for the first time in my life in June. My knees hurt so much after the week 2 runs that I sat around all day, and promised myself that I would give up after week 3, because I was missing out on walking any distance because my knees felt bad, and walking was, and is, very important to me.

Like magic, my knees started to get less painful on week 3, and by week 4 I had almost forgotten they were a problem - so hopefully you will go the same way.

Good luck with it - you deserve it!

Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to Whydothis

That’s so encouraging to hear! Thanks so much. Fingers crossed that I will be the same.

Notarunner1982 profile image

Hi Sabby

9 stone! Wow, well done!!

You clearly already have the capacity for amazing will power to have achieved that, so you have the right mindset for sticking to a running programme. As others have said, just go slow and don't be hard on yourself if it's hard going sometimes. I took almost 5 months to complete the 9 week programme due to various stops and starts but I did it and now I've made it part of my routine and am still going, hoping to work up to 10k soon. So you can definitely do it. One step at a time.

Loads of luck xx

Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to Notarunner1982

Thanks so much! That’s inspiring.

Midgeymoo17 profile image

It’s a bit difficult at this time of year(and actually harder on the cardio system and a bit more boring) but 🏃‍♀️ on grass is good for knees, hips Etc

While very good for injury prevention due to soft surface, the soft surface also reduces your momentum taking more energy to keep moving. Initially this can be hard on the cardio system and one may need to repeat a Run couple of times to make transition but the injury preventative benefits are worth it.

Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to Midgeymoo17

Thank you! I agree about the time of year. I’m not feeling too motivated to run in the rain yet! It was a lot easier running on the treadmill. 😊

Jell6 profile image
Jell6Graduate in reply to Sabby2021

What an achievement, if you can do that, you can do this!!

I love winter running!, it's different, but a good different, in fact in July I was desperate for winter😆.

The right trainers will make a big difference to your knees, so as soon as lockdown is over it's worth you going to a specialist running shop for gait analysis, you should be ok in your usual trainers until about weeks 4 _5.

Good luck, you can definitely do this.

Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to Jell6

Thanks! I managed to get to a running shop before I started so I have a decent pair - you are right, makes all the difference. I wish I’d got trail shoes now. My gait was fine so maybe I’ll order trail shoes in this brand.

Jell6 profile image
Jell6Graduate in reply to Sabby2021

Are you going to be running on trails?

Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to Jell6

The advice seems to be that running on grass is easier on the knees so I was thinking about it.

Jell6 profile image
Jell6Graduate in reply to Sabby2021

Right, personally I find running on grass really tough, plus the risk of falling or twisting something has always deterred me, of course we are all different and different surfaces suit different people 😊

Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to Jell6

That’s really good to know. Maybe I’ll hold fire to see if the knee pain passes. Thanks!

Midgeymoo17 profile image
Midgeymoo17 in reply to Jell6

Yes- when choosing grass its a good idea to try and find areas more even/ better maintained . I find my local park quite good. We also have one nearby that has a grass football/hocky pitch that one can use when no one else is using it. That said, today tried some of the grass on the sidewalk and it was dreadful so moved straight back to the pavement. I definitely find running on grass harder (10 minutes slower for a 5K than on pavement but higher heart rate) - it not just more physically demanding but one needs to pay some attention to what one is doing (due to the uneven surface). The uneven surface also provides a better workout to your stabilising muscles. Having started and graduated from c25K an religious pavement user- I will be doing my best to avoid it from now on.

LittleMissie profile image

Wow, well done Sabby2021. Just follow the programme, slow and steady and you will surprise yourself. Each run you will seem different, some better than others. Don’t compare yourself to anyone, everyone is different and this is not a race just go at a pace that suits you and you will smash it 🙂🏃🏼‍♀️

Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to LittleMissie

Thanks!! 💞

nowster profile image

Well done on the weight loss and on getting off the couch. 👍

As others have said, knee soreness is common in the first couple of weeks.

Don't over stride. If you're landing your strides on your heel, get out of that habit before it gets entrenched. Shorten your strides and land on the forefoot first, with your foot directly underneath you and then fractionally later allow the heel to land.

Landing on the heel first causes a jolt up the leg which can hurt the knee and hip joints.

Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to nowster

That’s great advice - thank you. Much appreciated!

Speedy60 profile image

Congratulations on your weight loss!

If you want motivation, you've come to the right place. Keep posting your progress here asking advice. It's a very friendly and supportive forum.

I lost 3 stone before I started running and I've never put it back on, and that's after a lifetime of yoyo dieting (I'm 60 years old). Running works for me - it has enabled me to take control of my appetite and my weight.

I agree with everyone who has said take it slowly. Nobody has suggested checking out Japanese slow running on YouTube yet, so that's my top tip. It's a game changer for new runners. Definitely look up knee strengthening exercises too. The muscles running down either side of the knee are often the culprits with sore knees. There are some great exercises pinned here and on the NHS.

Good luck 👍

Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to Speedy60

Thanks! Well done on your weight loss and especially keeping it off! (That’s the hardest part!) I’ve never heard of slow running so off to check that out. I’m setting up a strengthening schedule as we speak based on all this fab advice!

Speedy60 profile image
Speedy60Graduate in reply to Sabby2021

Once the physical challenge gets easier, the mental challenge kicks in. Be ready to push on through. 👊

Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to Speedy60

I will, thanks!

GailXrunning profile image

You must be so proud of your journey so far. I think the addition of running might now be relatively easy when you reflect on what you’ve already achieved. Take all the good advice you’ll get on the forum.

My biggest worry when starting out was my knees and ankles. I had some gip along the way, some bursitis, but took things very easy and did the nhs knee exercises for runners alongside. Both knees and ankles have massively improved. Taken gently and steadily, I’m of the view that the impact which I’d spent years avoiding is actually helping. (I also used to be woken in the middle of the night with deep-aching ankles; no longer!) My running partner didn’t think he could run because of hip problems, but is thrilling at the enjoyment and lift that the runs give. The hips are doing fine, haven’t worsened and he seems almost to get fewer problems running than walking. We’re in w8 now.

No need to rush. We take 2 rest days, sometimes 3. Things were going so well mid-programme that we dropped down to one day rest, but that was probably unwise (for me). ‘Listen to your body’ is important advice.

Best wishes!

Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to GailXrunning

Thanks! That’s so encouraging to hear. Good point about not dropping the rest day - that’s the kind of thing I’d do as I do have a very addictive personality!!

GailXrunning profile image
GailXrunningGraduate in reply to Sabby2021

Ha! I definitely know that one. Yesterday was Rest Day 2 and, with the glorious weather, I had to fight myself not to go out for a run!

Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to GailXrunning

Yep that’ll be me! 😂

Buzzbeebh profile image

Congratulations on your achievement in coming this far. Some fab advice been given already. I drink a litre of water (sitting down, not on the go) between waking up & heading out the door- even on non-running days. This has kept me in good stead and not gasping, with my body feeling well hydrated. I make sure to nip you the loo before heading out too! The strengthening exercises recommended here will help too! Best wishes, you can do it. Come back here to keep us posted. 🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️

Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to Buzzbeebh

Great advice about the water - I’ve always done that in the past but stopped recently as I’m worried about needing the loo!! TMI but my bladder is not what it used to be😫

Couchphoenix profile image

Congratulations on your amazing weight loss and decision to do C25k. It’s not easy, someone once told me that if it was everyone would be doing it, but if you have the determination you will do it and you won’t recognise the person who comes out on the other side.

OK my advice.....I normally have a drink and a banana about 30 minutes before I go out. I go onto You Tube and watch a few motivational running videos to get me in the right mind set. Then when your out there, pace yourself, it’s not a race, go slow and steady so you’ve enough left in the tank to finish. Don’t overthink it, clear your mind of all thoughts, when your jogging, if a thought comes into your mind my trick used to be to imagine an eraser rubbing it out and blowing it away ( it works). It’s very Important to get your breathing into a good steady rhythm....I personally take a deep breath in through my mouth then purse my lips slightly as I exhale. The oxygen you’re taking in is the fuel you need. Anyway lecture over and the very best of luck to you Sabby2021 👍🏃‍♀️

Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to Couchphoenix

That’s great advice thanks. I think I’ve been trying to run too fast so I’m going to slow it down.

John_W profile image

That's an amazing weight loss - well done you and congratulations.

I suggest watching these 2 videos which might help you:


and this


Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to John_W

Brilliant thanks John, really useful. I’ve definitely be going to fast with longer strides.

John_W profile image
John_WGraduate in reply to Sabby2021

Think 'tippy-tappy' and you won't go far wrong.

Good luck!

Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to John_W

Thanks!! Love that 😂

Magellan profile image

Well done on the weight loss, that’s brilliant.

A good way to keep the knees safer is to run on grass, and although it’s hard when the grass is wet it can be made easier with trail shoes. They have more grip than trainers and you can run on grass and even mud. They might cost a bit, but if you don’t mind spending then it’s worth it.

Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to Magellan

Thanks!! I wish I’d know that before I just spent £125 on running shoes! 😫

Magellan profile image
MagellanGraduate in reply to Sabby2021

I have running shoes for pavements and roads, and trail shoes for mud or grass, although you can run in trail shoes on any surface. If you’re going to be doing a lot of running and if you’re going to run as a long term thing, it’s going to be worthwhile to have more than one pair of shoes.

Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to Magellan

Ok thanks! That’s good to know

Jools2020 profile image

Wow. Look at YOU! You look fantastic! Congratulations on your weight loss, that’s an amazing achievement. 👏👏👏

And now for amazing achievement number 2. You are an inspiration! Take the advice on here about hydration & exercises to protect your knees. I ran on grass up until I graduated as I was conscious of being an older first time runner at 66.

Take it slowly is the best advice I have. Following people on this forum at a similar stage to me helped with motivation! Every time I ran, I wanted to post on here that I had done it 😀. That’s what got me out of bed on mornings where the duvet seemed a better option. My forum ‘buddies’ got me through - and still do! Good luck with your journey 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️👍

Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to Jools2020

Thanks so much! I think I’m going to invest in some trail shoes as well! And well done you!

Tasha99 profile image

Wow that’s amazing! I’ve lost 6 stone but I’m struggling with eating so much rubbish again and was going to get referred for cbt therapy for food addiction. What programme did you join?

Your knees will be ok. It’s really common in week 3 to get knee pain. Take some ibuprofen. It’ll go in a week or so.

Usually we stay motivated by mixing it up, joining a club, signing up for races and doing parkrun. It’s tough now but keep going and you’ll be ready for them all once they restart.

Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to Tasha99

Well done on the weight loss! I joined bright line eating. One year without sugar and flour or snacks on Friday!! It’s been pretty easy. Once I understood what was going on in my brain and how to heal it, it was like a massive weight had been lifted. Happy to chat more about it if you are interested x

Tasha99 profile image
Tasha99Graduate in reply to Sabby2021

I’ll send you a message

Dix74 profile image

Good on you Sabby . You’ve done the hard work with weight loss . Running will be a run I’m the park for you !

Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to Dix74

😂 I hope so! Thanks

Minimouse36 profile image

You've already proved you are strong and determined, you can do this 👍🏃‍♀️

Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to Minimouse36

Thank you!! Yep you are right 😊

chunkypie profile image

Hi and well done on what you have achieved so far, You should be proud.

I found when i started the c25k that my ankles and knees went through hell.

What i found is adjusting my posture help massively. Instead of running with my legs i ran with my Torso if that makes any sense. Most professional runners have these amazing abs and upper body strength, I have neither tbh lol but i found just holding my body more upright and running from my upper body relived the stress on my legs 🙂

Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to chunkypie

Thanks! Great advice. I’ve just tried slow running and they advise that too. It was a lot easier.

Rennur profile image

9 stone weight loss.

This is hard - but not as hard as that.

Go slowly and build up.

And Enjoy it. Or at least the feeling once you've finished each time!

Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to Rennur

Thanks! I’m enjoying it so far 😊

romanhern44 profile image

Impressive!!! You’ve done a good job already, I will message you

Buddhagal profile image

Wow and more WoWs...Sabby2021...what an absolutely amazing achievement..you look fabulous...and you must feel fabulous tooooo. Plenty of fab advice here..and incredible support and encouragement. Slow, slow and even slower....enjoy your running journey..one of the most wonderful habits you can start....and continue. Enjoy enjoy enjoy. 👍🙋

Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to Buddhagal

Thank you! What a great community here 💞

Smile23 profile image

Wow! Well done you on your achievement so far.

My advice is go slow. Check out Japanese slow running it works ! And listen to your body.

Your determination so far proves you have the will power.

Trust the program it works.-it really really does.

I find if you use the mantra i can and i will nothing is out of reach.

Good luck with the rest of the program, you got this 😁

Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to Smile23

Thank you! I watched the video before today’s run, it was so much easier!

Smile23 profile image
Smile23Graduate in reply to Sabby2021

Yes its a saviour!

Amazing well done

Sabby2021 profile image
Sabby2021Graduate in reply to


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