I don’t like running: Omg.... the thought of... - Couch to 5K

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I don’t like running

Petra77 profile image
64 Replies

Omg.... the thought of running has always been a big no go for me. I’ve always felt that I can’t run. I’m too heavy and impatient to stick with it. I was put on furlough and I though to give it a go to give myself a focus during this time.

So far I’m on week two second session and today I didn’t stop for once. The sense of achievement was so great that I nearly started to cry on my way home.

For once in my life I am determined to achieve this.

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Petra77 profile image
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64 Replies
Cp1965 profile image

Same here. I hated PE lessons at school, being the stereotypical fat kid with glasses. I started C25K initially to help me get past a plateau with weight loss, but now every little step is another win. Keep going, if I can do it anyone can!

Petra77 profile image
Petra77 in reply to Cp1965

Thank you so much! I used to hate cross country at school and track running.... I was always the last one with purple face panting like a dog. 😂🤪

Cp1965 profile image
Cp1965Graduate in reply to Petra77

Same here! And where and when I grew up, PE teachers had their own special variety of malice...

WillsMum68 profile image
WillsMum68Graduate in reply to Cp1965

Oh wow did you go to my school?! I too was the fat girl with glasses and my PE teacher did not like fat girls with glasses! Shed be struck off today for some of the things she did back then. I like to think that I’m giving her the middle finger every time I lace up my trainers 😁

Cp1965 profile image
Cp1965Graduate in reply to WillsMum68

I think it was compulsory for PE teachers back then. Humiliated for not being able to climb a rope, made to try (and fail) forward rolls in front of the whole class, I came to associate exercise with humiliation. And don't get me started on football!

WillsMum68 profile image
WillsMum68Graduate in reply to Cp1965

🤣 I couldn’t do the hurdles so my dad made me a set in the garden. Nailed it, came to jump the first one and the teacher yelled “here comes baby elephant, let’s all watch her fall”..... so of course I did, tore the ligaments in my left knee and was out of PE for eight weeks. I also mistimed a forward roll over a bar in gym and landed smack on my bum - fractured my coccyx! Never know pain like it, can honestly say it was worse than childbirth 🤣 Sorry to hijack your thread Petra, I think the moral of the story is that everyone can succeed at the C25K, regardless of previous experience!!

Petra77 profile image
Petra77 in reply to WillsMum68

Hah. No worries at all.

As a child I loved team sports and I was picked always but when it came to long distance running, I just thought: this is booooring because I couldn’t keep up with my friends.

I was the tallest in my class. Not very over weight. I am now 12stone

WillsMum68 profile image
WillsMum68Graduate in reply to Petra77

Well I am, ahem, more than 12 stone! I’ve found that I’m losing inches not pounds but have been told that that will come.

Diamondshoes profile image
DiamondshoesGraduate in reply to Cp1965

What is it about PE teachers? I was once struck in the neck by a cricket ball during games & the teacher praised the bowler for her good shot because I was daydreaming rather than fielding.

WillsMum68 profile image
WillsMum68Graduate in reply to Diamondshoes

They were definitely of a type back then! Then again, my four year old’s Reception school report said that he needed to work on his core strength....... 🤣🤣🤣

Granspeed profile image

👏🏼 You will do it. Out the door for run 1 is the hardest bit of all, so you are well past that. Hang in there, and never rush. You will get there. And it’s a great feeling when you do. 👍😊

Petra77 profile image
Petra77 in reply to Granspeed

Thank you. I am running so slowly.... it almost looks like I’m running in a spot! 😂

Granspeed profile image
GranspeedGraduate in reply to Petra77

Doesn’t matter as long as those feet are moving! For loads of helpful info, advice and links, see the pinned post for new runners by IannodaTruffe. Mostly, just follow the app. It works! Happy running (slowly). 🐢

Petra77 profile image
Petra77 in reply to Granspeed

Where do I find that? I’m new and I’m just trying to figure out how this works?

Granspeed profile image
GranspeedGraduate in reply to Petra77

The pinned posts are ones that are kept because they are so useful - look for “see pinned posts” somewhere on the opening page. Look down the list for one called FAQs ... HOW TO RUN COUCH TO 5K by IannodaTruffe.

WillsMum68 profile image
WillsMum68Graduate in reply to Petra77

Don’t worry about your speed either, it will come slowly 👍 No pun intended!

Olo12 profile image

You are not alone 😊 same here.. it feels great once you’ve done it 🎉

WillsMum68 profile image

Keep going Petra, I too hated running when I first started (January) and now I love it! I even plan my week around when I can get out to run 🤣 And a big well done for sticking with the programme and not giving up 👍💪

CaptFrey profile image

You will be amazing and have good and bad times keep at it,🤗

Daffodil19 profile image

I share your pain.........its like you were writing about me! Just enjoy it. it doesnt matter how slow you are you are running. I am exactly the same I feel as though walkers are overtaking me but for me it is a run and its more than I have ever done before so that's what matters!!! You have done the hard bit...well done!

Angelpoppy profile image

Ahhhh Petra, you're me 9 weeks ago, I felt exactly the same, always hopeless at this stuff, but suddenly so determined to do this....I'm here to tell you that your determination will get you there (spot my graduate badge 😁) I didn't even have a purple face at the end of cross country because I'd walked to my mate's house for a cuppa 🙈 Hated PE with a passion, didn't get why people would choose to run 🤣 now I'm one of those runners that other people look at and think, why would you run out of choice, for pleasure? 😂 It might have taken me 48 years, but it's so empowering and one if the best things I've ever achieved 🤩 so you go girl, keep on running and enjoy, you're amazing to be doing this 😊

PhoebeBianca profile image

Oh well done! I’m on week five and I still don’t really like running. I like the sense of achievement I get afterwards though! It’s good to read all the posts by other people who also hated PE. I was so scared of the teacher and was teased for not being good at it. The only exercise I’ve found that I have loved is dancing. But I haven’t been too class for years. So I hope to get to a point where I like running. At least I don’t hate it!

J2l8 profile image

I did my week 1 in January and was on my knees after the first jog. Just do each run and trust the program. When you go up in distance try not to worry about it. I did worry and repeated some weeks as I didn’t think I could possibly step up the distance. Just take it a run at a time and you will get there. Good luck and you will do it. If you have done a week 2 run you will be able to do week 3.,

I loved the C25k app and had Laura as my coach. I can actually run 5k now. Don’t give up as it is such a wonderful thing to do and you will smash it - for yourself

Minsy profile image

Oh I remember that feeling very well. I am now on week 8 and have repeated several weeks to make sure I’m ready for the next stage. I can’t say I love running yet but I do enjoy the sense of achievement once I’ve finished. Keep it up. You are doing a good job. You’ve made the leap and you can complete this 👍

Petra77 profile image
Petra77 in reply to Minsy

Thank you Minsy.

Sabrina77 profile image

Thats great, im exactly the same. Never done any exercise in my life. Im on w3R3 and its getting easier (this week anyway).ive never felt so positive. Its a revelation to me! 😉

Petra77 profile image
Petra77 in reply to Sabrina77

Fab!!!! I felt great too yesterday. Us 77s can do it! 😉

Sabrina77 profile image
Sabrina77Graduate in reply to Petra77

Yes, i wish i started 10yrs ago. I wont Lie, my legs ache. Day off today, back on tomorrow... 😉

Hanzy profile image

I am on week 9 and also started during furlough and on the heavy side, I have struggled but looking forward to finishing, can't believe it, you can do it, good luck

Petra77 profile image
Petra77 in reply to Hanzy

We can do it. I thinks it’s good to have a goal/focus in mind during these strange times. I’m also looking into doing an online course.

KayBee1000 profile image

Hi Petra,

I was over 13 stone when I started doing C25K, and I’m sure there are people on here who were heavier than that!

I was also the fat kid with glasses who was last at cross country at school, purple face and all.

Never thought I would be able to run, was never any good at running, never thought I would enjoy it.

Graduated last year after following the programme - it works. You just need to run slowly, which it sounds like you are, accept that some runs won’t feel as good as others (we all have bad days) and know that you’ll be running for 30 mins without stopping at the end (but probably not covering a 5k distance yet).

I run 3 times a week. When I’m running I still wouldn’t say I find it enjoyable, but I enjoy feeling fitter, I lost a little weight, my shape changed for the better, and I feel really satisfied and ‘buzzy’ after a run. I do find myself looking forward to the runs and scheduling my day to fit exercise in, which I’d never done.

People here are so supportive and someone will have been through every emotion you’ll feel or surmounted every problem you’ll face, so do post here if you need to - even if it’s just to update us with how you’re getting on, we love to hear how people are progressing through the course.

You can do it, and you might find you start to enjoy it 🙂

IannodaTruffe profile image

Welcome to the forum and well done on your progress.

This guide to the plan is essential reading healthunlocked.com/couchto5...

and includes advice on minimising impact, stretching after every run, hydration and strengthening exercises, all of which will help.

Enjoy your journey.

Petra77 profile image
Petra77 in reply to IannodaTruffe

Thank you SO much. This group is great. Support is amazing. We’re in this together. ❤️🌷

Granspeed profile image
GranspeedGraduate in reply to Petra77

Hi Petra77. This is the link I was talking about. 👍

Freddy204 profile image

No wonder we all hated running at school! I’m 63, and to my memory we were just shoved out there and set off with no warm up, no advice on technique, no training- nothing - so we all went off like rockets and nearly died of shortness of breath, stitch etc in the first minute. This programme is different. It trains you and allows you to build up stamina at your own pace. I’m about to do week 9. Definitely check out Japanese running, trust the programme, allow yourself the odd setback or not so good run and you’ll get there.

Petra77 profile image
Petra77 in reply to Freddy204

Thank you Freddy. I’ll look that up. 👍😅

Plattszo profile image

I also cry when I feel like I've overcome mental obstacles. I absolutely get it. It clearly means so much to you and this will spur you on to keep getting out there and running each session.

Well done you!! 👏👏👏

SteHarr65 profile image

Well done! It's such an amazing feeling to achieve personal goals. I started back in 2018 on C25K weighing in at 15 stone and I tell you it was a real struggle running for 60 seconds in that first week. Now I run at least twice a week and every time I get back home from a run I can't wait to get back out there again. A few weeks ago I actually ran my first 10k. All I would say to you is not to beat yourself up if you take two or three days to recover from your last run and if you feel like repeating a week then do it. My mistake was being over confident when I finished the course, I kept up the pace and eventually I suffered with shin splints which have taken a long time to manage. So take it slow and steady for your body to get use to your new drug called running. Keep going , stop and take in your surrounding and enjoy life.

Sandie1961 profile image

Well done for getting started. You won’t regret it! I was also one of those, who took a short cut during cross country to nip home for a drink and chocolate biscuits, then rejoined when everybody came past our house 😂 I started just over 2 years ago, have lost nearly 3 stones (although weight loss is 80% diet!), I’m fitter than I’ve ever been in my life and, to my total surprise, ran a non stop half marathon in March. Not saying you have to, but it is amazing where that first 60 second sweaty breathless slow jog can take you. Good luck!

Fifitrixiebell73 profile image

I never liked running either and here I am, completed week 4 and enjoying it! 😱😂

ChrisCymru profile image

I was 125kg when I started this. Now 115kg.

You don't have to be a natural athlete to run at your own pace and it sounds like you're doing so well. Keep at it.

Weddingrunner profile image

Same here... have always hated running and couldn’t understand why so many people had the running bug!! I’m midway through week 4 and this was the first week I saw proper progress and felt so proud of myself, I’m even itching to get back out tomorrow for the next run. I never thought I would feel like this. Take it steady and try to take your mind off the running by enjoying a good playlist and looking at your surroundings!!! You can do this 💪🏻

Wondermoon07 profile image

Hey Petra77,

Here’s a thought, with this post and just by being out there , you are already inspiring people!

I was equally a “don’t do running” person and I’m only a few weeks ahead but I’m still plodding

With each week, no each run, no each step- you inspire more! That includes other C25k runners here, friends, family and strangers! Keep remembering that and just keep on going (the slower the better!)

Petra77 profile image
Petra77 in reply to Wondermoon07

Thank you so much.

JoggingBear profile image

Slowly slowly . . . 👍

Instructor57 profile image

See !

You DO likre running 😂

Well done and welcome !

Petra77 profile image
Petra77 in reply to Instructor57

Thank you. To be honest I’ve started to enjoy it already.

mattymoo33 profile image

What a wonderful post 💗. I too think of myself as a non-runner for the same reasons. I cycle because it gets me further 🤔. I'd love to have the patience as I'm sure I'd enjoy it🙄🌈xx

Petra77 profile image
Petra77 in reply to mattymoo33

I can cycle for miles and swim on the fast lane but running has been always so hard to grasp. We can do it. It’s all about the mindset.

mattymoo33 profile image

I'll give it a try 🤔xx

Petra77 profile image
Petra77 in reply to mattymoo33

I’ve got Jo Whiley saying: change your mind set. Instead of saying I hate running, repeat in your head, I love running. Believe me.... I’ve had to repeat that many times. 😂😅

mattymoo33 profile image
mattymoo33 in reply to Petra77

Thanks Petra, I will try😊

Scundered profile image

Today I managed to run for 20 minutes which is the first time I've done that in my 64 years. I'm 17 stones and always came last or penultimate in school cross-country. You WILL manage ! Every step forward is a step you'll NEVER have to repeat as you run away from negativity. Well done.

Petra77 profile image
Petra77 in reply to Scundered

Thank you!!!!!!!

Mcpamster profile image

Well done, im 20st and on week 6, couldnt believe it when i did the 20min jog. Its a great feeling and looking forward to the rest of it.

Keep it up .!

Petra77 profile image
Petra77 in reply to Mcpamster

That is incredible! I can’t wait for my run tomorrow morning. I said to my husband that I thought that I’ll never say that. 😂

Mcpamster profile image
Mcpamster in reply to Petra77

Brill. Enjoy.

Roxdog profile image

I love your post! This is brilliant! I agree, I always hated running as it felt so unnatural somehow. I hope you grow to love it.

Petra77 profile image
Petra77 in reply to Roxdog

I can’t wait for my week two, session three tomorrow morning. 👍

Tinytears60 profile image

Yes! Go go GO! Petra!

👏👏👏🏃🏽‍♀️ It’s great when you feel you’ve achieved something isn’t it?

RunGirl1989 profile image

Well done Petra77!

You are doing amazing x

Nilsam profile image

Just looking at the number of replies you have had to this says it all...we are right with you Petra77. It's not just about running it's the programme and the achievements that you can may with it. Well done for this brave posting. I hope you continue to post whatever you decide ...well done. 👣💪

Petra77 profile image
Petra77 in reply to Nilsam

Thank you so much. We are all in this together. 👍❤️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

Nilsam profile image
NilsamGraduate in reply to Petra77

Indeed. 👣😎

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