Disheartened about being so slow!: I’ve been... - Couch to 5K

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Disheartened about being so slow!

Beany123 profile image
19 Replies

I’ve been running with a group doing C25K and am overweight (about 3-4 stones). I am trying to lose weight but have pcos which makes it hard. Anyway, there were faster and slower people in my group so I was never lagging behind everyone but unfortunately only the speedy runners have stayed on at the club after the C25K! I feel like I’m struggling to keep up and that I have no right to be in the group. Obviously no one has said this, they are all lovely, it’s in my head. I do want to speed up but will this happen naturally? Normally come back after a run feeling happy but was a bit down last night!

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Beany123 profile image
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19 Replies
Grannyhugs profile image

So sorry you are feeling down. Remember the happy feelings. Slow is all a matter of who you are running with, I'm slow next to my husband who has 40yrs running experience but super fast next to these on w1r1 or still on the couch. Talk to your friends honestly about what they think. Maybe try doing some runs on your own and some with them so you dont feel pressured after every run. Decide why you actually want to run faster - do you have a speed target or just an arbitrary thought, you may be happier at changing distance over speed. Good luck in your journey of discovery

Bazza1234 profile image

As you start to know a bit more about the attendees - you will figure out who currently runs at about your pace. You then "befriend" these people, ask them if they would like to go for coffee afterwards, run with you next week, etc. There are plenty of people in the same situation as you .

IannodaTruffe profile image

The advantage of running in a group of one is that while you are the slowest, you are also the fastest.

It is human nature to compare and we all want to at least be somewhere in the middle of the range, once we have accepted that we are not going to be leading the way.........this is the same in all endeavours.

You have been brave and joined a club of people who want to push and be the best they can be at their chosen pastime, so in their company, slow is probably quite fast.

Amongst the general population you are one of a small proportion who can actually run for thirty minutes, putting you well to the top end of the distribution curve, so inevitably faster than most people out there.

If I strapped on 3 or 4 stones onto my back, you would probably be faster than me. I have the utmost respect for you for having a go at changing your lifestyle and getting fitter. There is no doubt that extra weight is going to slow you down, so doing your best to lose it is going to make a difference, but please don't get despondent.

You have done an amazing thing, completing C25k and if you keep plugging away then strength will build, maybe weight will shift and speed will develop. Graduating the plan is the start, not the finish.

If you asked runners who have two or three years of experience, most would say that they are far more relaxed about pace and speed now than previously. It really is the obsession of the new runner and the impossibly competitive. We all have to accept that our pace is our pace and if we want to get faster, devise a plan to achieve that. It takes time.

Slow running builds stamina and strength and slow runners live longer

NearlyMan profile image
NearlyManGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

What a post 🙌🏼

I started recording my times on W5R3 - and to be honest I have had moments when I wish I hadn’t bothered. I have on occasion thought to myself that I’m going to try run a particular run faster than last time out, but I’ve come to learn that at this stage there really is not point. I’m looking for longevity and to build a habit for a lifetime, and so for now I’m not interested in running quicker, only in running longer.

Find what it is about running that you enjoy, and accentuate that. I enjoy getting outside in to the countryside, getting wet and muddy and embracing what’s around me. I enjoy pushing myself physically and learning to believe in myself. For me that’s about pushing myself to do more and get further, not to get there quicker.

Have faith in yourself, you’ve done amazing things to get this far, don’t let a small thing like pace spoil it.

Zev1963 profile image
Zev1963Graduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

I love your replies IanodaTruffe. This one is absolutely spot on, as always. I normally run alone, as I like to run at my own pace. Even when I do a ParkRun, I run effectively alone, I start real slow, and find someone running at my pace. As the run progresses, I tend to speed up, and find someone else who is running at my new pace. But always, I run at the pace that feels right for me. I never enjoy trying to keep up with other people. I run for my own pleasure. Also, you are so right about speed being of less interest as you become more experienced. I started running in 2014 (C25K). Now if I look at my watch at the end of a run, and it was quicker than expected, that is great, but I'm really not that bothered. What counts for me now is that I got out there and did my run, and feel better for it.

damienair profile image

Excellent advice above. I have been running for just over 2 years. I lost 2.5 stone in the last year and genuinely it has made running so much easier and I have naturally got faster. Don’t compare yourself to others. Run at the pace which is comfortable for you.


Buddy34 profile image

As is always said on here slow is good it's what gets us all through each run and to the end of each week. Last year I was 4st 6lbs overweight I cut out the chocolate took up brisk walking then c25k. I've lost 3st 6lbs with continuing to run so just a bit to go. You have every right to be in that running group and you will continue to do great. Would you consider running on your own then you can just go at your own pace. You can do this. Good luck 😊😊

ForbiddenPlanet profile image

I'm not an experienced runner - just part way through C25K as it happens. But what you are describing sounds to me a lot like imposter syndrome. Your achievements are something to be proud of and you are on the path to greater things.

GoGo_JoJo profile image

All fantastic responses, I hope those are making you feel a bit better. 💕

You will get faster in time, yes, but enjoyment comes from other parts of the run too, the surroundings, who you're running with, the chat before and after. Please don't get hung up on speed alone, running has given you so much already, and there is so much more to come 👍🏻

Carowood profile image

Slow is good - I have always been told here that you cannot be too slow with running - you have done great to do the C25K 👏

I have found that the running (and I go slow) has helped (along with healthy food) - and as I lost weight this has helped my stamina with running.

Give it another chance I am sure it is not a problem with the group - or do you know any of the ones that have left? Perhaps one of them still wants to run and you could buddy up with them away from the group?

Keep going whatever because as you say it makes you happy 😆. Good luck!

Beany123 profile image

Thank you so much for your brilliant advice everyone ❤️ You lot are so lovely. I Think I spent too much of my last run comparing myself with the faster runners instead of just focusing on my own journey! I’m going to keep on with the group but stop worrying about my pace. I think to do C25K we have all shown we are determined people! I’ll just hold on to that determination and use it to keep getting better!! Thank you guys ❤️ It is so great knowing there’s a network of like minded, supportive people out there! Xxxx

Samf1971 profile image

I’m also slow, I stared C25K at 12 stones overweight and have lost three since starting, I’m on week 5 and am still slow but I don’t stop, keep going you’re doing amazing by just being on the program

Beany123 profile image
Beany123Graduate in reply to Samf1971

Well done to you too. We are doing this fo us! I should have switched off those thoughts as soon as they started to creep into my head the other day. I got really negative about it all after I’ve worked so hard. I did parkrun last week and took it really slow (every time I wanted to stop I slowed down) and ended up with a pb so I guess you do get faster without noticing. I’m the slowest in our group but as Iannoda Truffe says, I’m faster than non runners. I love running alone and will do more of that in spring/summer but the dark nights and mornings mean it is not terribly safe. I would prefer the run if I was alone but I also like the group camaraderie! Thanks everyone I feel so much better xxxx

Tasha99 profile image

Run further and your speed for shorter runs will improve in turn. Maybe try bridging to 10k - hop over to that forum. Hills help too.

Beany123 profile image
Beany123Graduate in reply to Tasha99

Thank you Tasha99! I will definitely do this!

Shepsbird profile image

I think you have done so well! It is hard carrying extra weight (I am definitely with you in that one) but you are out there doing it, and that’s an achievement in its self! I’m looking forward to completing this program and post like yours gives me inspiration to keep going!!!! So thank you! And I have also taken advice from above too so thank you again!!

Beany123 profile image
Beany123Graduate in reply to Shepsbird

Thanks Shepsbird. I have a bit of pmt this week which makes me doubt myself but this forum has really helped. I am thinking what life in 1 years time will be like if I carry on running and exercising compared to if I just give up! I’m sure I’ll be glad I persevered! Xxxx

Annieapple profile image

Great advice already given but don’t be hard on yourself! The fact you are out there with them is amazing!! Stick to your goals and plans! You are doing great things!! ⭐️👍🤗

Daisy9999 profile image

Amazing start to getting healthy. You should be really proud of yourself. I started running last year and struggled to keep up with the pace of others and unfortunately gave up. I have now restarted and have just completed W6R3 25 min run and it was at snails pace literally. But I know I can achieve the end goal at my pace - no pressure. Keep going and try not to keep up you are doing incredibly well.

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