After 2 bad runs in week 8 I was feeling very apprehensive about run 3 and had resigned myself to never being a real runner, I went out this morning for run 3 and challenged myself to running as slow as I possibly was great! I don’t know if it was a mental thing or physical or both but I ran for 28 minutes straight without working myself up without struggling to breath, I was even able to run up a couple of small hills. I can’t believe I’ve come this far, and I’m glad I’m able to go into the final week on a positive note. Slowly slowly... 😀
Slow coach: After 2 bad runs in week 8 I was... - Couch to 5K
Slow coach

Well done 👍 Running is a mental activity now that you are running for longer. Those others were not bad, but training sessions for your R3. It’s now all about the distance not speed. We are building stamina. Look how much stronger that you was when you started. Only 3 more runs to graduation 🎓

I’m just about to do the same run! It’s definitely mind over matter at this stage... and taking it steady. If there’s one thing I’ve taken away from reading this lovely forum it’s that it’s better to be slow! Stamina all the way. Good luck with week 9-we can graduate together, red faced and sweaty as our names suggest! 😂I’m going to keep going with 30 min runs for a while after as I can’t imagine not having Michael’s encouragement 😊 and it is what everyone suggests for consolidating-onwards and upwards!

I couldn’t believe I could run much slower - I have always been a plodder - but I took it down even more and found week 9 much easier than week 8. I look like a snail could overtake me but it means I can run without feeling like I need resuscitating at the end of it!

Well done. Its amazing what a difference going slower can make.
Its also amazing how hard it can be to learn how to slow down. But you're done it and reaped the benefits. Great work

Wow, well done! Maybe change your name to notsobeetrootfacenow lol!! Seriously fab! W6R2 tomorrow for me, eek!

Better late than never.
The Slow Run epiphany is a major milestone in your progress.

Fabulous! Going slowly really does made a difference. Good luck with Week 9