Well, me and the boy are still here..... (I’ve been running with my 7 year old son in a bid to try to keep up his fitness during lockdown - he can’t do his regular swimming which I’m so disappointed about because for his age, I’d never seen anything like it (!) anyway I thought running would help his stamina..
He’s doing great and we just finished week 6 with the 25 min run... I think we covered about 3.5km so feel as though another couple of weeks and an extra 5 mins we may just hit 5km (I wouldn’t be too disappointed if we took more than 30 mins anyway... our goal is to complete the distance).
At this point I know it would be recommended to get fitted for first running trainers, and I know I need something different as I’m currently running in fashion pump type things - the last two runs I have finished with sore feet (the first time my right arch... and the second time my left inner ankle). I think I need more support. What shall I do?
Thanks in advance