Can I ask those that use THE Couch 2 5 K app - what devices are you using it on successfully? It's too unreliable on my Huawei P10 and I'm thinking about purchasing something else that it will run on.
Couch to 5K app: Can I ask those that use THE... - Couch to 5K
Couch to 5K app

I phone 7 plus

The podcasts are linked to in the guide to the plan.
The app seems to be pretty buggy on most platforms.
Yes it's the podcasts that got me through it due to the app being buggy. I've graduated now and would like to use the app while listening to my own music.
Why do you need the app?
If you want timings you can set up intervals on Runkeeper and it will give you voice prompts at time or distance intervals, if that is what you are after.
Does it speak over your music?
Can I ask, is it less buggy on Android phones than the nhs c25K app?
When I rerun some of the weeks of C25K, mainly runs 3 of week 5 and 9 I have never had any problems with the NHS App, I have an Android Smartphone and there have never been any cut off's whatsoever, I can also listen to music as well.
I use the app on iPhone 8 my fingers used it on iPhone 11 (better phone than mine, but he paid for it himself!). Have had no trouble at all except his runs slightly faster than mine for some reason. I like the fact that the app reminds me to run 👍🏻