Week 8 run 2 completed and enjoyed. Only trouble is - looks like I’m slowing down. First thing in the morning runs definitely are quicker paced. Goes to show when the energy is!
Slowing down: Week 8 run 2 completed and enjoyed... - Couch to 5K
Slowing down

Slow and steady wins the race..
It's OK to slow down, it's good for strengthening the legs, you might speed up again eventually though.
The main thing is, you are enjoying it 😊

Dont worry about speed at all, just stick to timings, I learnt this the hard way when I did a parkrun and tried to improve my time, then spent a week with v painful calf muscles, having over reached on stride.
I am in the process of improving my (rubbish) running technique using youtube clips and I really like the Japanese slow running examples which help you run forever.
Must admit mornings do seem easier!
Well done , Keep on going!!!

Thank you both for your encouragement and wise words. I do have a competitive streak (like us all really) but don’t want to end up injured and miss out! X

It's one of those counter-intuitive things but slowing down helps you run for longer as it's the longer/slower runs that build stamina. Don't fret it, take it slow and steady and get to the end of the programme. Once you get there you can decide if you want to concentrate on building pace or distance (a bit of both will come naturally anyway), but for now, the only goal is 30 minutes.
Quick question though, what are these morning runs you speak of?