... that voice is in our head, and we do well to listen to it.
Well runners.... here we are, another month nearly passed by, the days getting longer and the weather... err... well the weather is the weather!
I hope that many of you are getting into a super, happy routine of running and some rest day exercise by now; and I do know that some of you are really doing very, very well.
I am noticing here and there in a few of the posts. comments or questions about running and illness or injury,
Okay... injury from running can affect anyone, from the most experienced of runners , to the newest beginners. From pushing ourselves too hard... to trying to run with muscles that have no idea what they are doing
Injury or indeed illness can knock your confidence and impact on your motivation, so it is important to clear your mind set when this happens.
Many, many of us on all the forums have suffered injury from running, non running injury which has stopped us running, or illness which has also stopped us running.
One of the hardest things, when you are on this programme is to recognise, that what is going on, means that you really need to stop running. Listening to that voice in your head and taking notice.
The next thing we need to remember is, that the runs wait; they are patient and no matter how long it takes, they will still be there.
I am on the way to recovery after a hamstring injury...it came after a really successful December's running, and yet, two weeks into the New Year...pow! I am a belt and braces runner... by the book... steady and slow, and yet there I was; Training for my next Half Marathon at the end of March, the weather against us...and at least two weeks ...no running. I am an older runner, maybe not wiser, but I do listen to my body.
I have learned over my four years plus, running that if I take the correct action, and follow expert advice, however hard it may be, then in the end, I will run again! I can in all honesty say, I am never tempted to rush things and when I first head out after any stop, I take it slower than a slow snail on a go slow
I am four weeks away from my HM... I am behind in my training...but I know I will run that race and enjoy it, slow and steady , I will do it.
We do when starting this expect what we refer to as, normal, aches and pains, and they are just that. real pain is easily identified and should never be ignored. We always advise stopping running when that kind of pain occurs, seeking expert support and advice, and also, never to mask that type of pain with painkillers.
So... here is a list of the most common complaints we may get as new runners.
1. Knee pain
2. Achilles pain
3. Shin pain
4. Heel pain
5. Muscle strains
Learning how tor recognise certain injury is helpful, but there is no substitute for getting expert help and a correct diagnosis. We are not medical experts, and even though folk on the forums may have had similar issues, no two cases will be exactly the same.
So I will be putting a post with some useful links to helpful advice, that may help us to begin to distinguish between what is normal... and what is not, in our running.
So... let us know how your running is going right now. How you are finding your runs an this dreadful weather too...read the other posts and do rely to them. We run as a running family and that is what makes C25K so brilliant!
I am going to tag folk. who signed up, in some replies here, to remind you to check in We would love to know what you are up to!
Photo is;
An injury I got after a run...horsefly bite...through my leggings... the little beast was infected and it all turned into cellulitis...
The bite is the very red bit ! Peevish little blighters are horseflies ! ( Two weeks on the IC..then back on track! The run waited