So here is my question. I’m a new member and new to running in that I am in week 7 of the programme as I write and was probably 18 the last time I ran, which was 35-years ago. Anyway I’ve been doing the C25K on the treadmill so far but when I tell people who run that this is what I’m doing, it feels like they are looking at me like somehow that’s doesn’t have the same merit as running outside. I’m 20 stone although that is dropping with the exercise I’m doing and just don’t fancy running outside yet. What does everyone think?
Is doing C25K on a treadmill cheating - Couch to 5K
Is doing C25K on a treadmill cheating

I admire the heck out of runners - and you ARE a Runner - who can do the Treadmill. IMHO it takes a lot of dedication to overcome the boredom factor for starters.
And, when I did try it in desperation during horribly foul weather here last winter, I literally peed blood afterwards.
So, no way should anyone disparage you.
Wishing you many happy miles in your future 🙂

I did all c25k and bridge to 10k on thz treadmill. I didn't feel I cheated.
I took 2 weeks to transition outside once allergy season died away and now run comparable distances outside and even further.
Yes outside is a bit harder on your legs and a bit different but running is running and you shouldn't let that distract from your achievement. Keep running however you want and don't worry what people think
I am on week 9 and have done it all on the treadmill Two reasons I am a big lad (18stone) and felt that the impact on my knees would be lessened due the flex in the treadmill belt and it is easier to control your breathing when the pace is controlled mechanically .It also stops you from slowing down! Up to W8 I just walked at 3.5mph and ran at 5mph while this is slow I get through it without exhausting myself and can do a “sprint” (6 mph) for a couple of mins at the end of the run. I have now started to run at 5.2 mph and intend to slowly build that up with consolidation runs .I believe to do the holy grail of 5k in 30 mins you need to run about 6.2 mph but I think I can get there eventually. My wife and kids are joining me in November for my first park run but I have no qualms about continuing with the treadmill in preparation. Ultimately I want to combine gym sessions ( my real favourite is the indoor rower) with some outdoor runs because I firmly believe restricting yourself to a single form of exercise is not ideal swim row cycle run just keep off the couch!! Good Luck!!

NO, it is most definitely not cheating. Everyone finds their own way through C25K, some do all outside, some do all inside and some do a mix. Personally I did a bit of treadmill work first before I started the program to build a bit of confidence. Whilst I now run outside, I still stick a bit of treadmill work in occasionally, especially to do a controlled run. One tip I got which I found really useful was to put 1.5deg incline on the treadmill, it mimics running outside better and made the transition easier.
Enjoy your C25K when your ready try an outside run 😀. I suspect as winter comes there will be more people using the treadmill to keep their fitness up.
I’m so glad to see this post as I was going to post something similar.
I have been trying C25K on/off for 2 years now and finally started week 4 yesterday and feel proud. However I’m doing it on the treadmill too and feel like a fraud.
I have pretty bad asthma and open air triggers flare ups for me, so therefore indoors is better (though if there is a window open beside the treadmill I need to move/close the window!). I have ankylosing spondylitis too which is like an inflammatory condition where my spine is gradually fusing. Generally my hip and shoulder joints aren’t good. So in theory I probably shouldn’t be running at all, but I’ve reasoned that the belt is gentler on my joints, and so far so good.
I would LOVE to be able to run outdoors and hopefully someday I will, but for now this is all I can do. We all have our reasons I suppose, and maybe some day you will get out too.
For now we jut have to be proud of what we’re doing, that we’re not lying on the couch. Just take one step at a time, literally. Build yourself up. Complete that 5k, be it indoors or outdoors!
My “run” pace is only 5.3mph, and I’m not using an incline, but I’m going to keep it at that until I complete week 9 (IF!). Then I plan on adding in some incline and increasing the speed. And THEN.. I’m going to chance outdoors. That is such a long way off though.. so I’m going to try not think about it.
Wishing you all the best, keep us posted!

Definitely not, I've completed C25K twice, both times on treadmills, I can travel quite a bit with work, some places are safe to run in some aren't, a treadmill in a hotel gym is as safe as you can get.
It makes no difference really, you are still running, outside is harder but you are laying the groundwork for later for when you do want to run outside.
I'll be starting to transition to running outside, I am supposed to be doing a short run outside once a week, problem is, I really like just jumping on my treadmill and plodding on for 30+ minutes, I find it cathartic and love the high at the end of it.

If the treadmill works for you at this stage Dadfish, then stick with it. I used it for some of c25k when we had the beast from the east. The slight incline is important as it will prepare you for running outside.
Once I moved outside, I didn’t want to go back on it though. Running outside allows you to feel the sun and the breeze on your face. There’s always lots to see to distract you . People don’t notice you running as much as you think. Those that do are usually runners and will encourage you. Also, my favourite run of the week is parkrun. You can’t do that on a treadmill. Enjoy your journey 😄
Don’t be hard on yourself! I own a treadmill and use it regularly. I live out in the sticks where it is very hilly and when weather is really bad eg. snowy and slippery it can get quite dangerous. And anyway what about people that
go to the gym. They use treadmills all the time.
Relax your still running! Yes there is a difference but it depends on the individual .
I enjoy running in the cooler weather, winter etc as a pose to the summer it’s too hot for me so I use my treadmill also. I have a good fan so I’m cool all the while I’m running and it’s brilliant.
At the moment I’m doing a 10 mile running plan and it’s going well. I also video my self running to critic my running stance so I can make sure I’m not going wrong.
I won’t do the whole plan on the tread as the weather is becoming cooler so I’ll be able to go outside more and further.
Happy running Dadthefish 🏃♂️🏃♂️🏃♂️👏👏🤗
Thanks Myfi I appreciate your response. You’re right, loads of people just use the treadmill/gym and never run outside. I will move to running outside but wen the cooler weather is here I think. Im glad to hear your 10-mile running plan is going well, that is impressive. Thanks again
My pleasure Dadthefish!
And thanks for your kind words. Happy running!🏃♂️🏃♂️

First of all running is running and when you're ready you can go outside only if you want. Don't worry about what other people think you are doing this for you. Did you think 7 weeks ago you would be able to run for 25 minutes non stop.
C25k is an amazing plan and really does work you'll get lots of encouragement and support on here good luck. 😊😊

First of all, if you take anything from this reply please take that treadmill running is definitely NOT cheating and definitely IS running.
I did all of C25K on a treadmill last year, and built up to 8k on there. This year I started running outside to prepare for my half marathon in a couple of weeks, as running 10k+ on a treadmill at my pace (slow) can get a bit dull! However, if I do a 5k after work, I’ll use the treadmill as it’s often dark outside now.
I actually find the treadmill more difficult than outside as you really don’t have much to distract you - and you can always see the numbers ticking over which makes a minute feel like 20 !
You go outside as and when you feel like you want to - no one will force you to, and you should always do what’s right for you and your body 🥰
Thank you for that response Becky1606 that does help put it in perspective. You’re right about the boredom aspect of treadmill running. I tend to put my headphones in and don’t allow myself to look at the minute counter until the end of each song so at least I’m clock watching in chunks of 3 or 4 minutes, which now I’m up to 25-minutes is helpful. Good luck with the half marathon... impressive 😃
I watch movies on my tablet, it does the trick.
Not at all. It is great you are doing it at all. Keel going. I am now on W6R2. My first 5 weeks done on treadmill without that i would not have got as far as i have. My last 2 runs outdoors. I must say running outdoors is harder but more satisfying. Keep up treadmill until you feel comfortable trying an outdoor run. You could try a run you have completed on treadmill. Keep Going.
You’re doing it and running, it doesn’t matter how you get there in my opinion. I’ve just started and I’m doing it outside but I was inspired by my friend who runs on a treadmill. Everyone is different I find it boring running indoors but when it’s wet, cold & windy I may change my mind. Don’t let anyone make you think you’re cheating because you aren’t. Keep up the fabulous work. 😊
When I started c25k I started on a treadmill. It is hard! But you see progress just the same. I haven't graduated because of various reasons but focus on parkrun instead. I need to up my game really...
If you are making progress you are not cheating. Is joining a running clubs c25k program also considered cheating as you are being encouraged by someone else? Who said that C25K can only be done by running on the streets by yourself?
Outside vs Treadmill is a personal choice and is down to availability and whatever makes you comfortable. My thing was "if I feel unwell outside I will not be able to get home, a treadmill gives the opportunity to stop if I need to." You can also control the "hills" and there is a different feel to it. The treadmill is a training tool which allows YOU to control the difficulty of YOUR workout according to YOUR ability.
But since doing parkrun I cannot stand the whine, monotony and bounce of the treadmill. I might use it for 10 minutes before I have to jump off, just a warm up or to get my steps up in which case I cheat by watching YouTube videos to pass the time, but that is just fast walking. I also recommend that you have a small incline. A completely flat treadmill I found hard on my legs. 1.5 incline is "flat" for me. Below that is torture.
However, I have not built up the courage to run outside solo.
You can't cheat at health!!!!
Done week 9 run 2 on the treadmills today. Still a lot overweight but no stamina issues. Just plodding along. Think I’ll be a while before I make it outside though.
I’m the same, happy to plod along on the treadmill but the great outdoors is still a way off. Did see a couple of people on here suggesting a slight incline on the treadmill, say 1 or 1.5 just to start introducing that slight bit of resistance to prepare for running outdoors. That’s one for after graduation for me when I’m comfortably doing 30-minutes three times a week for a period of time. Thanks for your reply, glad I’m not the only one and nice one getting to week 9, impressive.
I hope to crack the last run and try and keep it up as a habit. Doing a little bit on the strength side also. I’m not looking fitter but certainly feeling fitter.

I did it on a treadmill, I’d rather be inside the the gym under the air con when Im sweating