So I’ve amazed myself by getting this far - 56 year old Type 1 diabetic, never run before... I started in the summer to give myself some time out from caring for my 91 year old mum who had a stroke. Running was a real lifesaver and I loved the me-time and head space it gave! Now I’m back at work and I’m really struggling I graduate as I’m sooo tired! Have had to switch to running in gym as getting to park after work is not feasible. Already fluffed W9R2 once, stopping at 20 mins on Wednesday ... now a gap as can’t try again until Sunday 🙁 was so confident but am gutted that it has become so hard no. Anyone faced similar last minute barriers? Also worried about how this will impact carrying on after C25K...
Last push needed! W9R2: So I’ve amazed myself by... - Couch to 5K
Last push needed! W9R2

Don’t worry about after! See this as a temporary blip! No rush to complete. You are tired! Take an extra rest day, keep up the hydration & then back to completing 9:2 You will do it. Well done on caring for your Mum & coping with Diabetes 1. You have done amazingly well. You haven’t fluffed gave it a shot...REST HYDRATE & you will do it! 😀

Some runs just feel tougher than others don't worry . Wait until Sunday and try again you know the drill go slow and well hydrated. You can do it 😊😊

Give yourself a break, often we are our own worst critics. What would you say if a friend or colleague had told you this story. I bet you’d be amazed at their progress and willing them on. It isn’t the end of the world it you have 2 or more days between runs, or a shorter run. You said you stopped after 20 mins on Wednesday - how about thinking of it as you decided to repeat w5r3 success. I wish you lots of luck.

What everyone else said! You've managed to keep going while looking after your mum then going back to work and you've only a couple of runs left. I call that a tremendous success!! I'm not surprised you're feeling tired. Get as much sleep as you need, make sure to eat and hydrate regularly and run when you can. Good luck getting to the end 😊