I make no secret of it that I run on a treadmill, I was going to do intervals this morning but fancied something different, so I did a mixed, speed, slow and hilly run. This is something a lot of you will be used to so bear with me.
I normally do the 30 minute + runs on 1 degree incline to simulate outdoor conditions but today it changed to properly simulate outdoor conditions.
Started off, after the 5 minute warm up walk, with a quick 5k pace stint for 5 minutes then slowed to slow pace, the hills then started, a slight incline for a couple of minutes, then back to 1 degree, then a couple of minutes later 6 degrees for a minute and then back to 1, then up to 9 degree and an increase in speed to 5k pace again for 2 minutes, back to slow and 1 degree.
Had a slow flat 5 minutes in between and repeated the hills again. The last minute was 9 degrees and sprinting, nearly killed me but I enjoyed being able to do it.
Normally a 30 minute run gives me a Garmin training effort of 3.6, today's a healthy 5! This is what I used to get at the beginning of C25K.bWithout a 5 once a week I feel like I'm slacking and not trying hard enough.
Laura was absent today (through choice), I used a playlist I created a while ago for running to.
Happy running everyone.