I finished week 7 yesterday, running around the nicely sprung and very flat track in my local park. All very good except the track is only 500 metres and running around it 7 times was boring - particularly after the high of circumnavigating the Serpentine. So it’s back to the streets and forest - and accompanying hills - for me.
With two weeks left, I’m beginning to think beyond C25K. I know consolidation is important but I’m wondering about singing up for the Budapest marathon at the end of September. Ha ha! Ok, not exactly the marathon. They have a 5km run. I envisage great embarrassment; my son and two friends are coming out from London to run the real thing and my husband and a couple of friends are running the 10km. I fear I will be more in need of oxygen than any of them.
I wish we had park runs here but in their absence I need a target. I’m hesitating because I think a lot of people will be taking the run seriously and I find the thought quite intimidating. Assuming I finish C25K by the end of August, is it reasonable to sign up for 5km a month later?
As always, grateful for your advice.
And for no good reason except I love her, here’s a pic of my running companion.