a little motivation please? : so i started my c... - Couch to 5K

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a little motivation please?

gettingfitter32 profile image
27 Replies

so i started my c25k journey on the 5th january this year, and have struggled to keep motivated. whenever i struggle i read all the inspiring posts on here and it makes me think “if everybody else can than so can i”. however the last run i did was w6r2 last sunday (28th) and i just haven’t found the motivation to keep going. i’m hoping by posting on here and hearing all your wonderful words of wisdom it will keep me going :)

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gettingfitter32 profile image
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27 Replies
runwithdog profile image

we need to keep at it so as not to waste all the effort we have already put in.i started after xmas and have done 3 times a week up untill 2 weeks ago.

tuesday morning i will be out doing any sort of run but a run it will be.

gettingfitter32 profile image
gettingfitter32 in reply to runwithdog

that is incredible!! well done

Buddy34 profile image

Just think of all the effort you've put in to get to wk6, just put your trainers on and get out there 😊😊

gettingfitter32 profile image
gettingfitter32 in reply to Buddy34

i like that :) just my put my trainers on and see where it will take me!

TortoiseRegretsHare profile image

Keep going - you’ll get there and everyone works at their own pace. I started in January too and I’m only a little further on than you are - I’ve just done week 8 run 1. I’ve had a break over a 2 week holiday and breaks because of work and because there’s no way I can run in the very hot weather. You’re still going- that’s the main thing. Keep going, keep posting here and we’ll support you.

gettingfitter32 profile image
gettingfitter32 in reply to TortoiseRegretsHare

thank you. this is exactly what i needed to hear. i hope to do my run in a couple hours when hopefully the sun is hiding behind the clouds

ButtercupKid profile image

Weeks 6 and 7 were my hardest. The novelty has worn off but there still feels a long way to go, and I really missed the walking breaks ! Can you think back to your original motivation ? Mine was to show my kids that healthy changes are possible, and that was enough to keep me going - in fact, it’s why I’m back for a second go ! If you have a good enough reason, all that remains is just to get out and do it. Never forget that we’re all right here cheering you on x

gettingfitter32 profile image
gettingfitter32 in reply to ButtercupKid

I understand!! in weeks 4 & 5 I couldn’t wait to keep running, I even wanted to run on rest days!! (I didn’t) But now all of a sudden my love for running has disappeared and it almost feels like a chore?

My reason is just to improve my stamina, I was fed up of getting breathless just going up a flight of stairs. My stamina has definitely improved, maybe I need to find myself another reason to keep going? Thank you x

ButtercupKid profile image
ButtercupKidGraduate in reply to gettingfitter32

Having a target really helps. Any interest in Parkruns ? Or you could check out local charity runs ?

backintime profile image

Sometimes it's so hard. Life gets in the way and sometimes something has to give.

But you're not a quitter or you wouldn't have gotten this far.

Also...do you really not want to finish for the sake of 2 or 3 weeks after all the effort you put in ? See it through to the end. Achieve your goal that you set out to do. You're really close. Yes it gets harder but this is where you find your reserves and your mental strength to carry on

gettingfitter32 profile image
gettingfitter32 in reply to backintime

I’ll keep that in mind, thank you

ItstheMarchHare profile image

You’re doing great. I have a daft way of motivating myself - every time I run, I put a sticker on the calendar. I feel proud every time I go past it. Yes, stickers are probably meant for kids, but they also work of me (50 years old 🤣:.

EileenCl profile image
EileenCl in reply to ItstheMarchHare

I like the sticker idea! I think any visual sign of our achievements is very motivating, I think I’ll do it!

gettingfitter32 profile image
gettingfitter32 in reply to ItstheMarchHare

That is such a good idea! I might have to try it. Such a nice visual reminder of what you have accomplished. Thank you

runwithdog profile image
runwithdogGraduate in reply to ItstheMarchHare

I post my runs on my fb

Yogaandrun profile image
YogaandrunGraduate in reply to ItstheMarchHare

I love the sticker idea, I've recently started to use strava to log my runs, that keeps bit more motivated

I’m with you, I write it in my calendar in the kitchen and it really helps.

Well done for carrying on and also for being such a great role model for your children. Showing them you can do it will keep you going and also, as you say, all the amazingly supportive people on here who share their stories of success and motivation.

Keep going, you’re doing so well.

GoogleMe profile image

I think sometimes you have to detach the motivation from the running. Do you need to feel 'motivated' to clean your teeth? Probably most often not... you just do it.

It's possible though that along with all the very worthwhile tips and encouragement here that there's a case for some professional support... to get as far as you have done, but having started in January, suggests to me that you could be dragging some massive emotional boulder. It's a tremendous achievement if so but might be worth investigating a way to reduce the load? Just a thought.

Bigfeet profile image
BigfeetGraduate in reply to GoogleMe

I’m sure you mean well GoogleMe, but I think I’d be somewhat miffed if someone - whatever their area and level of expertise - diagnosed me as “dragging some massive emotional boulder” from a few lines of text.

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate in reply to Bigfeet

Oh I agree. So I didn't do that. I don't and didn't 'diagnose' - hence the use of 'possible' and 'professional' 'could be' and 'might' be worth.

gettingfitter32 will I hope receive my comments in the spirit intended and act or not act as felt appropriate, along with all the other comments. I've had many positive responses from similar comments here in the past - whether there's been a real issue or none.

I wonder if you'd be miffed if someone said "It sounds as though it might be worth having your gait analysed" or "I wonder if that pain might be X, have you considered seeing a professional"?

gettingfitter32 profile image
gettingfitter32 in reply to GoogleMe

It was definitely something I didn’t expect to read this morning, but I understand where you’re coming from and I know you mean it in the kindest of spirits.

Bigfeet profile image

As others have said, don’t waste what you’ve done so far. I would say you’ve done the hardest part already, you’ve got started! Look at how much you’ve progressed already, give yourself a pat on the back and build on that.

Adding to the idea of stickers or other visual rewards, I also decide on Sunday evening which days I’ll run the next week, and put a big green R on the calendar on those days, then take great delight in putting a massive tick over it when I’ve done the run. That way I don’t have to decide at the end of a run, when my brain is hot and fuddled, when my next run will be, and I’ve already thought through when my runs will fit in with other commitments, so no “shall I, shan’t I?” - I just do it!

gettingfitter32 profile image
gettingfitter32 in reply to Bigfeet

I do try to plan what days I want to run but sometimes life just gets in the way. Might just have to force myself to stick to the plan no matter what.

Greenfingergran profile image

Hi. I started my ct5k in January too. I managed to achieve running(slowly) two 5ks a week until 6weeks ago when

I tripped over a root and fractured my shoulder.

I am now ready to run again but need a bit inspiration as I think I need to start at the beginning so that I can build confidence.

So if you want a running mate here I am.

gettingfitter32 profile image
gettingfitter32 in reply to Greenfingergran

That’s incredible being able to run 5k twice a week, no matter the speed!

I’m so sorry to hear about your injury.

I really hope you can get back to running, I’d love to be your running mate :)

DiverIzzie profile image

Try varying your route - even if it’s just running the same one the other way round; change your playlist - take your favourite decade and whack up the volume; promise yourself a treat or reward at the end of each week and finally simply think back to week one run one and how hard that was compared to now - you’ve achieved wonderful things each week - get those trainers on and move those legs!

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