From a fitness point of view, is it better to start my run going down hill and finish coming back up, or the other way around? (I live on the side of a 900ft hill - so can only do one or other) ...?
Fitness question - help!: From a fitness point... - Couch to 5K
Fitness question - help!
Why don't you go up hill to start one run and then downhill start in your next run 😊
I shouldn’t think it will make too much difference... sometimes the first few minutes of running are tough (toxic 10) and so they’d be easier downhill... but there’s more impact in the joints going downhill, so that may be better late in the run. I’d alternate and see which I preferred.
I’d personally do up first and finish going down
I live on the top of a hill. I have found a flat bit using ‘onthego’ which shows you the terrain and distance, so you can plan your run. I try and warm up with walking uphill then run down, which gives me an incentive, before my legs give out. Otherwise move house! Just a thought.
can you use your warm up and cool down walks to get you off the hill and back on to it again?
I always plan to run steep parts early in a run, simply because it is easier that way than when tired. From a fitness point of view running up hills is going to develop strength and stamina more than running downhill.
I would probably do this: divide the run by four.
1. Quarter: downhill;
2-3. Quarters: uphill;
4. Quarter: downhill.
But as the others say, experiment which is best for you.