Or is it just me ?
Aaargh ! Is anyone else losing posts or replies - Couch to 5K
Aaargh ! Is anyone else losing posts or replies

No, not just you. I've had email notifications of replies, including from Oldfloss , and then nothing appears on my post. Gremlins in the machinery 😱😈👹😡👻🔨⚙️🔧. Hopefully the admin/tech team can sort it out.

No, I have sent photos of my running cap and just sent one of my running belt as well without any problems whatsoever, perhaps the thunderstorms forecast for southern areas of the UK might affect the Internet in those areas, where I am in Scotland there are no thunderstorms forecast, just light winds and daylight until almost 11pm.

Not lost any posts but I've noticed the profile pictures are mixed up
Yes, that too
Yes - I noticed that too. Very strange to have Hidden 's pic on someone else's profile!!?? 🧐
Yes, this has been happening to me as well... Thought it was just me. 🤔
It’s very strange. Either that or you’ve got several aliases going on!

I have. I put it down to my patchy Internet connection. Sometimes I have replied to somebody and then my reply appears on a totally different thread!

Yes I had that last week

Oldfloss IannodaTruffe Realfoodieclub is there a way any of you could pass this on to tech support ? Or tell me how I can do it ?
I will send them an email tomorrow to see if we can rectify what is happening. Just to clarify have posts you have put up gone missing? Rfc. X
It's like a bunch of weird stuff,
posts I am typing will refresh and I will lose everything I typed (this is on android mobile)
People's avatars have been mixed up, ex I saw the avatar of the person who posted before on the thread, in one case seejillrun with clubberlang's avatar, both of which are personal avatars (as opposed to one you get given when you join)
Sometimes it's very slow, I like a post and it takes literally 5 seconds for it to show, this could be my phone network but other sites seem to work fine.
I have also posted (once last week) a reply which showed up on a different post altogether.
I am writing my experiences, but if you read through other people have had them too.

I have had a couple of messages and replies disappear. I wondered if this was the forum’s way of telling me to post less.