Feeling a bit fed up. I am due to do Wk4R2 tomorrow, but since my last run, I have had a pain just below and to the side of my knee on the inside of my leg. It doesn’t hurt to put my weight on it but hurts when I lift my leg. i.e. walking up stairs. Has anyone else had anything similar and if so, how long did it take to get better?
Pain in the leg!: Feeling a bit fed up. I am due... - Couch to 5K
Pain in the leg!

It was only after I had completed Couch to 5K that I began to experience similar symptoms. I'm seeing a physio and he has given me exercises to strengthen my gluts and quads. I sound as if I know what I'm talking about - I don't! I have to say that these exercises have helped. He also suggested that I only run twice a week.
It might be worth going to see someone.
Kind regards.

I had this in second week...ligament. Physio said it was the running and my knees getting used to it. I half hoped she'd say stop but she said it will improve and to wear a good support. She was right took several weeks but has got better and I'm still running .

I also had something like this but not until after graduation. I iced and elevated it when I could and it got better in a couple of weeks (just as I was thinking I should go and see someone) so you could try that whilst you wait for an appointment anyway. Hope it gets better soon.

Thank you all for your replies

When I 1st started running around a year ago I consistently got leg pain which I tried to ignore (varying between shins, right hip and below knee inner side)...eventually it got bad enough that my knee bothered me even when I walked and I had to stop exercising for 3 weeks or so which drove me mad! I realised my body was probably weak with being 46 and never having ran before so took it easy and decided to be patient and only run twice a week for a while. I can now run 3 times a week and apart from the usual muscle aches I have no leg pain. You'll get there, be patient with your body and don't push yourself so hard that you cause an injury...good luck 👍