So how young are we all? : Im a 42 year old male... - Couch to 5K

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So how young are we all?

Daznvern profile image
18 Replies

Im a 42 year old male, a little overweight and this plan is getting me into positive thoughts on my fitness.

I have stopped eating a lot of junk i do still have a couple of pints at the weekend though. But no booze on a school night anymore.

On my rest days im doing a few weights (dumbbells) and am doing press ups most days.

On week 4 and feeling like im getting into the shape of my life. Loving the new me.

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Daznvern profile image
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18 Replies
Gingeral57 profile image

I’m 62 started running to keep fit and keep my weight down, I was diagnosed last year with borderline diabetes and have come

Out of that by healthier eating and weight loss about 20 lbs. I am now running for 25 mins and like you haven’t been this fit for probably 20 years when I used to play Football. Running outdoors in the fresh air is a great feeling wished I’d started years ago.

Daznvern profile image
DaznvernGraduate in reply to Gingeral57

Absolutely Fantastic to hear this. Keep it up.

Emlist29 profile image

Go you!

I’m 36 and am doing this to help my mental health and to get my weight down.

I’ve got friends and family who run and I’ve always wondered what the fuss is about. I’ve just completed i too am on week 4 and I’m starting to understand the fuss.

I look forward to my runs now and even feel a little guilty on rest days. I never would have thought it possible at the start.

Week 4 has been a real game changer for me!!!


Scouser67 profile image

I am 52 and 12 stone. I put weight on due to antidepressants. I have restarted the programme as I haven’t run in 6 months. So starting again to rebuild my fitness again.

Good luck.

E27M14 profile image

46 and now a stone and a half lighter than I was when I started. I have been making some effort to lose weight but it’s not really hard working, combined with the running, somehow healthier choices just seem more natural. I am also much happier and much more confident than I was at the start. This program is amazing, enjoy.

deadandalive profile image

I’m male and just turned 37, and about average weight (except for a decidedly un-flat tummy). I got into this because despite my luck with weight I always knew I wasn’t fit and wanted to be, and I’m excited to have gone from being fairly sedentary (besides the occasional walk) to running regular 5Ks and even planning for a 10K in less than 6 weeks!

Hbb1502 profile image

I’m 29 and normally an absolute boycotter of exercise! I hate the gym so decided (having never run before) to do this for free exercise. I’ve just finished week 1. Ideally I’d like to lose at least a stone and go into summer feeling confident 😊

Tbae profile image

I am 75 and just took up trotting for the first time in my adult life.

I am repeating C25k programme wk 6.1, following an overuse injury.

Two best decisions I have ever made for my health in all of my life.

Every best wish to all on your running journeys.

One hours running, seven hours of life.


Oldgirlruns profile image
OldgirlrunsGraduate in reply to Tbae

Thank you for that Tbae! I’m 66 and while I’m on a pause now with a sore calf. I can’t wait to get back on plan!

FitnessGoal profile image

I'm 23 and other than being forced to do cross country in school, I've never ran (I didn't really run then either if I'm being honest). I've never been the running type, more of a cyclist really, but I was persuaded to sign up to a 10k with my friends so I thought I'd best get cracking. Week 1 was hard because I realised how bad at running I truly am, especially compared to my friends. I was struggling with 1 minute but now I'm on week 6 and I can do 8!! I didn't manage week 5 run 3 but decided to skip it and keep going because it became too much of a obstacle.

I'm so proud of myself but I definitely have a way to go yet!!

Oldgirlruns profile image

66 years young and loving C25K!

Tbae profile image
Tbae in reply to Oldgirlruns

I am pleased you love C25k OGR, and you have found the magic forum.

Keep on keeping on.


Saltdog profile image

I'm also 42 and male but a lot overweight. Also have psoriatic arthritis which is fun!! However, I just finished W8R3 last night and I'm loving it! Don't regret starting at all. Good luck with your journey.....

I’m 34 and have been active off and on for years. I’m also always on a diet! 🙄 I’d like to lose a stone so am currently on Weight Watchers.

I’m currently on week 3 of consolidating since graduating on the C25K program and running has taken over. I was doing Les Mills Body Pump 3x a week but now run 3x a week and have just started incorporating some Nike Training Club sessions for flexibility and strength.

Rosiepug profile image

Hi, I’m 47, never liked running and and have been on a low fat diet forever. After a change of job and home life the exercise I did do was squeezed out and I’d turned into a blob. So I decided to try C25K as 30 minutes x3 per week seemed achievable in my schedule. Now, only 7 weeks in, I love running, I’m no longer on a low fat diet, occasional rather than daily vino, I’m mentally and physically fitter and I can see signs that I could be back in a bikini for the summer!

Love C25K, the people on this forum are amazing. Enjoy your C25K journey.

JaoJao profile image

I’m 39, always been active BUT never enjoyed running, I found it a chore and got bored easily and I never covered much distance as I’m quite short ... I turned to c25k by accident, my friends (47 and 48) were doing it and had their own reasons for it, and I felt left out when they would talk about it! (FOMO I guess) so now I’m on the journey too! With a good playlist, plenty of nice local parks, It’s not boring anymore nor a chore. And I love my personal trainer Sarah Millican!

It’s amazing reading everyone’s stories and reasons why! Xx

Scouser67 profile image

I am loving everyone’s stories as to why they got into running. They are all personal, yet motivating. 🏃‍♀️

Bunnyrunner profile image

I’m nearly 53. I’ve always done some sort of exercise over the years, but I’ve always wanted to run but just found it boring. This program has been perfect for me. It’s a little challenge every week and it stopped me getting bored.

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