Having got as far as W7, I thought I'd better buy some proper running shoes. I did the whole thing: gait analysis, customised insole etc but it was a bit like going to the Apple store on your own without a teenager to translate. I was helped by a young man who wasn't used to middle aged running women by the look of it, so there was a lot of me laughing and being politely self-deprecating and him looking alternately confused and appalled. He was v helpful though & doing his best and I have to say & I'm unreasonably excited about wearing my new running shoes tomorrow! (And just for the sake of information, you have to take your shoes and socks off for the gait analysis thing - no issue, just thought it was useful to know!)
The Running Shoe Shop Experience: Having got as... - Couch to 5K
The Running Shoe Shop Experience

I wasn’t this dedicated and just went to Sports Direct, but the man still thought I was a bit nuts I think!
I’d want you to know that I had to take off my socks... I wouldn’t want to further traumatise the assistant with half worn off nail varnish or anything 😂

I'm afraid some shop assistants haven't got a clue, maybe he was new!
wasn't Sports direct by any chance was it?
Many middle aged women & men buy running shoes, so really shouldn't be a problem!😉
Where do people go for a gait analysis?
I would recommend you go to a specialist running shop which offers more than one brand. I do not believe staff in Sports direct are sufficiently trained to do gait analysis. It involves them looking at your feet while walking and running to determine whether you need neutral or supportive running shoes. This can be done on a treadmill or running outside the shop. Some shops also video you running on the treadmill to show you what they see.
it might be worth putting your own post up asking for recommendations of shops in your area or ask runners in your area. Although the town i live in has a shop that does gait analysis i had mixed reviews about them, whereas the one i went to about 20 miles away came highly recommended from a number of sources.
i also went on a weekday as they are always busy at the weekend. this meant i didn't feel rushed to make my decision

just a heads up that it is customary to post a pic of new shoes. Posts are normally titled "shoe porn"
and no level of excitement is unreasonable when wearing said new shoes! Enjoy

I found a specialist running shoe shop for my analysis. He got me running up the high street outside to check each pair after the video of the gait analysis. He made me feel like a professional runner even though I explained I’d just nearly completed the C25K. I’d just wished I’d realised I needed to wear my sports bra whilst running in between Jo Public! 😂

This thread is useless without pics 😉 don't you realise how much we love shoe (running) porn!?
Yes, the experience can be interesting to say the least! Yep shoes and socks off, bunions observed and discussed (the horror!)
So please at least tell us what Brand, model and colour you ended up with! 😁
Do enjoy your new shoes. They really should make all the difference.