I had a lovely Canicross blast on Saturday morning - went out with one of the faster runners for company and no-one else - but wasn’t going to count it as W9:R2 as I had it in my head that I wanted to finish the plan “properly”.
Then, later on, I met my daughter and we walked the dogs in a local copse. As we walked back to the cars down the ginnel (showing my Northern ancestry there ginnel=alley) I slipped, and reverse twisted my ankle. That’s the best way to describe it. I basically ended up with one leg fully stretched out in front of me, and the other one at right angles to me, and behind. Which hurt my knee a bit, but hurt my foot more.
Got home and iced it, and iced it - on and off - again yesterday, but it I’m not risking running on it, yet. Though I might try a gentle jog tomorrow, as it’s not causing me too much bother so far today.