Even though I'm only going a sub-walking pace during my small bursts of 'running'... somehow I'm using different parts of my body, and I really really need my recovery days... so any newbies out there (that may be newer than me...!) the rest day is REALLY important!
The rest days are SO important: Even though I'm... - Couch to 5K
The rest days are SO important

Rest days are very important to everyone who are participating in the C25K app training course, even after they graduate it is strongly advised to stlll take one day off running.
It's only after around 8 months to a year they can run on consecutive days, but check that out with a professional trainer if you wish to do that. 😊

That is why the rest days are non negotiable in the C25K plan... rest days are for some non impact strength and stamina work and of course some rest too
yes I've been trying to do Fit 8 keep fit which only takes 10-20 mins per day... but is good for core fitness and fabby arms etc... sometimes I'm more inclined to do this on a running day... there have been so many changes to my mind and body even in these relatively few days up to W3 R2!
(Still hope that I one day 'fall in love' with running... it would be so lovely if it happened to me)
There is a link to Strength and Flex on the forum... and I use a 10 minute arm workout which I incorporate into my strength training.. and weights work..( Bodyfit with Amy)
What is fit 8?
fit8.co.uk/ - I did the 'trial' and then found out that my hubby paid the subscription for a year (not too much around 50 quid)... but although I guess it could have been cancelled I decided I could continue with it! it's an app designed for your phone and shows you simple short exercises, which if done every day do mount up in a good way!
Too true P x